Monday, April 25, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twelve - Part Two

I am going to warn you ahead of time that next week, chapter thirteen is the longest chapter yet.  I am going to post it in its entirety, but if you find that it is too much and get behind because of it, please let me know and I will skip posting the following week and allow you time to finish it up. 
Below is the remainder of chapter twelve; have a great week of study.  I pray that God is revealing Himself to you in a new and awesome way. 

Matthew Chapter Twelve: Part Two

Who was brought to Jesus? Vs22   
What did Jesus do?  

The people are astonished, what do they say? Vs23   

How did the Pharisees respond? Vs24   

What did Jesus know? Vs25A   
What did Jesus say will not stand? Vs25   

Jesus explains what He means by this.  How does it relate to the Pharisees calling Him Beelzebul? Vs26   

What does Jesus ask? Vs27   

What did Jesus interject here to make them think? Vs28   

How do you steal from a strong man? Vs29   
What do you think this means, in regards to Jesus being accused of being Satan?  

If someone isn’t with Jesus, what are they? Vs30   
According to this scripture, is there a gray area?  If you are not with Him, is there a middle ground?   

What can be forgiven? Vs31   
What cannot be forgiven?   

How can we humans blaspheme the Holy Spirit?   

Again, what can be forgiven? Vs32   
Explain what you think this means?  

What will a good tree produce? Vs33   
What will a bad tree produce?   
Therefore, how do you know if a tree is good or bad?   
How does this relate to us as people, not trees?  

What did Jesus call the Pharisees that accused Him of being Beelzebul? Vs34   

Jesus sums up this teaching; what did He say about a good man and an evil man? Vs35   

What will everyone have to give an account for on the day of judgment? Vs36   

On the day of Judgment, what acquits us and what condemns us? Vs37   
Do you think this is saying; if we are careful and only speak kind words we will be accepted in Heaven?
I think this may be answered in Matthew 15:18.  What do our words really reveal about us?  

What do the religious leaders ask Jesus for? Vs38   

Who did Jesus say asks for this? Vs39   
Will they get what they ask for?   

What will they get? Vs40   
What kind of sign will be similar?   

What will the men of Ninevah do? vs41   

Read Jonah 1:1-2.
What did the Lord tell Jonah to do?   
Jonah 1:3  Did Jonah do it?  
Jonah 1:17  What happened to Jonah?   
Jonah 3:1-3  after 3 days and nights what did Jonah do?   
Jonah 3:10   How did the people of Ninevah respond to the message?   

Who else will be at the judgment and condemn them? Vs42   

Read 1Kings 10:1-9.After talking to Solomon, who did the queen come to see and why?   

Who did the queen praise? Vs9   
What happens to an impure spirit when it leaves a person? Vs43   

What does it decide to do? vs44   
What does it find when it arrives?   

What does it do after finding this? Vs45   
After this, how is the person’s condition compared to before the spirit left?   

For who did Jesus say this is what it would be like? Vs45   

What was Jesus told while He was teaching? Vs46-47  

What was His response? Vs48 -49   
Why do you think He replied this way?  Was He trying to disrespect His family?  

Who is His family (brothers and sisters)? Vs50   

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