This is where you check in to see how your answers line up with the ones that I have.
My answers to homework from the previous week are posted here.
Email Tracy
continues speaking. He begins telling
another parable. What did He say the
kingdom of Heaven is like? Vs1-2 A king who prepared a wedding banquet for
His son.
Jesus and His disciples had been travelling. They came to the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem. Where did Jesus send two disciples? Vs1-2 to the next village
was Jesus headed next? Vs17 Jerusalem
The blind men’s hearts were ready for Jesus. Once healed, they followed Him.
Jesus finished His teaching on forgiveness and then what did He do? vs1 he left Galilee and went into Judea to the other side of the Jordan river.
What did the disciples ask Jesus? Vs1 who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?
Where did Jesus go after six days passed? Vs1 up a high mountain
Congratulations on getting through this chapter, it was a long one and it was one of those that took lots of prayer and discernment to fully follow. Now, let's see if we came up with the same thoughts...
Matthew Chapter Twelve Part Two
Matthew Chapter Ten - Part Two
Here is what I came up with for Matthew Chapter Nine:
Chapter One
In 586bc Israel taken invaded by Babylon. Jerusalem was destroyed and captives were
taken to Babylon under the direction of Nebuchadnezzer. The prophet Daniel was one of those captives
taken to Babylon.
In 539bc (approx. 50 years later) Babylon is overthrown
by the Persian king, Cyrus. Under his
reign, a group of exiled Israelites return to Jerusalem. (See Book of Ezra) After living there for so long, there were
many Israelites that decided not to make the trip but instead stayed in the
Babylonian/Persian region. It could be
that they had made a home there and decided to stay where it was comfortable
instead of returning to the unknown of a country that was in ruin. Many were aging and the young may have only remembered
their current home. These Israelites
lived under the Persian rule of King Cyrus.
In 486bc (100 years after Israel was taken into
captivity) Xerxes became king over Persia.
He was said to be impulsive and with an ego. He had a winter palace in Susa, the southern
part of the Medo-Persian Empire; east of Babylon. It is here that the events of
this book take place. They begin
approximately 480 years before Jesus was born.
What are we going to read about in the following verses?
Vs1 what happened during Xerxes time of
ruling king over 127 provinces from India to Cush.
Where is this king ruling from? Vs2
His winter Citadel (palace) in Susa
What happened in the third year of his reign? Vs3 he gave a banquet for all his nobles and
officials. The military leaders of
Persia and Media, the princes and the nobles of the provinces were present.
What could this be compared to in our time? A state dinner
What did the king do for 180 days prior to this event?
Vs4 he displayed the vast wealth of the
kingdom and his splendor and glory.
When the 180 days ended, what took place and where?
Vs5 a banquet lasting 7 days in the
garden of his palace for all the people in the Citadel. (the palace employees)
History reveals that he was preparing to invade Greece and
the 180 days was for planning battle strategies and for providing confidence
that he had the wealth and strength to carry out his plans. It was said that Persian kings loved to show
off their wealth, wearing lots of gemstones and even adorning gold jewelry in
How would you describe the decorations for this banquet?
Vs6 beautiful and expensive
How was the wine served for this large gathering?
Vs7 in goblets of gold – each one
different (no paper cups).
How much royal wine was there? It was abundant
How much were the guests allowed to drink for 7 days?
Vs8 no restrictions – as much as they
What was the Queen’s name? vs9 Vashti
What was she doing during this time? She was giving a banquet for the women in the
royal palace.
How was the king feeling on the 7th day of
celebration? Vs10 he was in good spirits
from the wine.
He is about to command something; of who is he going to
command? His 7 Eunuchs
Eunuchs were men in the king’s service that helped out
with the kings women. They were castrated
men. this was done so they would be
completely devoted to the king and no one else.
(there was nothing to get in the way
of their service to the king or their loyalty to him – no wife, no
children, no urges with the harem women).
What did the king command? Vs11 that the queen be brought before him, wearing
her crown so he could display her beauty to all the guests.
Why did he want to do this? She was lovely to look at. (he wanted to show her off)
What did the Queen do at this command? Vs12 she refused to go.
How did the king feel about that? He was furious and burned with anger.
He felt humiliated in front of his guests. These were the leaders that he was trying to
show that he was capable of leading and winning in battle. Yet he couldn’t even “control” his own wife.
What was customary in these types of matters? Vs13 to consult experts in the law and justice.
So what did the king do?
he spoke with the 7 wisemen that understood the times. (politics haven’t changed much since then,
have they?)
What is noted about these men? vs14 they were closest to the king and had special
access to him and wee highest in the kingdom.
What did the king ask? Vs15 according to the law, what must be done to
the queen since she did not obey my command?
Who spoke up and what did he say? Vs16 Memukan.
She has done wrong, not only against the king but also against the
nobles and the peoples of ALL the provinces.
(talk about making a big deal out of nothing)
What was the big deal to them? Vs17-18 her conduct will become known to all the
women and they will all act up against their husbands. There will be no end of disrespect and discord.
It was an all male party and against Persian custom for a
woman to appear in a public gathering of men.
Vashti may have figured it was better to disobey her drunken husband
than to break custom, in hopes that he would come to his senses later. She was between a rock and a hard place. Also she may have been pregnant and that
would really affirm her decision to not break custom. It is thought that she gave birth to the king’s
son, Artaxerxes, later, in 483bc which would line up with the time line: Xerxes became king in 486bc, then in the third
year of his reign he held the banquet – 483bc.
Something to consider is that the king would take long periods of time
(30 days or more) without requesting the presence of his queen. (we will see that in a later chapter). Therefore it is possible that he didn’t even
know that she was with child.
What do the wise men suggest that the king do about his
wife? vs19 draw up a decree in the laws
of Persia and Media, that cannot be repealed, that Vashti is never again to
enter the presence of king Xertes. Also
give her royal position to someone else – who is better than her.
What do they say will happen when this decree is
proclaimed throughout the vast realm? Vs20
all women will respect their husbands, from the least to the greatest.
How do all the men feel about this? Vs21 they all agree it is a wonderful idea
So what did the king do?
all that Memukan proposed.
What news did the king send out all over his kingdom?
Vs22 that every man should be ruler over
his own household.
These men took this to an extreme. Sounds like slavery not marriage. In this region of the world, it seems that
was the one edict that was kept for the generations.
Another note about Vashti; She hadn’t really done anything wrong and yet
received a harsh punishment. But if
she was the mother to Artaxerxes, then God gave her a son that later became
king and was instrumental in allowing the Jews to begin rebuilding
Jerusalem. If this was the case, I love
that God didn’t forget her.
Matthew Chapter Twenty Eight
day does this chapter open with? Vs1 the day after the Sabbath, the first day of
the week. Sunday.
Jesus died on Friday, Saturday was the Sabbath
and now it is Sunday, the 3rd day.
went to look at Jesus tomb? Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (mother of
James and John).
do you think they went to look at the tomb?
(see Mark 16:1-3) to anoint Jesus body
happened there? Vs2 there was a violent earthquake.
The angel of the Lord came down from Heaven, rolled back the stone and
sat on it.
was the angel’s appearance like? Vs3 lightening and His clothes white as
snow. I love this description – like
lightening. Think about what lightening
looks like.
does this compare to John’s vision in Revelation 1:16? The
don’t forget Matthew’s description of the transfigured Jesus in Matthew
could this angel have been? Jesus.
perhaps it shows the pure spirit of Jesus.
does this scripture tell us about the guards?
Vs4 they were so afraid of the angel that they shook and became like dead
did the angel say to the women? Vs5 do not be afraid for I know you are looking
for Jesus who was crucified. (he didn’t
tell the guards not to be afraid, they shook with fear and fell as dead men).
else did the angel say? Vs6 He is not here; He has risen just as He said
He would. Come and see the place where
He had laid.
message were the women to bring to the disciples? Vs7 Jesus
has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will
see Him.
did the women do? Vs8 they hurried away and ran to tell the
do they feel? Afraid but joyful.
do you think they would feel this way? Fear comes with uncertainty, yet joyful
because Jesus is who He said He was and he is no longer dead.
met them on their way? Vs9 Jesus
did the women do? Fell collapsed at His feet and worshipped Him.
message did He give them? Vs10 don’t be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee,
there they will see me.
explore these events further by looking at the other gospels.
16:1-8. Where did the women meet, or
find, the angel? Inside the tomb.
The stone was rolled away so the guards
met the angel outside , then went inside where the women met the angel.
Luke 24:1-12. How many angels does Luke
say there were? 2
John 20:1-18.
Each account varies slightly. Personality is most likely the issue. Everyone concentrates on different
details. Thank about you and 3 friends
telling the same story. Some might put
emphasis on what Jesus had said. Another
might put emphasis on the fact that Mary was told to go and tell the disciples. Another on the angelic encounter and how it
made them feel.
what you think are the Main points of this scripture.
check to see if they vary or are the same in all 4 gospels.
None of the main points or important
points varied. The angels moved the stone and spoke to Mary. Jesus was gone, He had risen. Mary was to go and tell the disciples. Jesus came to Mary and spoke to her.
(Too bad there wasn’t a gospel according
to Mary. LOL)
the women run to tell the disciples, what else was taking place? Vs11 the
guards went into the city to report to the chief priests everything that had
did the chief priests do? Vs12 they met with the elders and devised a
plan. They gave the soldiers a bunch of
did the chief priests instruct the soldiers? Vs13 you are to say that His
disciples came during the night and stole Him away while we were asleep.
if this report gets to the Governor? Vs14
we will satisfy him and keep you
out of trouble.
did the soldiers do? Vs15 they took the money and told the false
far did this lie get? It was widely circulated among the Jews for
years to come.
this point Matthew skips to Jesus ascension.
But there were other events that took place for 40 days before Jesus
left earth. To see the other events,
read Luke 24:13-49, John 20:19-31 and John 21:1-25.
20:19. Where were the disciples that
night? Together, with the doors locked
were they afraid of? The Jewish leaders
is an interesting thing that I don’t want us to miss… Look at Luke
24:44-45. Jesus reminded the disciples
of what He had said previously, then what did he open and for what purpose? He
opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures
does this tell us that we need to do before we read or study the Bible? Pray
that Jesus would open our minds for understanding.
to Matthew 28.
did the disciples go and why? Vs16 to the mountain. Jesus had told them to go.
many disciples went? 11
did they see there? Vs17 jesus
did they do? Worshipped Him
everyone believe it was Him? No, some doubted.
did Jesus say to them? Vs18 all authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me.
much power had been put in Jesus hands? All
of this, what did he instruct the disciples to do? Vs19 go and
make disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit.
else were they instructed to do? Vs20 teach the new disciples to obey everything
He had commanded them.
final encouragement did He give them? Surely I will be with you always, to the
very end of the age.
Luke 24:46-49.
additional information does this gospel give us? He
reminded them of the Messiah scripture and told them He would send them what
the Father had promised. Then He said
“but stay in the city until you have been clothed with the power from on high.
Luke 24:50-51.
happened after His final words? He lifted up His hands and blessed them and
left by being taken up into heaven.
Revelation 1:1, 1:12-18, & 5:1-6.
is Jesus now? In Heaven
Congratulations for staying with this
Bible study and persevering to the end.
I hope that you have learned more about
God and have drawn closer to Him through it.
I bless and encourage you to continue
your journey through the scriptures and to grow deeper in your faith.
In order to be well-rounded believers,
we must understand the whole counsel of God.
Therefore after spending a long time in the New Testament through Matthew’s
Gospel, we will go further back and begin a study of the Old Testament Book of
I hope you will join me once again. This new study will begin on September
Chapter Twenty Seven
the end of chapter twenty-six, Jesus was arrested.
took place in the morning? Vs1 the chief priests and elders made plans on
how to have Jesus executed.
did they come up with? Vs2 they bound Him and handed Him over to Pilate
was Pilate’s title or position? A Roman Governor for that region
(who betrayed Jesus) must have stayed to watch what would happen to Jesus. What did he see and what did he do? Vs3
Jesus was condemned. He was seized with remorse and returned his
payment, the 30 silver pieces, to the chief priests.
did he admit to the chief priests? Vs4 he sinned by betraying innocent blood.
tried to right his wrong. What do the
highest, most “religious” people say to him? What is that to us, that is your
did Judas do with the money? Vs5 he threw it into the temple and left.
what did he do? He hanged himself
chief priests picked up the coins and what did they say about them? Vs6 it is
against the law to put them into the temple treasury since they are blood
money. So in their minds it was okay to
pay out blood money, but not to take it back and put it into the temple
did they do with the money? Vs7 they brought the potter’s field as a burial
place for foreigners. A good way to ease
their consciences - take the money and do something “charitable” with it.
doing something right cancel out a wrong? Repenting, changing their hearts and
releasing Jesus would have been the right thing to do, the way to reverse their
wrongs. Sin can’t be covered over. It has to be dealt with head on by facing it,
admitting and changing our hearts and behavior.
was the bought field named? Vs8 the field of blood
was fulfilled by this. What did the
prophecy say? Vs9-10 they took the 30 pieces of silver and they
used them to buy the potter’s field as the Lord commanded me.
19:1-11 & 32:69 tells the history of the potter’s field that the chief
priests bought with the blood money. The Lord had Jeremiah break the potter’s jar
there as judgment on Israel (Jeremiah 19), then He told Jeremiah to buy the
field as a sign that restoration would one day come (Jeremiah 32)
was Jesus? Vs11 he was brought before the Governor
was Jesus asked? Are you the king of the Jews?
was His answer? You have said so.
that, who spoke up with accusations? Vs12
the chief priests and Elders
did Jesus say to these accusations? Nothing
of this, what did Pilate, the Governor, ask Him? Vs13 don’t
you hear the testimonies they are bringing against you?
much did Jesus reply to all of this? Vs14
no reply, not a single charge
was amazed by this? Pilate
It must have been an amazing thing. Afterall, everyone defends themselves when
being accused of things they weren’t guilty of.
was the Governor’s custom during the Jews Festival? Vs15 to
release/pardon a prisoner that was chosen by the crowd.
the time there was a well known prisoner, what was his name? vs16 Barabbas
the crowd gathered, what did Pilate ask them? Vs17 which
do you want me to release, Barabbas or Jesus, who is called the Messiah?
asked this because, what did Pilate know?
It was out of self interest that
they handed Jesus over.
Pilate expected that if he gave them a choice
between a hardened murderer who incited rebellion against Rome and a man
claiming to be their own Messiah, they would see that Jesus was harmless in
comparison and what to do with Jesus would be taken out of his hands.
Pilate sat on the judges seat, what happened? Vs19 his wife
sent him a message “don’t have anything to do with that innocent man for I have
suffered a great deal today in a dream because of Him.”
were the Chief Priests and Elders doing to the crowd? Vs20 persuading
them to ask for Barabbas release, and the execution of Jesus. Even in the name of God and what is good
people do wicked things, especially when it threatens their own interest.
the Governor asked which they wanted released, what did the crowd say? Vs21
what did Pilate ask them? Vs22 what shall I so with Jesus who is called the
answer? Crucify Him!
then did Pilate ask? Vs23 why, what crime has he committed?
did the crowd say? Crucify Him!
did Pilate see was happening? Vs24 he was getting no where, and the crowd was
getting riotous.
action did he take and say? He washed
his hands in front of the crowd and said “I am innocent of this man’s
blood. It is your responsibility.”
Even Pilate having been warned by his
wife’s dream chose self interest over truth.
He knew that Jesus hadn’t done anything that warranted death but still
gave him over for it because if a riot broke out, his job would have been
did the people smugly answer Pilate? Vs25
His blood is on us and on our children. They sounded pretty confident in what they
believed…and they were wrong.
did Pilate do? Vs26 he released Barabbas and had Jesus flogged. Then he handed Him over for crucifixion.
back to Matthew 26:1-2. What prediction
did Jesus make? He would be handed over to be crucified.
have Jesus flogged if He was going to the cross to die anyway?
at the events in the Gospel of Luke.
23:4-5 – Look at what Pilate told the crowd.
What did they accuse Jesus of? Stirring up the people all over Judea by His
was said about how far He was doing this?
All the way from Galilee to here.
23:6-7 – what did Pilate do when he heard this information? Sent
Him to Herod, who happened to be in Jerusalem.
(He tried to pass the buck)
23:8-12 – Herod must have seen Jesus as a magician of some sort. Why was he excited to see Him? He
hoped to see Him perform a sign or wonder.
was standing by, vehemently accusing Jesus to Herod? The
Chief Priests and Teachers.
did Herod and his soldiers do to Jesus? Ridiculed and mocked Him and dressed Him in
an elegant robe and sent him back to Pilate.
verse 12, what took place that day? Herod and Pilate became friends, before
which they had been enemies.
Amazing what common interests can turn
enemies into friends.
through Luke 23:13-25 to see how Luke recalls the events.
to Matthew.
happened to Jesus after Pilate handed Him over? Vs27 the
soldiers took Him to the Praetorium and surrounded Him.
what? Vs28 they
stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him.
what? Vs29 they twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head. They put a staff in His hand and knelt in
front of Him mocking Him “Hail King of the Jews”.
what did the soldiers do? Vs30 they spit on Him, took the staff and struck
Him on the head again and again. How
terrible that must have hurt being hit on the head with a crown of thorns on
they were done mocking, what happened? Vs31
they took off the robe and put is
clothes back on and led Him away for crucifixion.
did they meet as they started the walk to
the place of crucifixion? Vs32 Simon from cyrene
did they force him to do? Carry Jesus
do we know that this wasn’t Simon Peter?
The designation was included that
he was from Cyrene
looking at the verses in Matthew, would we know that Jesus started out carrying
His own cross? No
place did they come to, and what does it mean? Vs33 Golgotha,
the place of the skull
did the soldiers offer Jesus? Vs34 wine mixed with Gall.
He take it? No, He tasted it and then refused to drink. Gall is known to be a narcotic, given to
people to deaden pain.
they put Him on the cross, what did the soldiers do? Vs35 divided
up His clothes by casting lots.
One commentary said that soldiers often
cast lots for the clothes of those they crucified. But I can’t help but feel this was different
from other times. With others, they probably
brought the clothes home to be used, but with Jesus, His had to be soaked in blood
and dirt after being flogged, beaten and having a crown of thorns dug into His
head sending blood down on to His clothes.
