Sunday, March 20, 2016

Matthew Chapter Nine

Matthew Chapter Nine

Jesus healed a demon possessed man and then the people of that region pleaded with Him to leave.  What did He do? vs1   

What happened when He got there? Vs2   
 (Luke 5:17)
What did Jesus see in the men?   
What did He say to the paralyzed man?   

What is the first thing that the teachers of the law that were there, think to themselves? Vs3   

What did Jesus know? Vs4   

What did He say to them?   

What did He ask? Vs5   

Jesus said He wanted them to know something; what does the Son of Man have authority to do on earth? Vs6   
What did He tell the paralyzed man to do next?   

What did the paralyzed man do? vs7   

What did this do to the crowd? Vs8  
Why did the crowd praise God?   

Why do you think that Jesus started the paralyzed man’s healing with forgiveness of sins?   

Who did Jesus come across as he went on from there? Vs9   
What was this person doing?   
What did Jesus say to him?   
What did the person do?   

Were you surprised by this information?  Mathew has been relaying this information up to this point as an outsider, an observer.  Now he can give this information as an insider, as a disciple.  It was well into Jesus ministry before Matthew joined the ministry.

Where did Jesus end up? Vs10   
Who came to eat with Jesus and His disciples?   

Who asked the disciples about this when they saw what was happening? Vs11   

When Jesus heard the question, what explanation did He give? Vs12   

What did He tell the Pharisees to do? vs13   

Let’s explore this statement a little more.  See Hosea 6:6, 1Samuel 15:22 & Isaiah 1:17-18.
What does God desire more than rituals and traditions?   

Do you feel that you understand what it means that God desires mercy over sacrifice?  Explain it:   

Who came and asked Jesus a question? Vs14   
What is the question?   

What did Jesus compare Himself to? Vs15   
What is His explanation?   

What did Jesus use for an example next? Vs16-17 

Why?  Because the new doesn’t work with the old.  An old wineskin would burst if you put new wine in it that hadn’t yet fermented.  Because as it fermented it would expand and pull the wineskin seams apart.
Old ways of doing things don’t go with the New Covenant.  They exist next to each other but they aren’t used together.  Jesus brought something new.  He didn’t come to pour His life into the old way, He came with a new way. 

As Jesus was giving the explanation, who came to Him? Vs18   
What did he ask?   

Think about this...who were the ones that really disagreed with what Jesus was doing and teaching?  

What did Jesus do? vs19  
Who went with Him?   

What happened on His way to see the dead girl? Vs20   

What did she say to herself? Vs21   

Jesus turned to look at her, what did He say to her? vs22   
What happened to her immediately?   

Read this event in Luke 8:41-48.  What additional information do you find in Luke?   

Have you ever felt the power of the Holy Spirit go out from you?  Or into you?

Have you ever given testimony about how Jesus has healed you?   

What if people just reached out like this woman did, and received healing.  But many don’t, instead they keep their hard exterior or they try everything else, except reaching out to the One who can help.  (I am talking about spiritually.  How many people try every other kind of religion except simply coming to Jesus)

Jesus got to the leaders house and who was inside? Vs23    

What did Jesus tell these people? Vs24   
What did the people do when they were told this?  

They put the crowd outside and then what did Jesus do? vs25   
What happened to the girl?   

Why do you think that Jesus told the mourners that she was sleeping instead of telling them that He was going to bring her back to life?   

The crowd of mourners must have heard what had taken place because what happened throughout the region? Vs26   

Jesus moved on.  Who followed Him? vs27   
What were they calling out?   

He went indoors and these people approached Him.  What did Jesus ask them?   
How did they answer?   

What did Jesus do and say next? Vs29   

What happened to them? Vs30   
What stern warning did Jesus give?   

Again, why do you think Jesus said this?  He had just brought a girl back to life and had been performing miracles to the event that crowds were coming to Him.  So why wouldn’t He want the blind men telling others? 

Did they do what Jesus instructed? Vs31   

As they went out the door, who was brought to Jesus next? Vs32   

What happened to this man? Vs33   
How did the on-looking crowd react?   

What were the Pharisees thought on this? Vs34   

What does verse 35 tell us?   

When He saw the crowds coming to Him, why did He have compassion? Vs36   

Then what did He tell His disciples? Vs37   
Explain what you think this means. 

What did Jesus tell His disciples to do? vs38   

Write your interpretation of what this means:

Write your additional thoughts or questions:


Unknown said...

Verse 7- the paralytic gets up and goes home....hmmmm did he leave his mat behind? Did he leave it behind as an act of faith that he would never need it again?

Tracy said...

That is really interesting to think about.
Since it was his friends that brought him to Jesus and it was the friend's faith that Jesus saw, the man's faith is never mentioned.

But,if you look at Luke 5:17-26, I think you will find your answer. :)