Monday, May 30, 2016

Matthew Chapter Seventeen

We have really worked our way through this book.  We are in the meat of Jesus Ministry now.  As we left chapter sixteen Jesus had predicted His death and told Peter that he would be the "rock" or foundation for His Church.  Now let's see what Jesus reveals to His disciples.

Where did Jesus go after six days passed? Vs1   

Who did he take with Him?   

What happened there? Vs2   

What details are given?   

Who suddenly appeared and were talking with Jesus? Vs3   

Who spoke up? Vs4   

What did he say?   

While Peter was speaking, what took place? Vs5   

What did the three disciples do at the sound of this? Vs6   

What did Jesus do? vs7   

When they lifted their eyes, what did they see? vs8   

What instructions did Jesus give as they left the Mountain? Vs9   

What did the disciples ask? Vs10   

Read Luke 1:15-17.

What did the Lord tell Zechariah in the temple before Elizabeth’s conception?   

Who was the prophet that had already come that was “like Elijah”?   

Back to Matthew 17.

What sobering details did Jesus give them? Vs11-12   

Who did the disciples recognize that Jesus had been calling Elijah?  

What happened when they came upon a crowd again? Vs14   

What was asked of Jesus? Vs15   

What was happening?   

What action had the man taken earlier that didn’t help? Vs16  

What did Jesus say to that? Vs17   

Who do you think Jesus is talking to in this verse?     

Who did Jesus rebuke in order to heal the boy? Vs18   

What happened when Jesus gave His rebuke?   

In private, the disciples asked Jesus something; what was it? Vs19   

What was Jesus answer? Vs20   

What did Jesus say about a mustard seed?   

According to this statement; how much faith did the disciples have?   

They traveled with Jesus, watched miracle after miracle, had left their own lives to follow Him and yet had very little faith.    How is this possible? 

Do you see this type of faith in our churches and among us today?

Read Mark 9:28-29.

This is the same event as in Matthew.  How is this type of demon driven out?   

Read Romans 10:17, look at it along with Mark 9:29 and write in your words, how our faith is increased.    

(Some of the manuscripts include similar words to mark 9:29 here so that would be verse 21.  But this book leaves out a verse 21)

They came together in Galilee.  What did Jesus tell His disciples would happen? Vs22   

When this happens, what will take place next? Vs23   

How did the disciples feel about this news?   

Where did Jesus and His disciples arrive next? Vs24   

Who approached Peter?   

What did they ask Peter?   

What was Peter’s answer? Vs25   

Peter went back into the house and Jesus asked him something.  What did He ask Peter?   

How did Peter answer? Vs26   

What did Jesus say about their own children?   

If kings of the earth do not pay tax or charge their own children tax, then Jesus, being a king, should not have to pay tax nor should His children (the disciples).   

But what instruction did Jesus give regarding paying the tax? Vs27   

For what reason will they pay the tax that they should be exempt from?   

Why do you think that Jesus chose this way to provide the money for the tax? 

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