In this case, He was a celebrity.
They may have wanted His clothes for the storytelling, much like
did the soldiers do? Vs36 sat down and kept watch over Him.
was above Jesus head on the cross? Vs37 “this is Jesus, the King of the Jews”.
was crucified there along with Jesus? Vs38
2 rebels
were they placed? One on His left and one on His right
did the passerby’s do? Vs39 shook their heads and hurled insults at
specific thing was said to Jesus? Vs40 “you who are going to destroy the temple and
build it in 3 days, save
yourself! Come down from the cross if
you are the Son of God”
else mocked Him in a similar way? Vs41 the chief priests, teachers of the law and
did they say they would believe in Him? Vs42
If He came down from the cross
what other way did they mock? Vs43 he trusts in God, let God rescue Him now,
for He calls Himself the Son of God.
also heaped insults on Him? Vs44 the rebels being crucified with Him.
Luke 23:39-43.
do you learn in Luke’s version? One of the rebels defended Jesus and asked
the other “don’t you fear God?” This criminal pointed out that they deserved
what they got, but Jesus had done nothing wrong. He told Jesus to remember him when he came
into His kingdom. Jesus told the
criminal that he would be with Him in paradise that very day.
Remember what Jesus taught in
Matthew . On one side is the sheep and the other is the
goats. Etc…..
Hanging on the cross, Jesus was fully
human experiencing all the pain and suffering that the others experienced. Except that he didn’t accept the narcotic,
and He had been beaten and flogged prior to the cross. Matthew 4:1-10, I believe that the tempting
in the wilderness was a precursor to how Jesus would act when he was on the
cross. Once again he is suffering and
vulnerable. He is being taunted by the
people on the ground and next to Him.
These people are saying similar things to Him as what Satan said in the
wilderness and yet He doesn’t defend Himself, nor does he give in. He simply trusts the Father with His life.
happened at an unusual hour? Vs45 darkness came over the land
what time did this happen? From 12 noon until 3 in the afternoon 3 hours
of darkness in the afternoon.
happened at 3:00? Vs46 Jesus cried out in a loud voice “my God , my
God, why have you forsaken me?”
did some of them there think he was doing? Vs47
calling Elijah
From the distance the people were kept,
they may not have been able to hear Him well or it may have been the roman soldiers that
misinterpreted the Hebrew words.
did one person do? Vs48 ran and got a sponge soaked in wine vinegar,
put it on a staff and brought it to His lips.
did the others say about this? Vs49 leave
Him alone, let’s see if Elijah comes to save Him.
happened next? Vs50 Jesus cried out again and gave up His spirit.
John 19:30. What were those last words
Jesus cried out in a loud voice?
It is finished
Psalm 22 and note the parallels of what we have seen in Matthew.
Jesus cried out to God, “My God why have
you forsaken me?”
Jesus was mocked and insulted. He was told to rescue Himself, come down from
the cross if you are Messiah.
They pierced His hands and feet, they
stared and gloated, they divided His clothes and cast lots for them.
Amazing, isn’t it? Over 1,000 years prior to the events of Jesus
death, David wrote about, prophesying, the same things.
happened at the moment Jesus gave up His Spirit? Vs51 1. The
curtain of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom.
2. the earth shook
3. rocks split
4. tombs broke open and the bodies of
many holy people who had died were raised to life.
the curtain tore in 2, was it torn from earth to heaven or from heaven to
earth? Heaven to earth – this indicates who tore the curtain, the Father.
did the people of verse 51 do to solidify the miracle, or miraculous event?
Vs53 they
went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. When will this
take place again? When the Lord comes again.
the Centurion and the other guards of Jesus saw all these things, what was
their reaction? Vs54 they were terrified and exclaimed “surely He
was the Son of God”.
was there watching from a distance? Vs55
many women
were they there? They had followed from Galilee to care for Jesus needs.
was among them? Vs56 Mary Magdalene, Mary-mother of James and
Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons, James & John
evening approached, who went to Pilate? Vs57
a rich man from Arimathea named
had this person become? A disciple of Jesus
did he ask Pilate? Vs58 if he could have the body of Jesus.
did Pilate order? That it be given to him.
did the man, Joseph, do? Vs59-60 he took and wrapped Jesus body in a clean
linen cloth and placed it in his own new tomb.
He rolled a big stone in front of it.
was sitting opposite the tomb? Vs61 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (probably
the one from verse 56).
are a few additional pieces of information in the other gospels to see.
John 19:38-42. What else do you learn
from John? Joseph was a secret disciple at that time. Nicodemus was with him. They prepared the body with spices and myrrh
and wrapped it in strips of linen.
Luke 23:50-54. What day was it? Preparation
was about to begin? The Sabbath
The Sabbath started at sundown and was a
day of rest. The day before the Sabbath
was preparation day, to get ready to have a day off. It may have meant caring for the animals,
getting meals ready for the next day, etc.
to Matthew.
next day, after preparation day, would be the Sabbath. What did the Pharisees do on that day?
Vs62 they went to Pilate.
did they say? Vs63-64 they told Pilate that Jesus had said that in
3 days he would rise again. So they
requested that he give an order for the tomb to be made secure until the 3rd
day. Otherwise the disciples will come
and steal the body and tell the people that He has been raised from the
dead. If this happens this deception
would be worse than the first. (Jesus
were Pilate’s instructions? Vs65 go and make the tomb as secure as you know.
did they do this? Vs66 they put a seal on the stone and posted
back to Matthew 12:9-14.
did the Pharisees ask Jesus while looking for a reason to bring charges? is
it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?
They were suggesting that healing was
work and unlawful on the Sabbath. Now
this Sabbath wasn’t just the weekly Sabbath, it was the yearly Passover
Sabbath- remember they ate the Passover meal before Jesus arrest. (the last supper)
is it that the Pharisees are doing on the Passover Sabbath day? Vs62-66
Going before Pilate about having the tomb secured and then sealing the
tomb. Although they impose laws on
others, they have justified to themselves that this is ok. Isn’t it amazing how we can find fault with
others but rationalize or justify our own actions that contradict what we
expect from others?
This was a long and difficult chapter
with many events. Reading about all that
Jesus suffered and went through and then finally His death never gets easy for
me. But I’m always grateful for the
chapter that follows….
Chapter Twenty Six - Part Two
does this tell us about the blood of the Son of Man? If we
don’t drink His blood we will not have life in us.
two things did they do after eating? Vs30 they sung a hymn and left for the Mount of
the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus tell His disciples? Vs31 this
very night they would all fall away on account of Him.
Imagine being His disciple and having
spent so much time with Him and then hearing Him say this. I can’t help but wonder how they felt.
goes on to quote prophecy; Zechariah 13:7.
What did the prophecy say? Vs31 I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of
the flock will be scattered.
told them that He would go ahead of them to Galilee after what? Vs32 He had
speaks up and what did he say? Vs33 Peter.
He said he would never fall away on account of Jesus even if all others
sobering information did Jesus give back? Vs34
truly I tell you, this very night
before the rooster crows, you will disown me 3 times. The rooster crows in the morning. Therefore, he would disown Jesus 3 times that
night, before sunrise.
did Peter respond to Jesus? Vs35 even if I have to die with you, I will never
disown you.
group went to the Mount of Olives. What
garden did they stop at there? Vs36 Gethsemane
what purpose was Jesus going off by himself?
To pray
did he take with Him? Vs37 Peter, James and John.
was His mood when He got them to Himself?
Sorrowful and troubled
did Jesus tell them? Vs38 my soul is over whelmed with sorrow to the
point of death. Stay here and keep watch
with me.
went a little farther away from them and what did He do? Vs39 he fell
with His face to the ground and prayed, “my father, if it is possible, may this
cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will
but as you will.”
back to verse 27-28. What was in the
cup? Jesus
blood of the New Covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of
Jesus asked the Father that the cup be taken from Him, what was He asking? If
there was any other way to do this. May
I not have to shed my blood?
that this was the Father’s will, to bring redemption to humankind, what did He
submit to? The Father’s will.
went back to the disciples and what did He find? Vs40 they
were sleeping.
did he ask? Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?
did He want them to keep watch? Vs41 so they
would not all into temptation
did He say was willing? The spirit
did He say was weak? The flesh
verse 21 what did Jesus say was going to happen? One
would betray Him.
verse 28 what do we understand is going to happen? His
blood will be poured out
verse 34 what did He say Peter would do?
Disown Him that very night
the context of these segments of scripture, what do you think verse 41
means? They needed to be on guard (spiritually)
because even though they love Him and their spirit wants and knows what’s
right, the body (humanness) is weak and wants to give in.
does this mean for us? We need to be aware of temptations we
encounter and pray to be strong against them.
and think for a moment; what is your usual or normal response to
temptation? Have you ever actually
prayed when you felt extremely tempted about something?
did Jesus do a second time? Vs42 went away and prayed.
did Jesus pray? Father if it is not possible for the cup to be taken away unless I
drink it, may your will be done.
at the wording in the 2 similar prayers of verses 39 & 42. What new insight did Jesus seem to learn? The cup wouldn’t be taken away unless He
drank it.
Jesus went back to the disciples, what did He find? Vs43 them
did he do? Vs44 went away a third time and prayed.
what? Vs45 He went back to the disciples again and said “are you still sleeping
and resting?”
hour had come? For the Son of Man to be delivered into the hands of sinners.
He tells them to get up, we are leaving.
Who did he say was coming? Vs46 His betrayer
Jesus was still speaking to the disciples, who arrived and what did he bring
with him? Vs47 Judas. He brought a large crowd
with him, armed with swords and clubs.
sent them? The chief priests and elders
had the betrayer arranged ahead of time? Vs48
a signal. The one he kissed is the man you arrest.
did Judas do? Vs49 he went to Jesus at once and said “greetings
Rabbi” and he kissed Him.
did Jesus say to him? Vs50 do what you came for, friend.
had travelled closely with Jesus. H was
part of His close knit inner circle and he did the unthinkable, he betrayed
Jesus. And yet, what did Jesus still
call him? Friend.
did the officials do? Vs50 they stepped forward, seized Jesus and
arrested Him.
happened next? Vs51 one of Jesus disciples drew his sword and struck the official, cutting off his ear.
John 18:10 to see who drew the sword.
Who was it? Peter
read Luke 22:49-51. What additional
piece of information does Luke, the doctor, give us? Jesus
touched the man’s ear and healed him.
did Jesus say about this? Vs52 put your sword away. All who draw a sword will die by the sword.
did Jesus say that He could do if He wanted to be rescued, and what would
happen? Vs53 He would call on His Father and at once have more than 12 legions of
angels at His disposal.
didn’t Jesus do this? Vs54 scripture would not be fulfilled.
did Jesus ask them all? Vs55 Am I leading a rebellion that you have come
out with swords and clubs to capture me?
what did He point out? Every day I sat in
the temple courts teaching and you did not arrest me.
is this taking place this way? Vs56 to fulfill what the prophets wrote.
did the disciples do? They all fled and deserted Jesus.
was Jesus taken and who was there? Vs57 to Caiaphas the High Priest. The teachers of the law and the elders were
there too.
followed? Vs58 Peter
did he do and why? He entered the high priests courtyard and sat down with the guards to
see the outcome.
were the gathering of Jewish leaders looking for? Vs59 false
evidence against Jesus
Why? So they
could put Him to death
it was “false” evidence that they were looking for, what does that tell you
about the charges against Him? They had no charges – nothing against
Him except their hatred.
they find anything? Vs60 no
had come forward? Many false witnesses
I wonder how much they got paid. Judas got 30 pieces of silver for his part.
did 2 declare? Vs60-61 that Jesus said He was able to destroy the
temple of God and rebuild it in 3 days.
did Caiaphas ask Jesus? Vs62 are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are
bringing against you?
did Jesus say? Vs63 nothing,
He remained silent.
did Caiaphas demand Jesus to tell him under oath of the living God? If He was
the Messiah, the Son of God.
did Jesus answer? Vs64 you have said so. (or, it is as you say). But I say to you all, from now on you will
see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the
clouds of heaven.
did Caiaphas call Jesus words? Vs65 blasphemy
did he say they didn’t need any ore of? Witnesses
what did he ask the group? Vs66 what do you think?
did they answer? He is worthy of death
you ever served as a juror? How
seriously did you, or would you, take that position?
it seem that this group had their minds made up ahead of time?
do you think, they never considered that He was the Messiah?
they decided what His sentence should be, what did they do to Him? Vs67
They spit in His face and struck Him
with their fists. Others slapped Him.
did they tell Him to do? Vs68 prophecy - who hit him.
do your views about God come from; passed down from parents, preaching by
pastors, reading other’s thoughts or from scripture? We
have to be careful that we don’t have a preconceived idea of who God is.
if our earlier training is wrong and so we are wrong, just as the chief
priests, elders and Sanhedrin of Israel were?
Holiness, truth, and increased faith come from being close to God. He is Holy and holds all truth so we stick
close to Him and we become more like Him.
was Peter sitting? Vs69 in the courtyard
approached him? A servant girl
was said to him? You were with Jesus
did Peter respond? Vs70 I don’t know what you are talking about
did Peter do? Vs71 he left and went out the gateway
happened there? Another servant girl saw him and told the people there “this fellow was
with Jesus”
did Peter say? Vs72 I don’t know the man
a little while what happened to Peter? Vs73
those standing there went to him
and said “surely you are one of them, your accent gives you away”.
did Peter respond? Vs74 he called down curses and swore “I don’t
know the man!”
happened as soon as he finished speaking?
A rooster crowed.
did Peter remember? Vs75 the word that Jesus had spoken “before the
rooster crows you will disown me 3 times”.
did this memory cause Peter to do? He went outside and wept bitterly.
Matthew Chapter Twenty-Six Part One
finished saying “all these things”. What
were they?
Jesus concludes His teaching on when the
Son of Man will come back, being watchful, and eternity.
did Jesus remind the disciples is two days away? Vs2 the
will happen on that day? The Son of Man will be handed over to be
who was gathering? Vs3 the chief priests and the elders of the
did they assemble? In the palace of Caiaphas, the high priest.
what purpose did they assemble? Vs4 to scheme on arresting Jesus secretly and
kill Him.
about this….was it a deliberate intention to have Jesus murdered? Yes
did the gathered people decide it would NOT be a good time for this? Vs5 during
the festival
Why? The
people might riot
was Jesus at this time? Vs6 In Bethany, in the home of Simon the leper
took place there? Vs7 a woman came to Jesus with an alabaster jar
of very expensive perfume. She poured it
on His head as He was reclining at the table.
was the disciples problem with this? Vs8-9
why waste this, the money could
have been sold high and then given to the poor.
John 12:4-6.
disciple do you think was the one to start this discussion and why? Judas,
he was keeper of the money bag and helped himself to it.
did Jesus say the woman had done? Vs10 a beautiful thing to Him.
did Jesus justify what she did? Vs11 the poor you will always have with you, but
you won’t always have me.
did He say the perfume was for? Vs12 to prepare Him for burial.
event was so special; what did Jesus say would always happen because of it?
Vs13 it
would be retold wherever the gospel was preached.
had 12 men, called disciples, that He was sharing His life and teaching with
intimately. Which one is mentioned in
this verse? Vs14 Judas
is he mentioned, what did he do? vs14 He went to the Chief priests
did he say? Vs15 what are you willing to give me if I deliver Him over to you?
was the offer? 30 Pieces of silver
did he watch for from that time on? Vs16
an opportunity to hand Jesus over.
When I really sit and think about this,
my mind is blown. This man sat under
Jesus teaching, saw all His miracles, heard His heart for the Father and saw
the mercy and love that He had for sinners.
We are talking about sitting with God in the flesh! How could he so easily go and make a deal to
deceive Jesus for money? How could he
have hardened his heart so badly?
For some reason Judas was addicted to
money. We know he took care of the money
bag for Jesus and the disciples and he helped himself to it. We also know that he protested the bottle of
perfume being poured over Jesus. Hi
remark was “it could have been sold and given to the poor”. Did he really think that Jesus didn’t know
what he was up to?
Whether Judas was a gambler, drug
addict, shopaholic, or anything else, he allowed his sin to blind him and keep
his heart from really engaging with Jesus.
Ask God to search your heart now. Is there something in your life that is
getting in the way of you completely engaging with Jesus?
This is one of the best things to ask
God every day:
Psalm 139:23-24
me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
and lead me in the way everlasting.
did the disciples ask Jesus? Vs17 where do you want us to make preparations
for the Passover?
day during the festival did they ask? The first day
instructions did Jesus give? Vs18 go into the city to a certain man and tell
him the teacher says my appointed time is near.
I am going to celebrate Passover with my disciples at your house.
did the disciples do? Vs19 As
Jesus said.
was Jesus when evening came? Vs20 reclining at the table with the 12.
were they doing? Vs21 eating
there, what did Jesus say? Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.
Imagine after all the teaching and
travelling and joy they have shared, they are now enjoying a holiday evening
and Jesus comes out with that statement, which probably seemed out of the blue.
did they feel about what He said? Vs22 sad
did one after another say to Him? Surely you don’t mean me?
did Jesus answer them? Vs23 the one who has dipped his hand into the
bowl with me will betray me. (they all
may have dipped their bread with Him)
what did Jesus tell them? Vs24 things will happen just as has been
written. But woe to the man who betrays
me. It would be better for him if he had
not been born.
spoke? Vs25 Judas
does the text tell us about him? He would be the one to betray Jesus
did he say to Jesus? Surely
you don’t mean me, teacher.
did Jesus answer him? You have said so
the meal, what did Jesus do and say? Vs26
he took the bread, gave thanks and
broke it. He gave it to His disciples
and said “take, eat, this is my body”
did Jesus do and say next? Vs27-28 He took
the cup, gave thanks and handed it to His disciples saying “drink from it, all
of you. This is my blood of the covenant
which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
was Jesus blood poured out? Vs28 for the forgiveness of sins (atonement)
did Jesus tell the disciples next? Vs29 He will not drink from this fruit of the
vine until the day I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.
Jesus called the cup “His blood” and
told them to drink it. He said He would
not drink from it again until the new day when they drink together again, in
his Father’s kingdom. This may have been
Jesus way of confirming what He already told them - He would be crucified and
this was to be their last time together.
time a covenant was made or renewed, death occurred.
