Monday, February 1, 2016

The Book of Matthew Chapter One and Two

Check the "Producing A Crop" page to find my answers to last week's study questions.
This week we will finish up Chapter One and also cover Chapter Two, the questions are below.  Remember to pray first, asking God for His understanding of the Bible, only He can spiritually open it up to us.

Matthew Chapter Two
Chapter One
What will the next passage of scripture be informing us about? Vs18   

Who was pledged to be married?   
Who was she pledged to?   

Who was Mary the mother of?   
What happened before Joseph & Mary came together?   
How did this happen?   

What do we learn about Joseph in verse 19?   

What plan of action was he going to take?   

Once Joseph considered this, what happened to him? vs20   

Isaiah 7:14
What had Isaiah prophesied approximately 700 years before this?   

What else was Joseph told? Vs21   

Why did all this happen? Vs22   

What does Immanuel mean? Vs23   
Which prophecy is quoted in this verse?   

What happened when Joseph woke up? Vs24  

They became man and wife but what did not happen until after Jesus was born? Vs25   

Luke 1:26-37.  What is found in this scripture that parallels what we just learned in Matthew?   

Chapter Two
In what time frame does this chapter begin? Vs1   
Where does Matthew tell us that Jesus was born? Vs1   
During what king’s reign was He born?  

Herod was not a descendant of David.  He had a hand in repairing the Jewish temple in Jerusalem but Israel’s God was just one God to him, he also rebuilt various Pagan temples.
He was paranoid and jealous, to the point of having several of his own children killed and one of his wives.)

Who came to Jerusalem during this time?   

Daniel 2:1-2 & 12  What do we learn about Magi/wise men in these verses?
What are they actually called in verse 12?

What did these people want to know? Vs2   
What had they seen so that they knew he was born?   
What did they come for?   

Here is an interesting thought: Stars often represent an angel.  Revelation has many references to this.  Satan was the morning star in Isaiah 14:12 and he took a third of the “stars” with him when he was cast to earth. 
Also, what do we know was at the birth of Jesus according to Luke 2:9?   

How did Herod and all of Jerusalem feel when they heard what the Magi said? Vs3   

Herod was paranoid and jealous so this is a natural response for him.  But why do you think all of Jerusalem would feel this way by the news that the King of the Jews had been born and Magi came to worship Him?   

Who did Herod call together? Vs4   .
What did he ask them?   

What did they tell him? vs5   
How did they know this?   

Micah 5:2.  What did this prophecy say (that was written approximately 600-700 years earlier)?  
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
    though you are small among the clans of Judah,
out of you will come
for me
    one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
    from ancient times.

Why do you think that the Chief priests and Teachers of the law would know prophecy off the top of their heads?   

What did the prophecy say? Vs6   
How can we know that this prophecy couldn’t be talking about King David?   

What did Herod do after getting the information from the Teachers? Vs7   

Once he got this info, what did he tell the Magi? Vs8  

When the Wisemen left the king they followed the star, until what happened? Vs9   

When they saw this, how did they feel? Vs10   

When the Magi got to the house, what did they see? Vs11   
What did they do? 

The gifts are said to represent Christ’s identity:
Gold = royalty, Incense = deity, Myrrh = Spice of death for the body

What did the Magi skip doing on their way home and why? Vs12   

After these events, what happened to Joseph again? Vs13   
What was he told?   

What did Joseph do? vs14   

How long did they stay in Egypt? Vs15   
What was fulfilled by Joseph going go Egypt?   

What did Herod realize? Vs16   
How did he react to that realization?     
How did he come up with that age range?  

What prophet is quoted in verse 17?   
More prophecy was fulfilled, what did this prophecy say in verses 17-18?  

Who was Rachel? 

What happened to Joseph again? Vs19  
When did this happen?   

What was Joseph told? Vs20   

What did Joseph do? vs21   

Where does it seem that he was headed? Vs22  

What stopped him from going there?   

He was warned in another dream about him, what did he do instead?   
What town did he settle in and what prophecy did it fulfill?   

Jesus fulfilled an intricate line of prophecy.
Isaiah 7:14   Micah 5:2,4   Hosea 11:1   Jerimiah 31:15   Isaiah 9:1 (Galilee)

BC = before Christ or before the Messiah.  The time-line for BC does not end with Jesus birth, more like with His ministry or earlier. 
AD = Anno Domini - The year of the Lord  A.D.1 was established as the year that the Lord was assumed to be born.  However, Jesus was actually born earlier, around 4BC.

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