Sunday, May 22, 2016

Matthew Chapter Sixteen

There are 28 verses in this chapter.
I will remind you here that we have to keep context in mind as we study.  When/if you get confused, go back and see who Jesus is talking to and what subject He is working through.  Keep asking questions of the scripture text; this will often bring clarity for some of Jesus statements that don’t seem to fit. 

Matthew Chapter Sixteen

Who came to Jesus? Vs1   

For what purpose or motivation? 

What did they ask for?   

What did Jesus tell them? Vs2-3   

Who looks for a new, updated sign? Vs4   

Will they get it?   

Read Jonah 1:1-6.

When Jonah turned his back on the Lord and ran, what did he end up in?   

Read Jonah 1:14-17.  How long was Jonah in the fish?   

Do you remember what Jesus did in the same amount of time that fulfilled scripture?   

Jesus left with His disciples to cross the lake again.  What did the disciples not bring with them?  Vs5   

What did Jesus say to them? Vs6   

During discussion; why did the disciples think Jesus had said that? Vs7   

Jesus heard their discussion; what did He say to them in verse 8?   

What did Jesus remind them of? Vs9-10   

What did Jesus repeat? Vs11   

What did they understand then? Vs12   

What region did they arrive at next? Vs13   

What did Jesus ask the disciples?   

How do they answer? Vs14   

Jesus asks a question that identifies that He is the Son of Man.  What is the question and how do we know He is the Son of Man? Vs15   

Who answers, and what was his answer? Vs16   

What was Jesus response to him? vs17    

What did Jesus say to him next? Vs18   

What do you think this means?   

What will Jesus give Peter? Vs19   

What do the keys do?   

Look back at verses 15-16.  What had Peter confessed?   

In verse 17 Peter is blessed for confessing this.  He will be the Rock (foundation) of Jesus Church.  What is the Church about? – What is it designed to do?   

Read Isaiah 22:22.

What is the key to?    

What can be done with this key?   

In light of this, what would the keys be for?   

Read Job 12:13-15.

What belongs to God?   

What is God capable of?   

What did Jesus warn the disciples about? Vs20   

This marked a turning point in Jesus’ teachings.  What did he explain to the disciples from that day on? Vs21A   

How did Jesus say it was going to turn out? Vs21B   

What did Peter do? vs22     

What was Jesus response to Peter? Vs23   

What is something in  your life right now that you are fighting against, or that you may see as bad, that may be part of God’s purpose?

What did Jesus say to His disciples? Vs24   

Once again, as in Matthew 10:38, this is a peculiar thing for Jesus to say to His disciples at this point. What had NOT happened yet?   

What happens to someone that values their life over God? Vs25   

And if one accepts Jesus, what happens if the worst takes place and someone loses their life on account of Jesus?   

What did Jesus say about gaining the whole world? Vs26   

Who will come in his Father’s glory? Vs27   

Who will he come with?   

What will he do when he comes?   

Jesus told them that some standing there would not taste death before seeing what?  Vs28   

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