Leviticus 17:10-14 and Deuteronomy 12:23-25.
is the life of every living creature? It’s blood
does this scripture say not to do? Not to eat or drink the blood.
John 6:53-58.
does this tell us about the blood of the Son of Man? If we
don’t drink His blood we will not have life in us.
Chapter Twenty Five
says “At that time”. What time is Jesus
speaking of? (see previous chapter) Vs1 the
day the Lord will come
will the kingdom of heaven be like? 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out
to meet the bridegroom
many virgins were foolish? Vs2 5
many virgins were wise? 5
did the foolish ones do? vs3 took their lamps but didn’t take oil.
did the wise ones do? vs4 they took oil in jars with their lamps. (prepared)
bridegroom was a long time in coming so what happened to the virgins? Vs5 they
became drowsy and fell asleep.
happened at midnight? Vs6 the cry rang out “here’s the bridegroom,
come and meet Him.”
virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps? Vs7
did the foolish ones say to the wise ones? Vs8
give us some oil our lamps are
going out.
did the wise respond? Vs9 no, there may not be enough for both of us,
go and buy some for yourselves.
foolish virgins went to buy oil, what happened while they were gone? Vs10 the
groom arrived, the ones that were ready went into the wedding banquet with Him
and the door was shut.
others arrived late, what did they say? Vs11
Lord, Lord, open the door for us
did the groom say? Vs12 truly, I tell you, I don’t know you.
we don’t know the day or hour of Jesus return, what should we do? vs13 keep
The wise virgin prepares for the
bridegroom. The foolish one doesn’t and
loses out.
If you think it was mean of the wise
virgins not to share their oil, you missed the point. You see; my relationship with Jesus will not
get you where you need to be. You have
to have your own relationship with Him.
I can encourage you to get oil and I can teach you how to get oil, but
you have to have your own oil when the time comes. The point of this story is: we each have to
be ready
Jesus used stories that the people of
that culture could relate to. The story
of the virgins and their oil had to do with the way the Jewish culture prepared
for marriage; the bridegroom would come unexpectedly to collect his bride.
do we know that Jesus is still making the same point about His return?
Vs14 he
says “again”
will His return be like? A man going on a journey who called his
servants and entrusted his wealth to them.
did the man give his servants? Vs15 to one; 5 bags of gold, to another; 2 bags
and to another; 1 bag.
was it decided by the man how much each would be in charge of? According
to their ability.
did the servant with 5 bags do and how did it turn out? vs16 he put
the money to work and gained double the money.
about the servant with 2 bags? Vs17 he put it to work and doubled his money too.
about the servant with 1 bag? Vs18 he dug
a hole and hid it
did the master return? Vs19 after a long time
he returned, what did he do? he settled
accounts with each
servant with 5 bags showed the master his return on his investment; what did
the master say? Vs20-21 well done good and faithful servant, you
have been faithful with a few things so I will put you in charge of many. Come and share in your master’s happiness.
the servant with 2 bags showed the master his return, what did the master say?
Vs22-23 the same thing
did the servant with 1 bag tell the master? Vs24-25 I know
you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you
have not scattered seed. So I was afraid
and went and hid your gold and her eis what belongs to you (one bag).
did the master call him? vs26 a wicked and lazy servant
Vs26-27 he should have at least given the money to the bank so he would have
received interest on it. He should have
made some effort even if he was afraid.
was the servant with one bag told to do? vs28
give it to the servant with 10
Why? Vs29 whoever has, will be given more and they
will have abundance.
happens to those who don’t have? Even what they have will be taken from
happens to the lazy servant? Vs30 he is
thrown outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of
Where to begin?....
For a long time this parable bothered me
because I would focus on the money. But
this is not a story about investing money or greed. It is really about obedience and readying ourselves
for the masters return. Two servants
were faithful whereas one didn’t really trust his master. Out of his lack of trust, he disobeyed.
The master knew that he had trust issues
that’s why he only trusted him with one bag of gold (“each according to his
ability”.) This servant didn’t really
know his master.
Jesus tells the same thing in three
different ways to make sure that each personality can understand His
Think about this in terms of what God
has entrusted to you spiritually. We
have the treasure of Jesus, are we to invest it in others or bury it in the
ground? When Jesus returns how much
investment will you have made for Him?
The point of Jesus return is not when it
will take place, but what have we done while we waited. The master in this parable was gone a long
time which is how it will be for most of us as we wait for Jesus return. We have abilities that God has given us. One servant buried his gold to keep it safe,
living the way that he wanted while the master was gone. Let’s not bury our treasure while we wait for
the masters return but instead invest it in others for the kingdom.
the Son of Man comes in glory, who will be with Him? vs31 the
will He sit? On His glorious throne.
will be gathered before Him? vs32 all the nations
will He separate? The people, one from another.
will the separating be like? Like a shepherd separates sheep from goats.
will each go? Vs33 sheep on the right, goats on the left
I just had a thought; is this why it
used to be thought that you were cursed if you were left handed? There was a time when they tried to correct
you and make you switch to righty because lefty was so frowned upon. This Bible makes it clear that on the right
side is the valued position, the sheep go on the right, the goats on the left…just
a silly thought J
will the king say to those on the right? Vs34
come, you who are blessed by my
Father; take your inheritance.
is the inheritance? the kingdom prepared for you since the
creation of the world
will they inherit this? Vs35-36 Jesus was hungry and they fed Him, He was
thirsty and they gave Him a drink, He was a stranger and they invited Him
in. He needed clothes and they clothed
Him, He was sick and they helped Him, He was in prison and they visited Him.
will the righteous answer this? Vs37-39 Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed
you or thirsty and give you a drink? When di we see you a stranger and invite
you or needing clothes and clothe you?
When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?
will the king answer the righteous? Vs40
truly, whatever you did for one of
these brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me.
Look at what teaching Jesus had just
finished teaching…the parable of the 3 servants. The 3 servants were to invest their money;
the spiritual meaning is that we are to invest in the kingdom with the
abilities that God gives us and now Jesus even tells what the investments
are – feeding, hydrating, clothing,
healing, visiting.
There is an inheritance that comes to
the good and faithful servants.
will He say to those on His left (goats)? Vs41
depart from me you who are cursed,
into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
verse 31, who will come with Jesus when He returns? His
to verse 41, are all angels devoted to God?
No some are Satan’s
to verse 32-33, are all humans devoted to God?
No some are sheep (righteous) and
some are goats (cursed).
are two things that the people on the left of Jesus called? Goats
and cursed.
will these people depart for the fire? Vs42-43
they never lifted a finger to help
will they ask? Vs44 when did we see you in need and not help you?
will Jesus tell them? Vs45 whatever you did not do for one of these in need, you did not do
for me.
the separating, or explanations, are finished, what will happen? Vs46 they
will go away to eternal punishment but the righteous to eternal life.
are you final thoughts on these judgments?
doesn’t make you righteous. It is the
condition of the heart responding with action.
If we do things to try and gain eternal life, it is pointless see
Ephesians 2:8-10. However, if we have a
heart for God then we are obedient to love and serve others out of that
Matthew Chapter 24 - Part
did Jesus say not to believe? Vs26 If anyone tells them that the Messiah is in
the wilderness or in the inner rooms.
not believe it? Vs27 because the coming of the Son of Man will be
as visible as lightning. The lightning
can take place in the East but still be visible in the west.
do vultures gather? Vs28 where there is a dead body.
Luke 17, Jesus is speaking of the same period
in time. In Luke 17:37 What question did
the disciples ask that Jesus answered? Where will this take place?
was Jesus answer to the question? Where there is a dead body, there the
vultures will gather.
did Jesus tell them would take place immediately after the distress? Vs29 the sun
will be darkened, the moon will not give it’s light, the stars will fall from
the sky and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
Isaiah 13:9-13. Does this sound like the
same day that Jesus spoke of? Yes
many people survive this time? Few, they are scarcer than pure gold more
rare than the rarest gold (the gold of Ophir).
history seen a day like this yet? No
Revelation 6:12-13. Does this sound like
the same day that Jesus spoke of? Yes
This day, which we have not seen yet in
history, was prophesized in the Old Testament, the Gospels (by Jesus) and the
New Testament book of Revelation.
you say that God is serious about this taking place? Yes, it is spoken of in various place of scripture, not just once and all of God's prophecy comes to fruition.
do you see a just, wrathful God in these verses? Evil,
wickedness and sin must be accounted for.
God will pour out the wrath that is due and exercise His judgment for
do you see a loving, merciful God in these verses? God
has warned throughout history that this day would come and these events would
take place. No one will have an excuse
for not being prepared. On that day,
everyone will answer for the sin that runs rampant, but we can give our lives
to Jesus and we don’t have to be afraid.
the distress has taken place and the heavenly bodies shaken, what sign will
appear? Vs30 the Son of Man in Heaven.
will ALL peoples of the earth do? they will mourn
will they see? the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven with power and great
will He send His angels to do with a loud trumpet call? Vs31 gather
His elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
gets gathered? His elect
where? The 4 winds (NSEW) – one end of the heavens to the other
He gathering only the people left on earth?
No, ALL His people. Those who were in heaven and those on earth,
from everywhere.
do you think Jesus’ elect will be? Christians – those that the Father has given
Him – John 17:20-26.
of today, has any of this taken place yet?
does Jesus tell us to learn from about the timing? Vs32 the fig
about it? When it’s twigs get tender and the leaves come out, you know summer is
will we know when we see all these things? Vs33
that His return is near.
did Jesus say about this generation? Vs34
they will not pass away until all
these things have happened. I assume
that this means either the generation of Jesus covenant – more of an age or a
span of time like the age of grace. Or
it could mean that the events listed will take place within one generation of
people. The last generation. The events will not be spread out for too
long once they begin.
what will pass away? Vs35 this heaven and earth.
what never will pass away? God’s Words
regards to the day that Jesus is seen coming on the clouds of Heaven with power
and great glory and an angelic trumpet call; when will be the day and
hour? Vs36 no one
knows except the Father.
Jesus know what the date will be? No
will the days be like when Jesus returns? Vs37
like the days of Noah
are these two “times” compared? Vs38 the days before the flood people were
eating, drinking, marrying and giving children to marriage.
Noah, did anyone know or act like or prepare like something was coming?
Vs39 no
did they find out? When the flood took them
is what it will be like when the Son comes back in glory.
men will be together in the field; what will happen to them? Vs40 one
will be taken and the other left.
so we know this isn’t gender related, what will happen to the two women
grinding? Vs41 one will be taken the other left.
is the warning to them/us? Vs42 keep watch because we don’t know what day
the Lord will come. (but we do know the
signs of the age that He will come)
the owner of a house knows what time a thief will come, what would he do?
vs43 he
would have kept watch and not let his house be broken into.
what did Jesus say we should be, and why? Vs44
be ready, because the Son of Man
will come at an hour when we don’t expect, like the thief.
return will be unexpected. How fast will
the sorting of those that know and love Him and those that don’t, take
place? (Back to Vs41) one is
taken the other is left – sudden and quick.
do you think it means to “keep watch” - to watch the sky day and night? Watch for the signs that He Himself has told
us about. Be alert and of sober
next verse is a rhetorical question. It
answers what it asks; the faithful and wise servant is the one the master put
in charge of the servants in His household to give them their food at the
proper time.
would it be good for the Master to find when He returns? Vs46 that
servant doing what he was put in charge to do (feeding the others).
will this servant be put in charge of? Vs47
all of the masters possessions.
is the servant called if he feels he can put off his work because the master is
away for a long time? Vs48 wicked
does he do instead of feeding the others? Vs49
he beats them and eats and drinks
with drunkards.
will happen to this type of servant in charge? Vs50 the
master will come on a day when he does
not expect Him and an hour that he isn’t aware of.
will the master do? vs51 cut him to pieces and assign him to a place
with the hypocrites where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Strong words. These words were said by Jesus. Make no mistake, God is merciful,
compassionate and full of grace. But He
is also wrathful and just. When the day comes for Jesus return you will either
be found doing the master’s will or you will be caught doing your own. Jesus didn’t suffer and die so that we could
accept His gift of grace and then go on living in the disgusting way of
deliberate sin. The servant that puts off what the master has put him in charge
of doing, will be considered wicked.
Do you love Jesus? It’s time for us to take our salvation more
serious…time is short.
Matthew Chapter Twenty Four - Part 1
was Jesus? Vs1 outside the temple, walking away
did His disciples do? they came up to Him and called attention to
the temple buildings.
Luke 21:5. What were they saying? Remarking
on how beautiful
did Jesus tell them? Matthew 24:2 truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another, every one
will be thrown down.
As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the
disciples came to Him alone. What did
they want to know? Vs3 when will this
happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
was the first thing that He told them? Vs4
watch out that no one deceives
is going to happen? Vs5 many will come in His name claiming they are
the Messiah and they will deceive many
else will happen? Vs6 they will hear of wars and rumors of wars.
are they to react to this? Don’t be alarmed.
Why? Such
things must happen, but the end is still to come.
I was struck by the words “don’t be
alarmed”. With the political climate of
the world that we live in right now, that’s all you hear from people – alarm.
Yet Jesus said not to be alarmed, these things would happen and we / His
followers are to go on serving as usual.
else will happen? Vs7A Nation will rise against nation and kingdom
against kingdom.
else? Vs7B There
will be famines and earthquakes in various places (all over).
does Jesus call these instances or events? Vs8 Birth pains
will happen next? Vs9 they will be handed over to persecution and
put to death or be hated by all nations because of Jesus.
will happen in the midst of this? Vs10 many will turn away from the faith and will
betray and hate each other.
else? Vs11 false prophets will appear and deceive many.
is a prophet? Someone that brings a word from God.
what would a false prophet do? bring a word claiming to be from God but
isn’t – a false word.
will increase? Vs12 wickedness
of this, what will happen to people’s hearts? Their love will grow cold.
As believers, this is something that we
need to be on guard about. It may be
easy to allow cynicism and disgust to take over when everything around us has
become wicked. But we can’t allow our
hearts to grow cold. Although we can’t
compromise on sin, we have to remember to keep our love alive. “speak the truth in love” and hate the sin
but love the sinner.
happens to those that stand firm in truth to the end? Vs13 they
will be saved
Saved from what? Pain? Death? No, we all still experience pain and physical
death (unless rapture) but they will be saved from compromise and eternal
will take place with the gospel of the kingdom (the good news)? Vs14 it will
be preached in the whole world as a testimony to ALL Nations.
what will happen? The end will come
did Jesus say was a defining moment? Vs15
when you see the Abomination that
causes Desolation standing in the holy place.
spoke of this in the past? The prophet Daniel.
Daniel 9:26-27, 11:31.
Abomination of Desolation took place with Antiochus Epiphanes (IV). However, for Jesus to refer to it as
something to come, it shows us that it will take place again. (It could be why He specifically says, “let
the reader understand”.
Old Testament taught the Jews that they weren’t to eat pig, it was
unclean. The abomination was that Antiochus
Epiphanes slaughtered a pig on the temple altar and then jammed the mean down
the throats of the priests – choking them to death.
they see the Abomination caused by desolation happen, what should those in
Judea do? vs16 flee to the mountains
else did Jesus say about those in Judea? Vs17
Don’t even stop to take something out of the house…run.
else? Vs18 if your working don’t hurry back to the house for a coat.
do these three verses provoke you to feel about that day? An
will it be especially difficult for in those days? Vs19 pregnant
women and nursing mothers
should they hope/pray for? Vs20 that this does not take place in the winter
or on the Sabbath.
Mark 13:12. What additional information
does this gospel give? Families will betray each other, children
will rebel and parents will put children to death.
to Matthew. What will there be at this time? Vs21 great
distress unequaled to anything that has taken place before and never to be
equaled again.
Think about the Holocaust and Pompei and
other horrific events in history. It is
hard to imagine that there is a time coming that will be even worse than we
have experienced on earth. (unequaled)
time in history will be so bad that if the days weren’t cut short, what would
take place? Vs22 no one would survive
whose sake are the days shortened? The elect
Mark 13:20. What do you learn about the
God chose them
this time comes, what did Jesus warn against believing? Vs23 when
they hear “here is the Messiah” or “there He is”
what will appear? Vs24 many false messiahs and prophets will
will they have the power to do? perform great signs and wonders to deceive
(deceive even the elect if possible)
Look at the way verse 24 speaks of false
messiahs deceiving people, “even the elect if that is possible.” When I think about who the elect are that He
refers to in this time period, it would have to be people that know Him well
and are devoted to Him in truth. Almost
like people that have been sealed by Him.
I wonder if they could be the people mentioned in Revelation 7:4-8 or
Revelation 14:1-3.
verse addresses the disciples original question in verse 3. What did Jesus say? Vs25 see, I
have told you ahead of time.
of events: go back over the verses
listed below and write the “sign” so you can see the sequence
people come claiming to be Messiah and deceive many
wars and rumors of wars
Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom
famines and earthquakes all over
This is just the beginning
Believers handed over for persecution and death, and hated by all
nations because of Jesus
Many will turn from the faith, and will betray and hate each other
11 Many false prophets will appear and
deceive many
an increase of wickedness and the love of most will grow cold
the gospel will be preached in the whole world
the Abomination that causes desolation will stand in the temple
He was speaking to His disciples. Many
of these things they were going to experience, a few they would not.
In Luke 21:24 Jesus said Jerusalem will be
trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
A roman general destroyed Jerusalem in
AD70. Since then, the Gentiles have
“trampled on it.” The Muslim Dome of the
Rock Mosque is where the temple used to stand.
The temple was destroyed as Jesus said it would be. The Jews and Christians underwent persecution
and death. Many Jews and Christians have
turned away from the faith and betrayed each other, false prophets have come
and gone and continue to come, wickedness has increased continually and love
has grown cold. Many of these events
have occurred and are speeding up and intensifying since then, and will
continue until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Matthew Chapter Twenty Three
just finished answering the Pharisees question and left them feeling a little
humiliated. Then what did Jesus say to
the crowds and the disciples? Vs1-2 the
teachers and Pharisees sit in Moses seat
of this, what do the people have to be careful to do? vs3 everything
they tell them.
should they NOT do and why? What the Pharisees and Teachers do because
they don’t practice what they preach.
did Jesus say about their laws/rules? Vs4
they are cumbersome heavy loads on
other people’s shoulders, but they are not willing to lift a finger to help
move them.
The Pharisees sit in Moses seat or took
over where Moses once led from. Because
of this, they tell the people what to do and how to live. But Jesus said, be careful Not to do what
they do because they don’t follow their own rules. They are not good examples, they leadership
is a farce. They make following God
difficult and cumbersome and they don’t do anything to help those that are in
need or are struggling.
did Jesus reveal about the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law? Vs5-7
5 everything
is done for people to see. they make
their outward adornments large (phylacteries wide and tassels on garments long)
so everyone can see how spiritual they are.
6 They love and take the places of honor
at the banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues.
7 they
love to be greeted with respect in the market places and to be called Rabbi by
others. (Rabbi means teacher or
spiritual teacher)
did Jesus say about that term? Vs8 they are not to be called Rabbi because
there is just one teacher and all others are brothers.
is talking to spiritual leaders. What
did He tell them they aren’t to do? vs9 Call anyone on earth father (in the
spiritual sense, like “holy father”)
Why? They
have one Father and He is in Heaven.
He is speaking to spiritual leaders about spiritual matters, what do you think
He means by this? Are we not to call our birth fathers,
father? He means no one on earth should
be given supreme authority. They are all
bothers and the only “God the Father” is in Heaven.
else should they not be call themselves and why? Vs10 instructors. They have one instructor - the Messiah
is greatest amongst them? Vs11 their servant
is the explanation for all this? Vs12 those who exalt themselves will be humbled
and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
begins a list of condemnations for the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law. What did He accuse them of doing? Vs13 shutting
the door of the kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. They do not enter nor will they let those
enter that are trying to.
manuscripts use include the same words as Luke 20:47 here. Read that verse.
else did it say about the Pharisees and Teachers? They
take widows houses (probably because they can’t afford to pay temple fees or
for sacrifice) and make a show of things with lengthy prayers. These men will be punished severely. Jesus reveals their hearts through these
verses. Everything they did was
motivated by selfishness, not by a heart for what’s right for God. And who would better know their hearts than
did Jesus say “woe” to them for in this verse? Vs15 they do
a lot of travelling just to win one convert and then that convert is made twice
as much a child of hell as they are.
did Jesus call them? Vs16 blind guides
are they doomed (woe’d)? they make up ridiculous scenerios and exceptions. Like if you swear by the temple it means
nothing but if you swear by the gold of the temple then it is binding.
have it backwards; what did Jesus ask that reveals this? Vs17 what is
greater; gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?
else did they get backwards? Vs18 if anyone who wears by the altar it means
nothing but if you swear by the gift on the altar it is binding.
what did Jesus ask that reveals their ignorance? Vs19 which
is greater the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred?
did Jesus straighten this out? Vs20-21 revealing that when you swear by, or make an
oath by swearing truth on the altar you cover anything on it. And anyone who swears by the temple swears by
it and the one who dwells in it.
goes further, what else did He say? Vs22
anyone who swears by Heaven, swears
by God’s throne and by the one who sits on it.
What it boils down to is that Jesus is teaching them that they need to
see things broader; that zeroing in on details are silly. God needs to be acknowledged in all things. Don’t be so foolish to believe that a
relationship with God is rule following or nit-picking.
continued His teaching to the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law. Why did He say they are doomed (woe’d) now?
Vs23 they
are hypocrites that give a tenth of everything, right down to their spices and
herbs, but neglect the more important matters of the law, like justice, mercy
and faithfulness.
They should have practiced the latter
but not by neglecting the former.
Jesus saying that they shouldn’t tithe? No, It shouldn’t be the main focus, the
focus should be on the reason to tithe – the heart behind it.
is Jesus showing them with this verse? Vs24
they concentrate, or over-focus,
on the tiny while neglecting the bigger things.
I have seen people become obsessed with
everyone giving a tenth of their income, they preach tithing all the time. I believe in tithing and the Bible is pretty
clear about it. (I could do an entire study about it) But we can’t allow our hearts to close to
needs around us because of a “we gave at the office” mentality, that is not at
all what God intended. When needs arise
for others we can’t close our hearts in self-righteousness and say “I gave my
tithe and if everyone else did then those people would be taken care of.” We, Christians, are to be people of the
heart. No matter how much we have given,
we need to always be open for giving more when God brings a need before us.
are the Pharisees and Teachers doomed next? What does Jesus have against
them? Vs25 they
clean the outside of the cup and dish (the parts seen by others) but inside
they are cull of green and self indulgence.
instructions did He give them? Vs26 first clean the inside and then the outside
will also be clean.
Is Jesus talking about a Utensil
cup? No, He is talking about them. If they get the inside straight, (their
hearts/motives) it will automatically reflect on the outside (their
what did Jesus say they were woeful for? Vs27 they are like white washed
They are beautiful on the outside but on
the inside are full of dead bones and everything unclean.
did He explain this? Vs28 on the outside they appear righteous, but on
the inside they are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Imagine having a position of great
importance in the community, thinking you are better than others and then
having Jesus say this to you. How do you
think they are feeling?
would a prideful heart respond? In anger. Most likely wanting retaliation, vengeance,
pay back, etc…
would a humble heart respond? Horrified
that they had missed this. They would
feel ashamed that they had to be rebuked and maybe even throw themselves at
Jesus feet, begging for mercy and forgiveness.
else do these leaders do, that Jesus points out? Vs29-30 they
build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous and say
“if we had lived in the days of our ancestors we would not have taken part with
them in shedding the blood of the prophets.”
they say these things, what are they doing? Vs31 testifying
against themselves that they are the descendants of those who shed the prophets
did Jesus tell them they will do? vs32 complete
what their ancestors started.
did He call them? Vs33 snakes, a brood of vipers.
did He ask? How will they escape being condemned to hell?
did He tell them He will send and that they would do? vs34 He will
send prophets, sages and teachers and they will kill, crucify and flog in their
synagogues. They will also pursue them
from town to town. (this was His
prophecy about how they would kill Him and then His followers/disciples after
Him. He was crucified and His disciples
were chased from town to town, region to region and killed for their faith, by
word of the Pharisees and leaders).
will they become responsible for? Vs 35 all the righteous blood that has been shed
on earth from the first murder of Abel.
will this come down on? Vs36 this generation (the generation that was living
do you think it will come down on them? Because they would be responsible for
Jesus death.
lamented. What was He saying? Vs37 He
mourns for Jerusalem – because He has longed to bring them into His house, even
with all the wrong they had done, but they were unwilling. For generations God tried to make them His
people, not just in name but in truth. He
wanted them to “get it”. But they
wouldn’t surrender their will and submit their hearts. They chose their own way.
were they left? Vs38 desolate.
(Without His filling)
would they see Him again? Vs39 when they say “ blessed is he who comes in
the name of the Lord”
had been said when He came to Jerusalem this time? Matthew 21:9
Blessed is He who comes in the
name of the Lord.
They needed to recognize Him as Lord,
and so do we.
He was going to leave earth (by
crucifixion, then ascension) and He wouldn’t be back until the end of
days. Whenever that day comes...
Matthew Chapter Twenty Two
did the king send his servants to? Vs3 those that were invited to the banquet.
happened? They refused to come.
did the king do? vs4 sent more servants with the message that he
has prepared the dinner, everything is ready, come to the banquet.
did those invited respond? Vs5 they paid no attention and went off to work.
did some do? vs6 seized the servants, mistreated and killed them.
did the king feel about it? Vs7 he was enraged.
did he do? sent his army and destroyed the murderers and burnt their city.
did the king tell his servants? Vs8 the banquet is ready but those I invited did
not deserve to come.
did he instruct the servants to do? vs9 go to the street corners and invite anyone
you find.
did the servants do? vs10 went out and invited all the people they
could find – good and bad and the wedding hall was filled.
the king came into the guests, what did he notice? Vs11 a man
who was not wearing wedding clothes
did he ask? Vs12 how did you get in here without wedding clothes?
was the man’s response? He was speechless
did the king tell his attendants to do? vs13
bind his hands and feet and throw
him outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of
Vs14 many
are invited but few are chosen.
Who is
the king? God
is the son? Jesus
were the servants? The prophets
are the guests that wouldn’t come? Jews/Israel/religious leaders
are the guests that the wedding was opened up to? The
Gentiles, the ordinary, the sinners.
did the man without wedding clothes get thrown out? He hadn’t put on wedding clothes - He hadn’t
prepared himself
Revelation 19:6-9 and Revelation 21:9-10
wedding is the parable referring to? The lamb and His bride.
to the parable, who would the bride be? Jerusalem
are the uninvited guests that the wedding is opened up to? Christians,
the Church
would the man be that didn’t wear the proper clothes? One who
didn’t accept Jesus
Isaiah 61:10, Revelation 22:14 and Revelation 3:4.
are the proper clothes? Jesus righteousness.
Revelation 22:14-15. What do you
understand about the man from this verse?
He practiced falsehood. The man was
thrown out for not being dressed properly.
He hadn’t clothed himself in Jesus righteousness. He was thrown outside in the darkness with
those that practice falsehood (unrepentant).
The Pharisees and teachers thought they
were destined for heaven because of their ethnicity, status and position – self
Jesus was telling them that the Son has
been sent as the groom and the way into the kingdom (wedding) is through
Him. he was telling them that because of
their stubbornness, the wedding (kingdom) was opened up to outsiders, to anyone
that would accept Jesus invitation and clothe themselves in Him.
All are invited to the wedding of the
lamb. Some will just not come, others
will be against the wedding, others will think they are able to get in but they
will be thrown out. Only those wearing
their faith in Jesus will attend.
hearing this, the Pharisees left and made some plans. What were the plans for? Vs15 to trap
Jesus in His words.
did the Pharisees do? vs16 sent their disciples to Jesus along with the
Herodians (people who supported Herod Antipas).
people address Jesus with flattery. What
did they say they knew about Him? vs16 that He was a man of integrity and He taught
the way of God in accordance with the truth and wasn’t swayed by others.
someone begins a question or comment with flattery or trying to butter you up,
what can you usually expect? They are trying to set you up.
their question came which reveals why they brought the political Herodians with
them. What is their question? Vs17 is it
right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?
had Jesus figured out about these people? Vs18
their evil intent
did He answer them? You are hypocrites. Why are you
trying to trap me? Can you even imagine Jesus’ frustration? These are His people, people He is trying to
help and they keep missing what He is telling them and try to find a problem
with Him instead.
did He ask to be shown? Vs19 a coin used for paying taxes.
brought Him a denarius. What did He ask
then? Vs19-20 whose image and inscription is this (or on this coin)?
answer? Vs21 Caesar’s
did Jesus tell them? Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to
God what is God’s.
were they affected by this answer? Vs22 they were amazed so they left Him.
what you think Jesus’ answer means:
We have to answer to both. Give Caesar his money, but give God your
heart. He had called them
hypocrites. They really didn’t know Him
or understand what He was trying to do. They brought political people with them
with the intention of having Him arrested for opposing Caesar. But He didn’t, he told them to pay Caesar
and by doing so scolded them for their crooked hearts. They proclaimed his integrity in the
beginning thinking it would force Him to be honest. But Jesus never had a problem being honest,
He didn’t have twisted intent like many human leaders have.
I wonder if the disciples ever had
discussions about the motives and manipulation of the Pharisees and religious
leaders. They witnessed all of the evil
intent and Jesus rebuking them and yet there isn’t any conversations recorded
about them.
Pharisees left, but “that same day” who showed up? Vs23 the
does scripture tell us was significant about them? They
didn’t believe in the resurrection
did they go to Jesus with? A question
part of Mosaic law did they bring up? Vs24
if a man dies without having
children his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for him.
example do they tell Jesus? Vs25-26 7 brothers.
The first brother died and each one married the wife as each died.
is their question? Vs27-28 who’s wife will she be when she dies?
did Jesus tell them? Vs29 you are in error because you don’t know the
scriptures or the power of God.
what verse 23 told us about the Sadducees; they didn’t believe in the
resurrection. Jesus is addressing that.
did He say would happen to people at the time of resurrection? Vs30
They will not marry or be married. They will live like the angels in heaven.
speaks of the resurrection of the dead by quoting scripture. What did He tell them? Vs31-32 “have
you not read what God said to you? I am
the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” He is not the God of the dead but of the
living. Or in other words, there is
resurrection, God is the God of the resurrected – the spiritually alive.
He answered the issues of their hearts
more than the issue that they asked about.
did the crowd feel about His teaching? Vs33
heard that Jesus silenced the Sadducees and what did they do because of it?
Vs34 the
Pharisees heard and then got together.
expert in the law had a question for Jesus.
What was his intent for this question? Vs35 to test
did he ask? Vs36 which is the greatest commandment?
didn’t hesitate to answer. What did He
say? Vs37 love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind.
commandment was this? Vs38 the first and greatest
is the second greatest commandment? Vs39
Love your neighbor as yourself
did Jesus say about these two commandments? Vs40 All the
law and prophets hang on them
do you think that means? All the laws fall under these. This is what the law was for, to enforce the
LOVE of God and others – not to replace it.
saw an opportunity. What was the
opportunity and what did He do? vs41 the Pharisees were gathered together so he
asked them a question.
did Jesus ask? Vs42 what do you think about the Messiah?
Whose son is He?
is the reply? The Son of David
Jesus gives them a question to think about, what did He ask? Vs43-45 How is
it then that David speaking in the Spirit, calls Him Lord? If He calls Him Lord, how can He be his son?
did they reply? Vs46 no reply.
did the question cause them to do? not ask any more questions. No one dared.
Jesus revealed how to achieve the
kingdom of Heaven, through the wedding parable.
As usual, the Pharisees didn’t like what
He had to say, they had stubborn hearts (or were stiff necked people as God had
called their ancestors in the Old Testament).
He was trying to tell them to let down
all their piousness and pretenses and believe.
Just have faith and seek God with their hearts, not their status.
Choose God, over World.
Matthew Chapter Twenty One
Jesus and His disciples had been travelling. They came to the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem. Where did Jesus send two disciples? Vs1-2 to the next village
what purpose? To find a donkey with a colt by her.
Untie them and bring them to Jesus.
if someone questions what they are doing? Vs3
tell them the Lord needs them and
will send them back.
did this fulfill? Vs4 prophecy
had been foretold? Vs5 your
king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey and on a colt, the foal of a
Zechariah 9:9.
Isn’t it amazing to see how these things
were foretold over 500 years before Jesus came to earth?
did the disciples do? vs6 they did what Jesus instructed them to do.
did they do when they brought the donkeys to Jesus? Vs7 placed
their cloaks on them, for Jesus to sit on.
did the crowd do that had been following Jesus? Vs8 spread
their cloaks on the road and cut branches and spread them on the ground. Palm branches and leaves would provide a
were ahead of Him and behind Him. What
were they shouting? Vs9 Hosanna to the Son of David. (Hosanna means Save but is also used to
praise God) Blessed is He who comes in
the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the
highest Heaven – Save or praise in the highest Heaven!
did they call Jesus? Son of David
these shouts sound like they believed Jesus to be the Messiah? Sure. They knew prophecy said that the Messiah
would come from David’s line.
entered the city this way. What did the
people in the city ask? Vs10 who is this?
did the crowds answer? Vs11 Jesus the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.
the middle of all the excitement, what did Jesus go and do? vs12 he
entered the temple courts and drove out those buying and selling there. He overturned tables for the money changers
and the benches of those selling doves.
did He drive out? Those buying and selling.
quoted scripture; what did He quote? Vs13
my house will be called a house of
is done in this type of house? Prayer, communion with God.
did Jesus say they had turned it into? A den of robbers.
People had set up shop inside the temple
courts for their own benefit. They were
charging travelers for changing currency to the temple currency so they could
buy offerings for their sacrifices. The
merchants sold birds/doves and animals for sacrifice at inflated prices because
many of the people had travelled such a long distance that they couldn’t have
brought their own animals with them. The
merchants and money changers were using God’s house as a way to take advantage
of the people and get rich. None of this
is what God intended when He set up the system of burnt offerings and sacrifice. His temple was to be a place of cleansing and
communing with Him.
you think that this principle (of merchant using the church to make money)
happens in our Churches today?
Explain: charging huge fees for speaking and
Bible study materials. Just like the
world, the more popular a speaker becomes, the more the people are charged to
come and hear them teach or the more expensive their materials (dvds)
become. Not that they shouldn’t be able
to make some money and support their families, but some have
gotten to a place where they are robbing God’s people.
Jesus cleared the corruption from the temple, what took place? Vs14 the
blind and lame came and Jesus healed them.
became indignant with Jesus? Vs15 the chief priests and teachers of the law
did they see that made them this way? The wonderful things that Jesus did and the
children shouting in the courts “Hosanna to the Son of David”.
did they say to Jesus? Vs16 do you hear what the children are saying?
answered once again with scripture; what did He quote for them? From
the lips of children and infants, you Lord, have called forth your praise.
It was the place of the chief priests
and teachers to know the law and words of the prophets. They would have recognized what Jesus
said. They should have opened their eyes
to Him, especially now. But this is what happens when we close our heart to the
truth. For them, their pride got in the
way of truth, they had head knowledge but no heart engagement.
this, what did Jesus do? vs17 He left and went to Bethany for the night.
in the morning, where did he go? Vs18 back to the city.
did he feel; physically? Hungry
did He see by the road? Vs19 a fig tree
went up to it and what did He find? Nothing but leaves – no fruit
did He do? He cursed it. He told it “may
you never bear fruit again.”
happened immediately? It withered
the disciples saw this they were amazed.
What did they want to know? Vs20 how did it wither so quickly?
was Jesus answer? Vs21 if you have faith and do not doubt, not only
can you do this, but you can tell a mountain to throw itself into the sea and
it will happen.
they believe, what will they receive? Vs22
whatever they ask in prayer.
I think “belief” is nore than
wishing. There must be a deep rooted
heart connection to God for this kind of belief. He added “in prayer” indicating a strong
relationship to the Father is required.
Jesus always taught in ways that
required thinking, such as parables.
There is a parallel between the tree without fruit and doubt and
If we doubt we are like trees that don’t
bear fruit – useless.
If we stay close to the Lord, such as
through prayer, we can accomplish great things, like moving mountains rather
than being fruitless.
arrived back in the city. Where did
Jesus go straight to? Vs23 the temple courts
Jesus was trying to avoid contact with
the leaders earlier in His ministry. But
now, He is boldly seeking them out for confrontations. Now He is taking His message to their turf –
the temple.
began teaching there and who came to Him?
the chief priests and elders.
did they ask? By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this
did he answer this? Vs24 I will
ask you one question first, if you answer it, I will tell you by what authority
I am doing these things.
was Jesus question for them? Vs25 where did John’s baptism come from, from
heaven or human origin?
did they do? discussed the question amongst themselves.
began to calculate their answer. What
was the dilemma? Vs25-26 if they say his baptism is from heaven, then
they will want to know why we didn’t believe Him. But if we say human, we are afraid of the
people because they think He was a prophet.
how did they answer? Vs27 we don’t know. (sounds like they really didn’t know)
did Jesus tell them about their question?
Neither will I tell you by what
authority I am doing things.
tells another parable. A man had two
sons. He told the first to go and work
in the vineyard. How did the son reply
and then what did he do? Vs28-29 he said I will not, then he later changed
his mind and went.
father told the second son the same. How
did the son reply and what did he do? vs30
he said, I will, but he didn’t go.
did Jesus ask? Vs31 which of the two did what the father wanted?
did they answer? The first.
did Jesus say would enter the kingdom ahead of the teachers? Tax
collectors and prostitutes
Vs32 John
came to show them the way of righteousness and they didn’t believe in him, but
the sinners did. And even after they saw
all that has taken place, they still didn’t repent and believe in Him. they still said “we don’t know” when asked
about John the Baptist.
your words, what do you think Jesus was telling them in this?
told another parable. What did a
landowner do? vs33 planted a vineyard, put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and
built a watchtower. Then he rented it
out to some farmers and moved to another place.
harvest time came, what did the landowner do? vs34 he sent
servants to the tenants to collect his fruit (rent).
did the tenants respond? Vs35 they seized the servants, beat one, killed
another and stoned another.
did the landowner do? vs36 he sent more servants, more than the first
did the tenants do? treated them the same way
did the landowner do, last of all? Vs37 sent his son to the tenants.
did he think should happen? They would respect the son
did the tenants say to each other? Vs38 they said, this is the heir let’s kill him
and take the inheritance.
did the tenants do? vs39 they threw the son out of the vineyard and
killed him.
this parable, who are the tenants? The leaders/Chief priests and teachers
is the landowner? The Lord
are the servants? The prophets
is the son? Jesus
did Jesus ask the leaders about the parable? Vs40 when
the landowner comes, what will He do?
did they answer? Vs41 he will bring those wretches to an end and
rent the vineyard to other tenants who will do right.
we go any further, how do you feel about their answer?
you think they understood what Jesus was getting at?
What an amazing thing. Jesus pointed out to them exactly what was
happening. God is the landowner, they
are only renting here and they owe Him.
The religious have rejected, thrown out and killed the prophets who were
sent previously and now they are going to kill the Son, the heir. Because they want things to stay the way they
like it. They reap the benefit of the
current system, just like the tenants of the field.
did Jesus respond to them? Vs42A have you never read the scriptures. Remember who He is talking to…the
Teachers of the law and chief priests.
Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22-23; scripture they would know. What point was Jesus making? Vs42B He is
the Son, the stone the builders rejected, and even though the tenants killed
Him, He will become the cornerstone.
Although He will be killed, it will end up being a marvelous thing.
is going to happen to the kingdom of God because of this? Vs43 it will
be taken away from the religious and given to people who produce its fruit –
kingdom fruit.
will happen to those that fall on the cornerstone? Vs44 they
will be broken to pieces.
will happen to anyone the cornerstone falls on?
They will be crushed.
did the Leaders know? Vs45 Jesus was talking about them.
they repent? Vs46 no, they looked for a way to arrest Him.
were they afraid of? The people that thought He was a prophet.
So they weren’t afraid of God, but they
were afraid of the people. What a
sobering thing. We should all examine
ourselves to see who and what motivates us.
Are we afraid of God or are we afraid of losing our status-quo?
Matthew Chapter Twenty
Jesus told
a parable that related to the kingdom of Heaven; what did He relate the kingdom
to? Vs1 a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his
did the landowner agree to pay the workers for a day in the vineyard starting
early in the morning? Vs2 a denarius
(9am) What did the landowner find? Vs3 he went out and found others standing doing
nothing in the marketplace.
did the landowner tell the people? Vs4 go to work in my vineyard and I will pay you
whatever is right.
did they do? vs5 they went to work
At noon
and at 3pm, what did the landowner do again? He went out and did the same thing – hired
more workers.
What did
he do at 5 in the afternoon? Vs6 he went out and found others standing around
and asked “why have you been here all day doing nothing?”
was the answer? Vs7 No one has hired us
did he tell them to do (at 5 in the afternoon)?
Go and work in my vineyard
did the landowner do when evening came? Vs8
he told the foreman to call the
workers in and pay them their wages.
Who was
first to be paid and who was last? The last ones hired were to be paid first
and the first ones hired were to be paid last
much did the late comers get paid? Vs8 a denarius
were the mid day workers paid? Vs9 a denarius
were the early hired men expecting? Vs10
to receive more
did they get paid? A denarius
How did
they feel about their payment? Vs11 they grumbled
was the complaint? Vs12 the ones that worked only one hour were paid
the same amount as us who bore the burden of the work and the heat of the
day. They had been made equal.
did the landowner tell them? Vs13 -14 I am not being unfair. You agreed to work for a denarius. Take your pay and go, I want to choose to pay
them the same as you.
did the landowner ask the early workers? Vs15
don’t I have the right to do what
I want with my own $$? Are you envious
because I am generous?
How did
Jesus sum the parable up? Vs16 the last will be first and the first will be
last. (the same teaching as in chapter
does this mean to you? What do you make
of it? I believe it means that it doesn’t matter if you are Jew
or Gentile, rich or poor, or what your social status is. Whenever you choose to follow Jesus, you are
rewarded the same as someone that had been following Him for years. Even if it is at the end of life, we all get
eternal life, salvation, if we believe and ask.
God is a generous landowner who gives grace equally to all.
The disciples were looking for or expecting
somethings special from their early following of Jesus. They thought it would
give them some special standing in Heaven.
Chapter 19 closed with them asking what will those that have followed
Him be rewarded, and then what about those that have sacrificed in their lives
for Him. Jesus answered those that were
first will be last and those that are last will be first, then He went on to
teach this parable.
did He do with the 12 disciples? Took them aside
did He tell them about His sentencing by the Jewish leaders? Vs18-19 the Son
of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and teachers of the
law. They will condemn Him to death.
will be done to Jesus? He will be handed over to the Gentiles by
the Jewish leaders, mocked, flogged and crucified.
will happen on the third day? Vs19b he will be raised to life – resurrected.
came to Jesus at that point? Vs20 the mother of Zebedees sons. (James &
did this person want? Vs20-21 she asked a favor; please grant that my sons
may sit on your right and your left in your kingdom.
did Jesus tell her? vs22 you don’t know what you are asking, can you
drink the cup I am going to drink? I
imagine He told her she didn’t know what He was asking and then turned to her
sons and asked them if they could drink the cup He would drink.
what did Jesus tell them? Vs23 they would indeed drink from His cup. But to sit at His right and left is not for
Him to decide. Those places are for
whoever the Father prepared them for.
How do
the other 10 feel about the woman’s request? Vs24 indignant.
called them all together to listen; what did He tell them?vs25 the
rulers of the Gentiles lord it over the gentiles and their high officials
exercise authority over the rulers.
This is
not how things work in Jesus kingdom.
Status and titles aren’t important, what is? Vs26-27 whoever
wants to be great among you must be your servant. Whoever wants to be first must be your
example did Jesus give? Vs28 just as He, the Son of Man, did not come to
be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.
In what
ways did Jesus serve on earth? He healed, taught, delivered from demons, provided food
when needed.
Jesus and His disciples were leaving Jericho, who followed them? Vs29 a large
Who sat
by the roadside? Vs30 two
blind men.
happened when they heard Jesus was passing by?
They shouted “Son of David, have
mercy on us”
did the large crowd that followed Jesus out of Jericho do? vs31 they
told the men to be quiet
did the two men do? shouted louder
got Jesus attention. He stopped, and
what did He ask? Vs32 what do you want me to do for you?
did the men say? Vs33 Lord, we want our sight
happened? Vs34 Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and
they followed Jesus.
has compassion for us. He is asking you
what do you want me to do for you? What
is your reply to Him?
The blind men’s hearts were ready for Jesus. Once healed, they followed Him.
Based on all that we have read in Matthew so
far, the large crowds followed Jesus because of His healing and teaching – His
miracles and renewed thinking. So
doesn’t it seem odd that the crowds would tell the blind men to shut up, since
blind men need a miracle?
Let’s think about his as followers today. Are we telling people in need of Jesus to be
quiet or are we leading them and making a path to healing? Could we be getting in the way of others
coming to Jesus? I hope the answer to
this is no.
Matthew Chapter Nineteen
Jesus finished His teaching on forgiveness and then what did He do? vs1 he left Galilee and went into Judea to the other side of the Jordan river.
followed Him and what did Jesus do for them? Vs2 large
crowds, He healed people there.
else went to Him there? Vs3 some Pharisees
what purpose? To test Him
did they ask? Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?
How did
Jesus answer? Vs4 haven’t you read , in the beginning the Creator made them male and
female. (they were Pharisees – students
of the law – they should know the answer to this which is why He said “haven’t
you read”)
said “for this reason” For what reason does a man leave his parents and become united
to his wife? Vs4-5 God created them male and female.
What do
the two become? Vs5-6 one flesh.
No longer two, but one
How did
Jesus answer the question of divorce? Vs6
what God has joined, let no one
what did they ask? Vs7 For what reason did Moses allow that a man
divorce his wife and send her away?
How did
Jesus answer to that? Vs8 Moses permitted divorce because your hearts
were hard. But it was not this way from
the beginning.
did Jesus say is considered adultery? Vs9
anyone who divorces his wife,
except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman.
Why did
Moses allow divorce? Vs7 because the people’s hearts were hard
In your
words; what had God intended from the beginning, concerning marriage?
He intended for a man and woman to marry and
become one. No one tears their own flesh
away. God calling them “one flesh” let’s
them know that they are permanent. Just
as one wouldn’t get upset with his arm and cut it off, he also wasn’t to get
upset with his wife and cast her away.
One flesh – together forever (for better or worse)
being married means you become “one” and are married for life, then what do the
disciples think is best? Vs10 not to marry
did Jesus say about that theory? Vs11 not everyone can accept this – only those
who have been given it. (given the
ability to not marry or have a need for sex, or a family)
are the two types of people who can live this way? Vs12 those
that are born to not desire women and those that choose to live that way for
the sake of the kingdom.
Who was
brought to Jesus and for what purpose? Vs13
little children, to have Jesus put
His hands on them and pray for them.
How did
the disciples deal with this? They rebuked the people
did Jesus say about it? Vs14 let the little children come to me and don’t
keep them away, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.
did Jesus do? vs15 He placed His hands on them and then went on.
then a man came to Jesus, what did he ask? Vs16
Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?
How did
Jesus answer? Vs17 why do you ask me about what is good
many are good? Only one is good
does one enter eternal life? Keeping the commandments
specifically did the man want to know? Vs18
which commandments?
was Jesus answer to that? Vs18-19 do not murder, steal, give false testimony,
honor your mother and father and love your neighbor as yourself.
did the man tell Jesus, and then ask? Vs20
I have kept these. What do I still lack?
You can see into this man’s heart that he
knows something is still missing. He follows commands, keeps the rules, but
still doesn’t’ feel secure. He could
have gone away happy with Jesus first answer, but he knew there was still
something not right in his life. Keeping
the commands didn’t seem like enough.
Either that or he was being prideful and expecting Jesus to praise him
or appoint him to something.
did Jesus tell him? vs21 go sell your possessions and give to the
poor and you will have treasure in Heaven, then come and follow me.
Jesus knew that the man’s heart was not
engaged. He was looking for the “things”
he could do instead of the one that could change him. This still happens today. People want to keep their old ways, follow
the rules, do A and B and then spend the rest of their time and life doing what
they want. Being systematic is often
easier than following Jesus.
Did the
man get excited about Jesus instructions? Vs22
no, he went away sad.
Why? Because
he had great wealth.
Jesus knew his heart, he knew his situation
and knew that this was the barrier that kept the man from finding eternity with
Had the man sold everything and followed
Jesus, he would have found the happiness that he was seeking. His wealth kept his heart from engaging.
about your life, is there something that keeps you from experiencing the
fullness that Jesus wants you to have?
The man
went away. What did Jesus say to His
disciples? Vs23 It is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
What is
easier done than a rich man entering Heaven? Vs24 a camel
to fit through the eye of a needle.
why you think this would be: Having wealth takes
away the need to rely on God. You can
buy whatever you need and you have plenty to distract you from being with God.
did the disciples think about this teaching? Vs25 they
were astonished
did they want to know? Who can be saved? If nothing is done on merit of a man’s
actions, who can be saved? I think there
are plenty of people today that still struggle with this.
did Jesus tell them? Vs26 with man, this is impossible, but with God
all things are possible.
What is possible? People can be saved. It’s impossible for men to do anything to
save themselves, but it is possible for God to save them. So seek God, not works.
has a thought that causes him to ask a question; what is the question? Vs27 We have
left everything for you, what then will there be for us?
Jesus answer, when will they be rewarded? Vs28
at the renewal of all things, when
the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne.
will those that have followed Him, be rewarded?
They will sit on thrones judging
the 12 tribes of Israel.
about those that have sacrificed in their lives for Him? vs29 they
will receive 100 times as much and will inherit eternal life.
gave an indication that there will be justice for those that follow Him. How will things be different in Heaven than
on earth? Vs30 those that were first will be last and those last will be first.
I think
there is a really good piece of scripture for us to look at before we put this
chapter to rest. Please read Luke
teaching is clear about how different things will be in eternity.
was Lazarus, the beggar when he died? At Abraham’s side
was the rich man when he died? In Hades
Who was
first on earth? The rich man
Who was
last on earth? The beggar
verse 24, what is the rich man doing that Lazarus had to do on earth? begging
did Abraham tell the rich man in verse 25?
In your lifetime you received your
good things while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and
you are in agony.
You may
not consider yourself “rich” in accordance to U.S. figures, but globally we in
the U.S. are incredibly rich. For
instance, we have access to clean water, food availability, and medicine for
common illnesses. Most U.S. households
have more than one television, a cell phone for each household member, and at
least one car.
what did your heart feel initially when you read this, it could be very telling
of how much you value your earthly treasures.
Is this
scripture telling us that if we have money on earth we will go to Hades? Or that we can’t be saved unless we live like
beggars and paupers?
I’m leaving my thoughts to these questions
for you to read now.
I would love to defend my way of living and
say that Jesus would not have meant that literally but I don’t know that for
sure, He certainly meant it to the man that approached Him.
This I do know; Jesus knew what was in the
heart of each man he spoke with and what their motives were behind their
questions. From the first people on
earth, God has always been about the individual’s heart. What’s on the inside and what is keeping us
from Him. Words mean nothing if the
heart isn’t engaged.
I believe that we can’t hold anything on this
earth to tightly, we must be willing to give up anything other than Him.
Luke 14:26 says “If anyone
comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers
and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.”
Nothing should come before our love of
Him. Nothing…No one. Period.
I believe that this is more the point than
selling everything and giving it to the poor.
Although we shouldn’t step over the poor and ignore their begging or
This teaching is like the eye that causes you
to sin, gouge it out. If something takes
you away from God get rid of it.
Let nothing come before God in your
life. Abraham was even willing to
sacrifice Isaac, the love of his life.
Let there be nothing that you are unwilling to give up if He asks you
to…including your own life.
Let’s end here with a prayer. Ask God if there is anything in your life
that gets in the way of following Him.
Matthew Chapter Eighteen
of the disciples witness the miraculous transfiguration of Jesus and soon after
they all see a demon driven out of a boy.
Jesus speaks to them about having faith and then provides another
miracle through the mouth of a fish.
Jesus indicates that they are children of a king (He is the king) and
therefore they shouldn’t have to pay taxes according to the ways of the
world. So the disciples have a concern.
What did the disciples ask Jesus? Vs1 who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?
did Jesus call and put among them? Vs2 a little child
did He say in answer to their question? Vs3 unless
you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of
is greatest? Vs4 whoever takes a lowly position like the child.
of ways that a child is lowly and write them down: dependent, lacking wisdom, trusting, in
that day they came last.
did Jesus add to His answer for the disciples? Vs5 whoever
welcomes one such child in my name, welcomes me. When we are gracious and loving to the lowly,
we are being gracious to Jesus.
defines in this verse, what a “child” is; what did He say? Vs6 one who
believes in Him.
will it be like for anyone who causes one to stumble? It
would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and
to be drowned in the sea.
will face “woe” for causing people to stumble? Vs7 the
world. Things that cause others to
stumble or sin must come, but we don’t want to be the one who they come
did Jesus say about our own hand or foot? Vs8a
if it causes us to stumble cut it
off and throw it away.
Vs8b it
is better to live maimed or crippled than to have to hands and feet and be
thrown into the eternal fire.
about if our eye causes us to stumble (sin)? Vs9 gouge
it out
Why? It is better
to live with one eye than have two and be thrown into the lake of fire.
point is being made here? Does Jesus
want us to physically hurt ourselves? Jesus is giving a warning about being on
guard. Stumbling or sinning can take
place easily if we aren’t aware. It
seems to happen when we allow the world to have an effect on us. “Woe to the world because of the things that
cause people to stumble.” We must have
an effect on the world, not the opposite.
did Jesus say to them, not to despise or think low of another little one?
Vs10 their
angels in heaven always see the face of God.
isn’t a verse 11 because some manuscripts include Luke 9:10 as verse 11 and
others do not.
would Luke 9:10 fit with this teaching? It is for the purpose of all that Jesus
came. To seek and save the lost. God sees all people, we are not to judge or
mistreat those that aren’t as “spiritual” or mature as us because Jesus wants
them to be saved too.
now puts this teaching into context.
What does He say about a man owning one hundred sheep? Vs12 If one
wanders away He will leave the flock together to go and find the one.
would He be happier about the one than the ninety-nine? Vs13 because
it has been restored. The other
ninety-nine are safe, and now the one is back and safe too.
does God the Father not want to have happen? Vs14 He
doesn’t want anyone to perish.
The little ones are spiritually
immature. Those that don’t have faith
yet or are in the early stages of faith.
The angels in Heaven see how God loves them and they pursue watching
are we to point out to a brother or sister? Vs15 their sin
are we to do this? Alone, just the two of you.
will you know if they are being restored?
If they listen to you..(I believe
this means, takes heed, not just hear you out.
do you do if they don’t listen? Vs16 take one or two others with you and approach
them again.
do this? So that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or
does this compare with Deuteronomy 19:15?
The Old Testament law required two
or three witnesses for a conviction, one was not enough. Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law
but to fulfill it. His teaching lines up
with it. The law is still the moral principle
to live by, it just isn’t the way to Heaven or a relationship with the
these verses, what do you think is the definition of a brother or sister….a
sibling? No, fellow Believer.
if the one you are trying to correct still refuses to listen? Vs17 tell
the Church and then treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. As someone without faith, not a part of the
Read these references and write a
conclusion of what they tell you: Romans 16:17, 1 Corinthians 5:1-2, 2 Thessalonians
3:6-14, 2 Corinthians 13:7-9,
1 Corinthians 6:1-6 Although
we have a hard time with this in this age, we hear more about “grace” now than
correction, there is still plenty of exhortation in the New Testament to
correct the Believer and not just accept them in sin. We are called to adhere to “truth” and to
allow correction for our benefit and to give correction for others
benefit. When a believer doesn’t listen
to correction we are to leave him out of fellowship, stay away from him, and
treat him as a tax collector, pagan or unbeliever so he will be ashamed. We don’t need to shame them, but allow room
for the Holy Spirit to work and convict them.
in mind the three verses prior; what do you think Jesus is talking about in
this verse, what will be bound or loosed? Vs18
The decisions or actions of the
righteous. If the decision is made to
put a sinning brother out of the church and treat them as a pagan, it will be
backed up in Heaven.
two or more are witnesses together, asking God for something, what will happen?
Vs19 God
will do it for them
Vs20 because
where two or more gather in Jesus name, He is there with them. You
have probably heard this verse quoted before.
How does the meaning change for you after seeing it in this
context? Jesus is talking about
making decisions for the Church, or about dealing with Believers who sin. If we come together in agreement and ask God
to bless our decision, He will answer.
This isn’t a blank statement about whatever we want and ask for as long
as there are two of us it will be given.
It is actually about making decisions for the Church. It appears in the context of correcting a
brother and having two witnesses for in order to take action.
Jesus tells them to forgive and accept a brother back that has repented or
listened to their correction; what is Peter’s question in response? Vs21 how
many times shall I forgive a brother or sister that sins against me? Up to seven times?
did Jesus say? Vs22 77 times or 70x7 times. Or
limitless. If the brother or sister
repents, he/she is to be restored, however many times it takes. We are all sinners, we all mess up. Some take longer to learn lessons or to
change behaviors and get it right. If
they truly repent over their mistake we are to forgive, no matter how many
honest with yourself….is this hard for you to accept?
then tells a parable to help them understand this point. What is the kingdom of heaven like? Vs23 a king
who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.
does the settlement start? Vs24 a man who owed $10,000 bags of gold (a great
debt) was brought to the king.
did the king order for the man’s settlement? Vs25 that
he, his wife, and their children and all that they had, be sold to repay the
did the man do? vs26 he fell on his knees before the king and
begged “be patient with me, I will pay everything.”
did the king/master do? vs27 he took pity on him and cancelled the debt.
did the servant/man do in response? Vs28
he found someone who owed him 100
silver coins (a small debt) and grabbed him and began to choke him. he demanded the man pay back what he owed
did the fellow servant/man do? vs29 fell on his knees and begged him to be
patient and he would pay it back.
did the man respond to this servant?
(Keep in mind this is the same man that the king had pity on and
cancelled his large debt) Vs30 he had
him thrown in jail until he could pay.
others saw this, how did they feel and what did they do? vs31 they
were outraged and they went and told the king.
did the king do? vs32 called the man in and told him he was
wicked. He reminded him that he had
cancelled his bags of gold debt because he had begged him to.
did he ask the man in light of this? Vs33
shouldn’t you have had mercy on
your fellow servant just as I had on you?
did the angered king do? vs34 handed him over to the jailers to be
tortured until he paid back the debt.
Which would be never, how could he pay it back while in jail being
did Jesus tell the disciples about this story and forgiveness? Vs35 this is
how God the Father will treat you unless you forgive your brother or sister from
the heart.
this parable, who is the king? God
is the first servant? Us, he had great debt, like we do. but God, through Jesus, has cancelled our
great debt. If someone sins against us
their one debt isn’t anywhere near as large as the one we owed to God. So if God forgives us and cancels our great
debt, we have no business condemning and punishing another for a sin against
What’s interesting is that we can’t just
overlook the sin or say that we forgive.
We are told to forgive from our heart.
So to wrap up this segment of scripture;
If we take our freedom as selfishness instead of looking out for fellow
believers first, and cause someone to stumble; whether it is making someone
question the faith or leading them down a path to sin, woe to us.
If we see that when a believer is in sin
we are to try and correct them, if they
don’t repent, we are to bring other witnesses with us to correct and then
finally the whole Church if necessary.
If they still don’t repent, we are to stay away from them, don’t have
fellowship with them so they will be ashamed, or miss the fellowship and
If a brother repents, we are to forgive
them over and over every time they repent 70 x 7.
Matthew Chapter Seventeen
Where did Jesus go after six days passed? Vs1 up a high mountain
Who did
he take with Him? Peter, James and John
happened there? Vs2 Jesus was transfigured before their eyes.
details are given? Jesus face shone like the sun and His clothes became white as the
suddenly appeared and were talking with Jesus? Vs3 Moses (the
law) and Elijah (the prophets)
spoke up? Vs4 Peter
did he say? Lord it is good for us to be here.
If you wish, I will put up three shelters; one for you, one for Moses
and one for Elijah.
There isn’t any mention that the men were
introduced to the sudden visitors and yet they knew who they were. There weren’t any photos of them, they lived
years apart from each other and yet they still knew who they were.
Moses and Elijah were two of the most
significant men of God to the people of Israel.
Moses initiated God’s law – the first five books of the Bible, and
Elijah was used to bring about some incredible Old Testament miracles. Elijah was the most dramatic of the prophets
to Israel. Both of these men had an
intimate relationship with God.
Even though Peter had told Jesus that he
thought He was the Messiah, the son of the living God (Matt 16:16), he seems to
see Him as equal to Moses and Elijah with this statement. Shelter could be translated
"tabernacle”, Peter will build a tabernacle for all three of the great
men. He made a mistake though, Jesus was
not the same as the other two, He was greater.
The law revealed a need for a Savior, the prophets foretold of a Savior
coming and Jesus was the fulfillment of both!
Peter was speaking, what took place? Vs5
a bright cloud covered them and a
voice came from the cloud saying “this is my son, whom I love, with Him I am
well pleased. Listen to Him!”
Perhaps God is cutting Peter off to let him
know that Jesus is greater than Moses and Elijah. “This is my Son! Not just another man.”
did the three disciples do at the sound of this? Vs6 fell
face down on the ground, terrified.
did Jesus do? vs7 He touched them and told them to get up and not be afraid.
they lifted their eyes, what did they see? vs8
just Jesus
instructions did Jesus give as they left the Mountain? Vs9 don’t
tell anyone what you have seen until the Son of Man has been raised from the
From that statement it was pretty clear of
what was going to happen. There
shouldn’t be any doubt in these three disciples now. They now know that Jesus is God’s son, from
God’s own mouth, and that He will die and raise back to life.
did the disciples ask? Vs10 why do the teachers of the law say that
Elijah must come first?
Luke 1:15-17.
did the Lord tell Zechariah in the temple before Elizabeth’s conception? that
John the Baptist would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. Vs15
He would bring back many of the people of
Israel to the Lord. Vs16
He would go on before the Lord in the Spirit
and power of Elijah to make the people ready and prepared for the Lord. Vs17
Who was
the prophet that had already come that was “like Elijah”? John the Baptist
However, the teachers had missed him because
they expected someone that would come and back them up – be part of the
establishment. Even though their history
showed that prophets almost always came in opposition – to warn against the
Back to
Matthew 17.
sobering details did Jesus give them? Vs11-12
Elijah has already come and the
Teachers did not recognize him. They did
what they wanted to him. In the same way
He, Jesus, would suffer at their hands as well.
Who did
the disciples recognize that Jesus had been calling Elijah? Vs13 john
the Baptist
happened when they came upon a crowd again? Vs14 a man
came to Jesus and knelt before Him.
was asked of Jesus? Vs15 the man asked that Jesus have mercy on his
son, (heal him) because he has seizures and is suffering greatly.
was happening? The son sometimes would fall into the fire or the water during
action had the man taken earlier that didn’t help? Vs16 he had brought him to Jesus disciples for healing.
did Jesus say to that? Vs17 you unbelieving and perverse generation, how
long shall I stay with you? How long
shall I put up with you? Bring the boy
Who do
you think Jesus is talking to in this verse? I believe it is the disciples.
Who did
Jesus rebuke in order to heal the boy? Vs18 a demon
happened when Jesus gave His rebuke? The demon came out of the boy and he was
healed at that moment.
private, the disciples asked Jesus something; what was it? Vs19 why
couldn’t we drive it out?
was Jesus answer? Vs20 because you have so little faith.
did Jesus say about a mustard seed? If you have faith as small as a mustard
seed, you can tell mountains to move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.
to this statement; how much faith did the disciples have? Smaller
than a mustard seed – very little.
traveled with Jesus, watched miracle after miracle, had left their own lives to
follow Him and yet had very little faith.
How is this possible?
Do you
see this type of faith in our churches and among us today?
Mark 9:28-29.
This is
the same event as in Matthew. How is
this type of demon driven out? Through prayer.
Romans 10:17, look at it along with Mark 9:29 and write in your words, how our
faith is increased. Faith comes through hearing the message and
it is increased
“Consequently, faith
comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about
The more we get to
know God and His Word, by reading and praying, the more our faith increases.
of the manuscripts include similar words to mark 9:29 here so that would be
verse 21. But this book leaves out a
verse 21)
came together in Galilee. What did Jesus
tell His disciples would happen? Vs22 the Son of Man is going to be delivered into
the hands of men.
this happens, what will take place next? Vs23
those men will kill Him and on the
third day He will be raised to life.
did the disciples feel about this news? They were filled with grief
did Jesus and His disciples arrive next? Vs24
approached Peter? The collectors of the two-drachma temple tax. (the 2 drachma temple tax
was a Jewish tax on males that went to the maintenance of the temple).
did they ask Peter? Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?
was Peter’s answer? Vs25 yes He does.
went back into the house and Jesus asked him something. What did He ask Peter? From whom do the kings of the
earth collect duty and taxes, from their own children or from others?
How did
Peter answer? Vs26 from others
did Jesus say about their own children? They are exempt
kings of the earth do not pay tax or charge their own children tax, then Jesus,
being a king, should not have to pay tax nor should His children (the
what instruction did Jesus give regarding paying the tax? Vs27 go to
the lake, throw out your line and take the first fish that you catch and open
its mouth. You will find a 4 drachma
coin, take and give it to them for my tax and yours.
what reason will they pay the tax that they should be exempt from? So that
they may not cause offense.
Why do
you think that Jesus chose this way to provide the money for the tax?
We are still required to actively participate
in providing. God ultimately provides
but he equips us to work and take part in the process. Fishing was Peter’s trade, his way of
providing for himself.
This chapter really emphasized faith and
Jesus Lordship (the transfiguration).
He reveals He is king and also that God’s
plan is for Him to suffer. The disciples
learn how important faith, prayer and action is.
Matthew Chapter Sixteen
came to Jesus? Vs1 Pharisees and Sadducees
what purpose or motivation? To test Him
did they ask for? a sign from Heaven
did Jesus tell them? Vs2-3 When they say the sky is red in the evening,
the weather will be fair and when it is red in the morning it will be
overcast. You know how to interpret the
signs for weather but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
There were plenty of signs to prove that
Jesus was the one that was prophesied about.
But instead of looking at those, they wanted something specific
(magical) from Jesus. Actually, the fact
that Jesus knew prophecy and scripture so well as a carpenter was a great sign.
looks for a new, updated sign? Vs4 a wicked and adulterous generation.
they get it? No, except the sign of Jonah.
Jonah 1:1-6.
Jonah turned his back on the Lord and ran, what did he end up in? trouble
Jonah 1:14-17. How long was Jonah in the
fish? 3 days and 3 nights.
you remember what Jesus did in the same amount of time that fulfilled
scripture? Died and rose in 3 days.
left with His disciples to cross the lake again. What did the disciples not bring with
them? Vs5 any of the
did Jesus say to them? Vs6 be careful.
Be on our guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
discussion; why did the disciples think Jesus had said that? Vs7 because
they didn’t bring any bread
heard their discussion; what did He say to them in verse 8? You of
little faith, why are you talking about not having bread?
did Jesus remind them of? Vs9-10 they didn’t have to worry about bread,
remember how He multiplied it? He could
certainly feed them and wouldn’t be talking about bread with that statement.
did Jesus repeat? Vs11 be on your guard against the yeast of the
Pharisees and Sadducees.
did they understand then? Vs12 Jesus was talking about being on guard
against the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
region did they arrive at next? Vs13 Caesarea Philippi
did Jesus ask the disciples? Who do people say the Son of Man is?
do they answer? Vs14 some say John the Baptist, Elijah, Jerimiah
or another prophet.
asks a question that identifies that He is the Son of Man. What is the question and how do we know He is
the Son of Man? Vs15 What about you, who do you say I am? He changed from who do people say the son of
man is, to who do you say I am?
You know He is referring to the question previously, He switches the way
He asks it:
Who do people say the son of man is; what
about you, who do you say I am?
answers, and what was his answer? Vs16 Peter.
He said “you are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God”.
was Jesus response to him? vs17 blessed
are you Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and
blood, but by my Father in Heaven.
did Jesus say to him next? Vs18 I call you Peter (or you are Peter) which
means Rock, so “you are Rock” and on this “rock” I will build my Church and the
gates of Hades will not overcome it.
do you think this means? Jesus gave Peter the new name “Rock”
because He knew that Peter would one day stand strong for His Church. Peter named Jesus as Messiah and Jesus named
Peter as His Rock.
will Jesus give Peter? Vs19 the keys of
the kingdom of Heaven.
do the keys do? they bind things in heaven that have been bound on earth and loose in
Heaven whatever is loosed on earth.
back at verses 15-16. What had Peter
confessed? Jesus was Messiah
verse 17 Peter is blessed for confessing this.
He will be the Rock (foundation) of Jesus Church. What is the Church about? – What is it
designed to do? spread the gospel or good news.
The foundation for spreading the news that Jesus is Messiah.
Isaiah 22:22.
is the key to? The house of David.
can be done with this key? What it opens no one can shut and what it
shuts no one can open.
light of this, what would the keys be for?
To unlock
hearts, to allow people to become part of the Church without the Pharisees.
Job 12:13-15.
belongs to God? Wisdom, power, counsel and understanding.
is God capable of? Tearing down and never being rebuilt.
Those He imprisons cannot be released.
Holding back waters and raining down flood to devastation.
Jesus has the keys, he gives them to
Peter-the foundation of the Church. When
the kingdom is open, anyone that believes in Jesus as the Messiah can come in.
Remember in Matthew 5:17, Jesus said “
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” I believe this means that through Jesus there
is no more punishment for sin. He didn’t
come to throw out the law, the rules or standards are still in place, but
because of Jesus sacrifice there is no more punishment for those that are His,
or are Believers. The Church has the
keys (Jesus) to unlock hearts.
did Jesus warn the disciples about? Vs20
not to tell anyone Jesus is the
marked a turning point in Jesus’ teachings.
What did he explain to the disciples from that day on? Vs21A He must
go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the religious leaders
(elders, chief priests and teachers of the law).
did Jesus say it was going to turn out? Vs21B
He would be killed and on the
third day be raised to life.
did Peter do? vs22 he took Jesus aside and rebuked Him; saying “never Lord, this shall
never happen to you”.
was Jesus response to Peter? Vs23 get behind me Satan, you are a stumbling
block to me; you do not have God’s concerns in mind, only human ones.
Jesus reveals that a godly life isn’t a
selfish or self centered one. We have to
keep our wants in check and be sure they don’t
conflict with the Lord’s purposes.
Peter didn’t want Jesus to leave or to suffer, his humanness was
speaking. Just as our humanness often
sees things a s bad, that God wants to use for His purpose.
is something in your life right now that
you are fighting against, or that you may see as bad, that may be part of God’s
did Jesus say to His disciples? Vs24 whoever wants to be my disciple must deny
themselves and take up their cross and follow me.
again, as in Matthew 10:38, this is a peculiar thing for Jesus to say to His
disciples at this point. What had NOT happened yet? He hadn’t been crucified nor was there any
talk of crucifixion yet.
happens to someone that values their life over God? Vs25 they
will lose it.
if one accepts Jesus, what happens if the worst takes place and someone loses
their life on account of Jesus? They will find life
did Jesus say about gaining the whole world? Vs26 what
good is it if you lose your soul; or forfeit your soul for temporary earthly
pleasure. If someone lives a good long time and acquires the whole world what
good would it do if when he/she died they lost their soul for Heaven? What
can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
will come in his Father’s glory? Vs27 the son of man
will he come with? The angels
will he do when he comes? Reward each person according to what they
have done.
We will be judged according to we have
done. First and foremost Did we choose
Jesus? How much did we listen to
Him? Did we seek Him through prayer and
His Word? Did we do what He asked us to
do? Did we go where He sent us? Did we not let fear control us? Did we choose
Him over ourselves? Did we forgive? Did
we love others and show mercy? Etc.
told them that some standing there would not taste death before seeing
what? Vs28 the son
of man coming in His kingdom
I don’t believe that this reference to
“the son of man coming in His kingdom” is referring to the end of days when
Jesus returns as conqueror. In order to
understand this statement we need to look at the context of the chapter. Starting in verse 4 we see that Jesus left the
crowd and got in a boat with His disciples.
Jesus begins to talk about the
kingdom of Heaven. Who is Jesus is
talking to in this segment? His disciples, not the crowds.
He explains that He must suffer and die
to be raised to life. We now know that when
He is raised, He has conquered death for all.
I believe that this is when He will be
“coming in His Kingdom”, when He is raised from the dead. This is when He brought the kingdom of Heaven/salvation
to earth. Most of them had not tasted
death before He came back to life from death.
One had – one betrayer.
Read Matthew 27:3-5. Who had tasted death before seeing Jesus
resurrected or “coming in His kingdom”?
Matthew Chapter Fifteen
the past few chapters we have seen that Jesus’ miracles are reaching far and
wide. People are scrambling to come see
and hear Him in person. They bring their
sick, lame, and demon possessed and all are being healed.
comes to Jesus with a concern? Vs1 some Pharisees and teachers of the law
was the concern? Why do His disciples break the tradition of the elders. They don’t do the ceremonial washing before
they eat. Which was a tradition that had
become like law.
They were in Gennesaret and the
Pharisees came all the way from Jerusalem to challenge Jesus.
did Jesus ask in response? Vs3 why do you break the command of God for the
sake of tradition?
command does Jesus refer to? Vs4 honor your father and mother. Anyone who curses father and mother is to be
put to death.
is this explained; how have they broken the command? Vs5 they
took resources that should have helped their parents and were supposedly using
them for God.
They took a vow, called a Corban Vow,
which was an offering. They would take
money that should be supporting their parents and gave it to God. This made
them neglect their parents and gain prestige for their “devotion to God”.
were they doing to the word of God in this practice? Vs6 nullifying it. They claimed to
devote more to God, but Jesus said they nullified God’s word, and therefore
God, by doing this.
did Jesus call them because of it? Vs7 hypocrites
did Jesus say had prophesied about them?
did the prophet say about them? Vs8 they honor God with their lips but their
hearts are far from Him. (lip service)
into your own words, what this means.
Matthew 7:21-23. What does this say
about lip service?
In the end, they/we will list all the
things that they/we did for God – prophesy, drive out demons, perform miracles….(and
they can add, give our parents money to you in offering.) None of it will
matter if their/our hearts are from Him.
did Jesus say about their worship? Vs9 it’s in vain.
does that mean? It does nothing for God or for them.
calls the people to Himself. What did He
tell them to do? vs10 listen and understand.
He answers the Pharisees questions from verse 2. What do they need to understand? Vs11 what
goes into a mouth isn’t what defiles them, but what comes out is what defiles
did the disciples come to tell Jesus? Vs12 the
Pharisees were offended when they heard Him say this.
Jesus panic, or feel bad? Vs13 no
does He answer? Every plant my Father had not planted will be pulled up by the
did that mean? Vs14 they are blind guides. If blind
lead blind, both will fall into a pit.
this in your words:
If those that won’t open their hearts to
truth lead people who don’t know truth, both will perish. How do you teach something that you aren’t
knowledgeable about?
did Peter want Jesus to do? vs15 explain the parable to them.
did Jesus tell Peter? Are you still so dull? (Or foggy minded). Do you still not understand?
the beginning of the chapter, what was the Pharisees concern? Vs2 the
disciples not ceremonially washing before eating.
did Jesus say about what enters the mouth? Vs17
whatever enters the body through
the mouth also exits the body.
about what exits the mouth? Vs18 those things come from the heart and those
are the things that defile them, not the things that enter the mouth.
comes out of the human heart? Vs19 evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual
immorality, theft, lying, slander.
sums up the teaching; explain here: vs20
those are what defile a person,
not eating with unwashed hands.
did Jesus do after He finished this teaching? Vs21 He left
and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
came to Him? vs22 a Canaanite woman.
did she cry out? She cried out Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me. My daughter is demon possessed and suffering
though she was a Canaanite, not an Israelite, who did she know Jesus was? Lord,
Son of David.
did Jesus do for her? vs23 nothing
did the disciples want Him to do and why?
Send her away because she was
following them, crying.
did Jesus tell the disciples? Vs24 He was sent only to the lost sheep of
do you feel about what He said?
did the woman do? vs25 she knelt before Jesus and said, “Lord, help
did Jesus tell the woman? Vs26 It isn’t right to take the children’s bread
and toss it to the dogs.
she get offended and storm off? Vs27 no, she said yes it is. Even the dogs get the crumbs that fall from
the Master’s table.
you ever felt ignored or discarded by God?
How did you respond?
did Jesus say to her? vs28 woman, you have great faith, your request is
happened at that moment? Her daughter was healed.
This shows us that even when it seems
that God isn’t answering, we need to keep pursuing Him. To hold out in our faith and submit ourselves
to Him even more.
With this woman He also showed the
disciples that though the Gentiles were considered “dogs” to the Jews, their
faith in Him saved them just as much as the Jews faith saved the Jews. Since the entire first part of the chapter is
about how faith is a heart issue, not an outward issue, He really drives home
the point here. Showing that she is
considered a dog (outward) yet her great faith (inward) has healed her
left the region of Tyre and Sidon to go where? Vs29 along
the seashore of Galilee.
did He stop? He sat down up a mountainside
came to Him and what did they bring? Vs30
great crowds. They brought the lame, the blind, crippled,
mute, and many others and laid them at His feet.
did he do? He healed them.
amazed the people there? Vs31 to see the mute speaking, the crippled made
well, the lame walking and the blind seeing.
did the people do as a result? They praised the God of Israel.
You get the sense that these people
weren’t Jewish. They praised the God of
Israel could mean that either some weren’t Jewish or some were but hadn’t been
praising their God. Maybe praising other
gods that were of the region.
did Jesus call His disciples together for? Vs32
to tell them he had compassion on
the crowd there. They had nothing to eat
and He didn’t want to send them away hungry.
long had the people been with Jesus? 3 days
Don’t you just see a giant worship
session in this? People gather to hear
Jesus, they bring their broken loved ones to Him for healing. There is rejoicing and praising the God of
Israel. Then they stay to watch others
being healed and rejoice with them. They were reveling in the work of God and
didn’t want to just go home to their normal lives. They wanted to be a part of all of it.
Three days passed and they were still
Jesus took each one as an
individual. He didn’t just wave His hand
and heal everyone at once, which He could have. Oh no, He wanted them to come
to Him individually, just as He wants each of us to come individually for
salvation. We each have to come to Him
on our own, no blanket salvations. There
is to be an intimate relationship with each person, through their own
do the disciples ask Jesus? Vs33 where they can get enough bread to feed the
crowd, in such a remote place.
answers with a question; what is the question? Vs34 how
many loaves do you have?
many is there? 7 loaves and a few fish
did Jesus instruct the crowd to do? vs35
sit down
what did He do? vs36 He took the loaves and fish and gave thanks
and broke them. He gave them to the
did the disciples do? gave them to the people
far did the small amount of food go? Vs37
they all ate and were satisfied
was left after everyone ate? 7 basketfuls of broken pieces.
many were fed that day? Vs38 4,000 men and women and children
did Jesus do after that? Vs39 sent the crowd away, got in a boat and went
to Magadan.
Sometimes we find it hard to believe
that God would/could do something like this.
Something so physically minded, opposed to spiritually.
you have time, check out these other times when God provided:
Kings 4:42-44
any of these instances leave them set for life, or did they still have to have
faith that God would provide the next day?
do you think that is?
Luke 12:22-24.
does God want us to do every day? Depend on Him, trust Him, seek Him, have faith.
this the way that you live?
Matthew Chapter Fourteen
the time of Jesus’ teaching and miracles, who had been hearing things about
Him? vs1 Herod the tetrarch – which means he was one of 4 rulers over the 4
districts. His half brother, Philip
ruled over another part of the 4 regions.
did he tell his servants? Vs2 this is John the Baptist, he has risen from
the dead. That’s why he has miraculous
How did
Herod know John? Vs3-4 he had arrested him and put him in prison
because John had pointed out that it wasn’t lawful for him to have his
brother’s wife, Herodias.
Herod had his half brother, Philip’s wife,
Herodias living with him immorally after she left her husband.
People have never liked truth. They don’t want to be told that they are
doing something wrong. This is why
“tolerance” is so prevalent in today’s society.
Truth is removed and compromise replaces it.
How did
Herod want John dealt with, and why hadn’t he done it? Vs5 he
wanted him killed but he was afraid of the people because John was a prophet. (Governing has always been a political game
it seems)
happened on Herod’s birthday? Vs6 Herodias’ daughter danced for the guests and
pleased Herod.
did Herod promise because he was so pleased? Vs7 he promised to give her whatever she asked for.
did the girl ask for and why? Vs8 she asked for the head of John the Baptist
because her mother told her to ask for it.
How did
the king feel about her request and what did he do? vs9 he was
distressed. But he granted it because he
had made the promise in front of his dinner guests.
happened? Vs10-11 john was beheaded in prison and it was brought to the girl on a platter
and the girl gave it to her mother.
did John’s disciples do? vs12 they took and buried the body and then told
In a society where brutality has become
common place, people aren’t affected by it unless it touches them
personally. People become hardened by
it. The same is true today. What types of stories on the news does it
take to shock us now? We hear of another
murder or another hit and run and are unaffected. This young girl had a mother that prostituted
her out and used her to get what she wanted.
The girl took it all in stride; when she was handed the head of a dead
man, she simply handed it over to her mother.
Jesus heard this had happened, what did He do? vs13 he
withdrew by boat, privately to a solitary place.
the people heard about this, did they leave Him alone and allow Him to have
some quiet? No, they followed Him on foot from the towns.
finally came back and landed, He saw the large amount of people that had
gathered. How did He feel about them and
what did He do? vs14 He had compassion on them and healed their
evening approached, what was the disciples concern? Vs15 they
were in remote place and it was getting late.
Send the crowds away so they can get to the villages in time to buy
did Jesus tell the disciples to do? vs16
give them some food.
was their dilemma? Vs17 they had only 5 loaves and 2 fish.
did Jesus then tell them to do? vs18 bring the loaves and fish to Him.
did the fish and loaves come from? (the
only place you will find it is in John 6:9)
A lad had them
did Jesus do? vs19 He had the people sit down. He
took the food, looked up to heaven, gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to the disciples.
disciples distributed the food amongst the crowd of people. Did each person get a crumb? Vs20 no,
they ate to satisfaction.
was left over? 12 basketfuls of broken pieces.
Leftovers? Really? There was only 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed
over 5,000 people, and from that equation you get leftovers? One for each disciple- 12. Isn’t Jesus just amazing?
large was the crowd that ate from the loaves and fish? Vs21 5,000
happened next and how soon? Vs22 Jesus made the disciples get in the boat and
leave for the other side, while He dismissed the people.
did Jesus do? vs23 went up on a mountainside to pray.
that night where was He and with whom? He was on the mountainside alone.
was the boat? Vs24 a distance from land.
was happening to it? It was being banged by waves because the
wind was against it. So they were headed
into the wind and weren’t getting far because the waves were hitting it.
did Jesus leave to meet the disciples? Vs25
a little before dawn.
How did
Jesus get to them? He walked on the lake (in the wind and wild waves).
So apparently, they had been rowing all night
and were still in the middle of the lake.
Yet Jesus came walking across the lake like it was nothing.
the disciples saw Him, were they relieved and happy? Vs26 no,
they were frightened, they thought He was a ghost.
must have seen their reaction, what did He tell them? Vs27 take
courage, it’s me, don’t be afraid.
did Peter say to Jesus, to test and see if it was Him? vs28 if it
is you, tell me to come to you on the water.
response? Vs29 come
did Peter do? vs29 he got out of the boat and walked on water toward Jesus.
Once he
did this, what did he see? vs30 the wind
what happened when he saw it? He began to sink and cried out, Lord save
did Jesus do immediately? Vs31 He reached out and caught Peter.
did Jesus say to Peter? You of little faith, why did you doubt?
happens when we take our eyes off of Jesus and look at the environment around
us or our circumstances? We forget who Jesus is and what He is capable of. We begin to doubt, lose faith and sink in the
storm we are in.
Peter took his eyes off of Jesus after being
distracted by the wind. Think about it
for a few minutes, what is the wind in your life? What causes you to get your eyes off of
does James tell us? James 1:5-7 when we
ask for wisdom, we are to believe and it will be given. When we doubt we are like a wave in the sea,
tossed and blown by the wind. Doubters
shouldn’t expect to receive anything from the Lord.
happened when they climbed into the boat? Vs32
the wind died down
Why do
you think that happened at that time and not earlier? Jesus was showing them (and us) that we can’t take our
eyes off of Him; that there will be storms and distractions in life but that we
have to keep our faith through them. It
was a divine appointment for Peter.
How did
the ones that were in the boat watching, react? Vs33 they
worshipped Jesus and acknowledged Him as the son of God.
Funny that this was the event that made them
believe. They had seen so much take
place with Jesus. They had just left the
multiplied bread and fish, but now, they can finally see it. : /
finally reach the other side of the lake, what did the men of that area do when
they recognized Jesus? Vs34-35 they sent
word that He was there to all the surrounding country.
did the people do? vs35-36 they brought
their sick to Him and begged Him to let their sick just touch His robe.
happened to all those that touched Him? they were healed
there magic in the garments that Jesus wore?
No, He was the healer and knew
each one that touched Him. Because of
His compassion and grace, He let their faith in Him heal them.
what He said to the woman in Matthew 9:22?
Your faith has made you well.
Ephesians 2:8. What happens to us when
we put our faith in Jesus? We are healed spiritually – Salvation.
I feel like the biggest thing that we see
here is that Jesus doesn’t discriminate.
Everyone that touched Him was healed.
All it took was faith. Once one becomes “healed” they have
responsibility. The disciples had to
learn, they spent intensive time with Jesus while He was on earth to learn all
they could so that they could take over and be His hands and feet with the help
of the Holy Spirit. We are spiritually
healed. We also have the responsibility
to learn all that we can so that we can be His hands and feet in this world,
spreading the Gospel, until we leave for the next one.
Congratulations on getting through this chapter, it was a long one and it was one of those that took lots of prayer and discernment to fully follow. Now, let's see if we came up with the same thoughts...
Matthew Chapter Thirteen
was in a house during His last teaching (12:46 His mother and brothers stood
outside). Where did He go? Vs1 out of
the house and sat by the lake
did He get into and why? Vs2 a boat, because such large crowds gathered
around Him.
did He tell the people? Vs3 many things in parables
did He start with? A farmer went out to sow his seed.
this parable, what happened as the farmer scattered seed? Vs4 some
fell along the path and the birds came and quickly ate it.
did some also fall? Vs5 on the rocky places, without much soil.
happened to this seed? It sprang up quickly because the soil was
of this, what happened to the plants? Vs6
the sun came up and scorched them
and they withered because they had no root.
else did seed fall? Vs7 among the thorns (weeds).
happened to these plants? The thorns grew up and choked the plants.
else did seed fall? Vs8 in good soil
happened? It produced a crop a 100, 60 or 30 times what was sown.
does good soil do? it feeds the plant, allows it to put
down deep roots and survive – thrive.
does Jesus want to hear what He is saying? Vs9
whoever has ears
do the disciples ask Jesus? Vs10 why do you speak in parables?
reply? Vs11 the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom has been given to you, but
not them. Anyone willing to open the
ears of their heart and truly hear what God is saying, God will provide more
and more understanding. Parables allow
those who really seek to get His meaning, but those who aren’t seeking, they
are just stories that didn’t make sense.
will be given more? Vs12 whoever has – will be given more.
what? Knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven.
much will these people have? An abundance
about the ones who do not have this? Even what they have will be taken from them.
This is a great explanation of the way
we received understanding of God and His Word.
If we love Jesus and truly seek His Word and understanding, each time we
go through the Bible we will get more understanding of it. We don’t suddenly possess all knowledge at
once, it is a process, whoever has – will be given more.
was it that Jesus is talking about again? (Vs11) the
knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven.
do you think that the Disciples had this but others did not?
Matthew 4:19-20) Jesus
called “Come, follow me” “At once they
left their nets and followed Him.”
Further exploration: 1 Corinthians
2:10-14, 1 Corinthians 1:18
Matthew 13:13-15.
explains why He speaks in Parables. Do
you understand what He is saying? Write
it in your own words:
You can either shake your head and walk
away dismissing and thinking He is a nut, or you can lean in, listen harder and
seek to understand. If they want it,
they will get it. But first; God wants
their hearts.
calls the disciples, blessed, why? Vs16 because their eyes see and their ears
longed to see and hear what the disciples have been able to see and hear?
Vs17 many
prophets and righteous people.
Hebrews 11:1-13.
were the faithful people listed in Hebrews 11:1-12 living by when they
died? Faith
did they not get to see or hear? What had been promised.
They lived by faith seeing and welcoming
the things promised through prophecy about the Messiah, understanding that
earth was not their permanent home.
now, what are the disciples seeing and hearing that the other righteous ones
didn’t? the Messiah, the promised one of God!
will Jesus explain to them? Vs18 the parable of the sower
is wonderful; we don’t have to guess, Jesus Himself gives the explanation:
is the seed that is sown along the path?
Vs19 the message about the kingdom
happens when someone hears the message but doesn’t understand it? The
evil one comes and snatches away what was planted in their hearts.
back to verse 4; if the seed represents the message or the word of God, what
represents the evil one? The birds
does the seed on rocky ground (vs5-6) represent? Vs20 someone
who hears the word and at once receives it with joy, but since it has no root
(because there is no soil it can’t sink down deep) they only last a short time.
do they fall away? Vs21 when trouble or persecution comes “because
of the Word”. They get scorched or
does the seed among the thorns (vs 7) represent and what keeps it from growing?
Vs22 someone
who hears the word, the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth
choke the word/seed making it unfruitful.
(the weeds choke the seedlings).
Lif’e’s own distractions choke out the
word that is planted so that we don’t return to it; we put our time and energy
elsewhere and don’t grow.
What does the seed in good soil (vs 8)
represent? Vs23 someone who hears the
word and understands it.
does this seed produce? A crop, yielding 100, 60 or 30 times what is
to this, do they all produce the same crop?
they all fruitful? Yes to some degree
do you think is required for one to hear the word and understand it? A heart
that is ready or open. Faith and then
commitment to learn and stay connected.
the explanation of the parable, what did Jesus go into telling them? Vs24 another parable
is the kingdom of Heaven like? A man that sowed good seed in his field.
is the seed? The Word
happened while everyone slept? Vs25 his enemy came and sowed weeds among the
wheat and then left.
is the enemy and what do weeds represent?
Satan is the enemy sowing. The weeds are the worries and deceitfulness
of wealth – distractions
are the deliberately sowed weeds designed to do? (vs22) choke
out the word of truth, making the plants unfruitful. (distract and discourage)
wheat sprouted and formed heads, but what also came up? Vs26 weeds
did the servants ask the owner? Vs27 didn’t you sow good seed? Where did the weeds come from?
did the owner tell them? Vs28 an enemy did this
did the servants ask next? Do you want us to pull the weeds?
the owner want this? Vs29 no
or why not? Because they could uproot the wheat too.
is to be done? Vs30 let them grow together until the harvest. Then he will tell the harvesters to collect
the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned.
Then gather the wheat and bring it to my barn.
look at a few things here:
do you think that the owner represents? Jesus/God
do you think that the servants represent? God’s
people, true Believers
do you think that the bundles to be burned represent?
(Revelation 20:11-15) The
unrepentant, unbelievers
does the barn represent? (Revelation 21:1-3) the kingdom of Heaven
it all together here; write what you think this parable is telling us: At harvest time, the wheat (Believers)
will go into the barn (Heaven) and the weeds (unbelievers) will be bundled and
burned (go into the lake of fire).
why would pulling the weeds be a risk to the good plants?
Often they look the same. We see people in Churches that represent
themselves as Believers but like wheat and weeds, you can’t tell which plant it
is until they grow. That may be why many
in the Church don’t grow, so we can’t tell who they really are. We don’t want to risk hurting a young
Believer or a growing Believer by misjudging them or making mistakes. Be aware, be alert, but let God sort them
did Jesus do next? Vs31 told another parable
is the kingdom of Heaven like? A mustard seed which a man planted in his
is it like that? Vs32 it is the smallest of seeds but it grows
into the largest of plants and becomes a tree big enough for birds to perch on
do you think this is telling us? First, I believe, we have to realize
that the kingdom of Heaven is not a geographical place in this reference, but
instead the gathering of the spiritual. The kingdom of heaven grows and
multiplies in a person. If that person
is fertile soil. It isn’t forced on
anyone, but for anyone that plants it in their hearts it fills them and they
grow immensely. The same is true about
the gathering of Believers (the Church); with fertile soil the Believers gather
and grow but the enemy also sows his plants there. I’m not sure if it is the case here, but,
birds often represent evil in the bible, so the kingdom of Heaven would be how
the body of believers grow into a large bush, big enough for even the evil ones
to come and perch in/on it.
tells another parable; what is the kingdom of Heaven like in this one?
Vs33 yeast
that a woman mixed into a lot of flour until it worked through the dough.
is the only way that Jesus spoke to these crowds? Vs34 in
prophecy was fulfilled? Vs35 I will open my mouth in parables, I will
utter things hidden since the creation of the world.
Psalm 78:1-8.
what is to be accomplished with the parables and the telling of things from the
past (things of old)? That they would put their trust in God, not
ignore Him. You would have to know God in order to understand.
left the crowds and went inside. His
disciples followed. What did they ask?
Vs36 tell
us the meaning of the parable of the weeds in the field.
is the answer for the one who sowed good seed? Vs37 the Son
of Man
is the field? The World
is the good seed? The people of the kingdom
are the weeds? Vs38 the people of the evil one
is the enemy who sowed the weeds? Vs39 the devil
is the harvest? The end of the age
are the harvesters? The angels
will it be when the weeds are pulled up and thrown in the fire? Vs40 the end
of the age
will the sower of good seed (Son of Man) do? vs41 send
out His harvesters (angels) and they will weed out of His kingdom, everything
that causes sin and all who do evil.
will happen to the weeds? Vs42 they will be thrown in the burning furnace
where they will weep and gnash teeth.
what will happen to the righteous? Vs43 they will shine in the kingdom of their
should hear this? Whoever has ears to hear.
is the kingdom of Heaven like and how? Vs44
treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it he re-hid it and then
went in joy and sold everything to buy the field.
is the kingdom of Heaven like? Vs45 a
merchant looking for fine pearls
is it like that? Vs46 when he found one of great value he went
away and sold everything to buy it
we sell everything to buy the kingdom of Heaven?
is the kingdom of Heaven like? Vs47 a net that was put in the lake and caught
all kinds of fish.
is it like this? Vs48 when it was full the fisherman pulled it to
shore, then sat and collected the good fish, but threw the bad away.
does this mean? When the end comes the net will be
pulled up with everyone in it. Those
that are God’s will go to Heaven with God, the others will be thrown away.
will it be like this? Vs49-50 the end of the age.
How? The
angels will come, separate the wicked from the righteous and throw the wicked
into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
did Jesus ask His disciples? Vs51 do you understand all these things?
is their reply? Yes
ask you the same; do you understand all these things?
do you think that Jesus said the same thing over and over but in different
ways? I feel like He talked so much about the
kingdom of heaven, the righteous and the wicked and the end of the age, that He
was really pushing His point. He didn’t
want anyone to leave without understanding how the kingdom of Heaven
works. He wanted everyone to understand
that there are good and evil and that in the end it is all sorted out.
is a teacher of the law who becomes a disciple in the kingdom of Heaven
compared to? Vs52 the owner of a house who brings out of his store room new treasures as
well as old.
does this mean?? The Teachers know the Old covenant and
what is prophesied about the new covenant.
Anyone that becomes disciples of Jesus has both the old treasures and
the new. The Old treasures were in place
to reveal the new.
did Jesus move on? Vs53 when He finished these parables
did He go next and what did He do there? Vs54
He went to His hometown to the
synagogue and began teaching.
were the people’s thoughts about Jesus? Amazed, they wondered where He got His wisdom
and miraculous power.
did they ask, or recognize? Vs55 He was the carpenters son, Mary was His
mother and His brothers were James , Joseph, Simon and Judas.
do these two verses reveal to you about Jesus family? Vs56 he had
4 brothers and multiple sisters
who He was and what family He came from, were they excited about His knowledge
and teaching? Vs57 no they were offended
did Jesus say about this? A prophet is not without honor except in His
own hometown and his own home.
do you think this is? They knew him when they saw him as a boy
and didn’t see anything that seemed like he was being groomed for teaching or
knowing the scriptures so well.
did the people of that town lose out on because of their lack of faith? Vs58
That was a full chapter!
There were really only a few teachings
in this chapter but Jesus said them over and over again in different ways for
There should be no doubt about the fact
that there are Believers and Non-Believers.
That there is good and there is evil.
That there is an enemy that plants his followers among our Churches
(bodies of Believers) and that sometimes, at first, they are not easy to
recognize. I also believe that we have to be careful when trying to pull the weeds, because we can disrupt the roots of the other plants when we do. That is why this chapter tells us to leave the two together until the harvest. A good, hardy, healthy plant will endure, even among the weeds, until the end.
We also should now know that there will
be a harvest and 2 different places that people will go at that harvest, one
being a store house or barn, the other the furnace.
Matthew Chapter Twelve Part Two
was brought to Jesus? Vs22 a demon possessed man who was blind and
did Jesus do? He healed him and the man
could talk and see.
people are astonished, what do they say? Vs23
could this be the Son of
David? They are starting to recognize
that Jesus could be the Messiah, the Promised one.
did the Pharisees respond? Vs24 It is only by the prince of demons that He
drives out demons.
did Jesus know? Vs25A their thoughts
did Jesus say will not stand? Vs25 every kingdom, city and household divided
against itself
explains what He means by this. How does
it relate to the Pharisees calling Him Beelzebul? Vs26 If
Satan drives his own demons out, how can Satan’s kingdom stand? Or, why would Satan drive his own forces out
of men, how would this make Satan’s kingdom stronger?
does Jesus ask? Vs27 If I drive demons out by Satan’s power, then
by whose power do your people drive them out by? Or are all people who drive out demons, demon
possessed? If I am, then are you when
you do it?
did Jesus interject here to make them think? Vs28 If it
is by the Spirit of God that He does this, then the kingdom has come. (they really should have thought about this a
little more)
do you steal from a strong man? Vs29 tie him up and make him helpless.
do you think this means, in regards to Jesus being accused of being Satan?
If Jesus was Satan, why would he steal; from Himself. Why would he take his own possessed and drive
his own demons out of them. The only way
to take a strong man’s things is to tie him up.
The way to steal from Satan is to bind him. Satan wouldn’t bind himself to steal his own
If someone
isn’t with Jesus, what are they? Vs30 against Him.
to this scripture, is there a gray area?
If you are not with Him, is there a middle ground? No
Also, there is an active spirituality in
the world. If you are not gathering with
Jesus (saving souls) then you are scattering – pushing them away.
can be forgiven? Vs31 sin and slander
can not be forgiven? Blasphemy against the Spirit
can we humans blaspheme the Holy Spirit?
Giving Satan the credit for the
work of the Holy Spirit. Refuse to
acknowledge God’s power in Jesus. Not
listening to the prompting of the Spirit to accept Jesus
what can be forgiven? Vs32 someone who speaks against the Son of Man.
cannot? Anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit
what you think this means? If we speak against Jesus as a human, that
can be forgiven, but not if we speak or denounce the power that comes from Him
(Holy Spirit power) that cannot. Because
the power comes from within, the Spirit is to live in us, it is the
evidence. If we possess the Holy Spirit,
we can deny His living inside of us.
will a good tree produce? Vs33 good fruit
will a bad tree produce? Bad fruit
how do you know if a tree is good or bad?
By it’s fruit
does this relate to us as people, not trees?
I think we need to look at the
wording here. What will a good tree
produce or a bad tree produce…I believe Jesus is talking about spiritual
healthiness. He is not telling us that
in our own power we need to be good or bad; we are not measured by our
deeds. He is saying that what is inside
is what is revealed outside. Our deeds
only reveal what is going on inside. If
we are spiritually sick, our attitudes and actions will reveal such. The same is true if we are spiritually
did Jesus call the Pharisees that accused Him of being Beelzebul? Vs34 a brood
of vipers
sums up this teaching; what did He say about a good man and an evil man?
Vs35 good
things come out of a good man because they are stored up in him. likewise, an evil man has evil things that
come out because of evil stored up in him.
will everyone have to give an account for on the day of judgment? Vs36
every empty word they have spoken
the day of Judgment, what acquits us and what condemns us? Vs37 our
you think this is saying; if we are careful and only speak kind words we will
be accepted in Heaven?
think it is answered in Matthew 15:18. What do our words really reveal about us? What is in our heart.
Our hearts are what truly matter. Generally what comes out of our mouths just
reveal what our hearts consist of. So
when Jesus finishes this teaching, He is really saying to the Pharisees and the
crowd, judge me by what I say and do.
Good in my heart makes me heal the demon possessed, not evil. But you accuse with viciousness, so
what’s in your heart?
do the religious leaders ask Jesus for? Vs38
a sign
did Jesus say asks for this? Vs39 a wicked and adulterous generation.
they get what they ask for? No, except the sign of Jonah
will they get? Vs40 the sign of Jonah. Jonah was 3
days and 3 nights in the fish’s belly.
kind of sign will be similar? The son of man will be 3 days and 3 nights in
the heart of the earth.
will the men of Ninevah do? vs41 stand up at judgment with this generation and
condemn it
Why? They
repented after hearing the message and a visit from Jonah. Now something greater than Johan is here and
these people reject it!
Jonah 1:1-2.
did the Lord tell Jonah to do? go to Ninevah and preach against it because
of it’s wickedness.
1:3 Did Jonah do it? No he ran away
1:17 What happened to Jonah? He was
swallowed by a huge fish and stayed in its belly 3 days and 3 nights.
3:1-3 after 3 days and nights what did
Jonah do? he went to Ninevah and preached God’s words.
3:10 How did the people of Ninevah
respond to the message? They repented, turned from their evil.
After Jonah’s 3 days in the fish belly,
many people became saved. After Jesus 3
days in the earth, many people became saved (and continue to). Yet the generation that would not listen to
Jesus thought they were already saved because of their Jewish birth- right and
status. They will be condemned by
Ninevah and the other Gentiles yet to come.
else will be at the judgment and condemn them? Vs42 the
queen of the south
Why? She
came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom
1Kings 10:1-9.After talking to Solomon, who did the queen come to see and
why? Solomon,
because she heard of his relationship to the Lord.
did the queen praise? Vs9 the Lord God of Israel – she became a
This Queen had come to Solomon after
hearing of his greatness. These people
have someone even greater and they reject, instead of listening.
happens to an impure spirit when it leaves a person? Vs43 it goes
through arid places seeking rest but doesn’t find rest.
does it decide to do? vs44 go back to the house it left (the person).
does it find when it arrives? The house/person unoccupied, swept clean,
and put in order.
does it do after finding this? Vs45 it gets 7 other spirits more wicked than
itself and then all move in together.
this, how is the person’s condition compared to before the spirit left? Worse
Jesus is saying something is going to
live in our soul. If an evil spirit is
removed and not replaced with God (The Holy Spirit) no matter how much they
have cleaned up their act, they are an empty dwelling that any spirit can take
up residence in.
who did Jesus say this is what it would be like? Vs45 this
wicked generation
was Jesus told while He was teaching? Vs46-47 his mother and brothers were standing outside wanting to speak to Him.
was His response? Vs48 -49 who is my mother and brothers? These are (His disciples).
do you think He replied this way? Was He
trying to disrespect His family? He
was making a point that if you are part of God’s family, you are His family.
is His family (brothers and sisters)? Vs50
whoever does the will of God the
Father. (Family in Christ)
Jesus comes to people one on one. Each one that is healed gets an individual
appointment with Him, a personal touch.
The same is still true now. We
each have a personal relationship with Jesus, we come one on one to Him. He cares about the individual. He kept trying to get the Pharisees to see
this, but they wouldn’t open their hearts to Him.
Matthew Chapter Twelve - Part One
did Jesus and His disciples do on the Sabbath and why? Vs1 They
went through the grain fields, picked some heads of grain and ate them. They were hungry.
Who saw
this? Vs2 the Pharisees
did they say to Jesus? Your disciples are doing what is unlawful
example did Jesus give (of someone they considered to be great) doing what is
unlawful? Vs3-4 David ate consecrated bread
else did Jesus point out? Vs5 the priests working the temple on the
Sabbath, desecrate the day by doing temple duty and yet they are considered
speaking about the temple, what did Jesus tell them? Vs6 something
greater than the temple is here.
words did the Pharisees not understand? Vs7
I desire mercy not sacrifice.
If they
understood these words spoken through Hosea, how would they be living? They
would be merciful instead of condemning.
(they wouldn’t judge so harshly)
Who did
Jesus say the Son of Man was? Vs8 Lord of the Sabbath
What is
He telling them? He is Lord. He
created the Sabbath.
did Jesus go next? Vs9 into their Synagogue (of the people He had
been speaking to.)
Who was
there? Vs10 a man with a shriveled hand.
Pharisees must have followed Him there.
What were they looking for? A reason to bring charges against Him.
did they ask Him there? Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?
Jesus had answers for them when they tried to
trap Him for eating and picking grain, so now they try a new tactic.
How did
Jesus answer this question? Vs11 if any of you has a sheep and it falls into
a pit on the Sabbath will you take hold and pull it out?
Wouldn’t they try and help it out? They wouldn’t let their investment just die
in the pit, they would overlook the fact that it was the Sabbath to get their
animal out.
what did He say to them? Vs12 a person is much more valuable than a sheep,
therefore it is lawful to do good to another on the Sabbath.
did Jesus do? vs13 He told the man to stretch out his hand and when he did it was
completely restored, just as the other hand.
Did the
Pharisees rejoice in this miracle? Vs14 no, they went out discussing how they could
kill Jesus.
Self interest is scary. They didn’t like Him usurping their
authority. Their way of life was being
threatened with this teaching of Jesus. They over looked the fact that He had
authority and was authority. All they
could see was how it affected them. They
would have to humble themselves and repent if they accepted His authority. Instead, they felt the need to get rid of
did Jesus know that caused Him to withdraw? Vs15 the
Pharisees were plotting how to kill Him.
followed Him? a large crowd
did He continue to do? heal all who were ill
did He warn the people not to do? vs16 tell others about Him
Vs17 to
fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah.
What do
you see about Jesus in this prophecy? Vs18
He is God the Father’s chosen
servant, whom the Father loves and delights in.
He has put His Spirit on Jesus (after the baptism with John the B) and
He will be the one that the Nations learn justice from.
What do
you see about Jesus in this prophecy?
Vs19-21 He won’t argue with
people, which He didn’t do. He didn’t defend
Himself to the Pharisees. He will be a
gentle ruler or king, not the warrior king that Israel seemed to be
expecting. Jesus didn’t bring attention
to Himself in a prideful way, in fact he told people over and over not to tell
others about Him.
Matthew Chapter Eleven
Jesus finished His instructions to His twelve disciples, what did He do? vs1 He went on to teach and preach in the towns
of Galilee (Galilee was a region).
was in prison and heard about what Jesus had been doing? Vs2 John
did he do? vs2-3 he sent some of his disciples to ask Jesus if he is the one to come or
should thy expect someone else?
ahead to verses 7-10; who is this person?
John the Baptist
did Jesus answer the question that was brought? Vs4 go back
and report what you hear and see
types of things were taking place? Vs5 the blind could see, lame walk, lepers
cleansed, deaf could hear, dead are raised (the leaders daughter) and good news
is proclaimed to the poor.
did Jesus say next? Vs6 blessed is anyone who doesn’t stumble on
account of me.
What? Why would Jesus say this? John
the Baptist was a forerunner to the Messiah (Matthew 3:3) He baptized Jesus. He spoke boldly and ended up in prison (Luke
3:19). He is now sitting in prison while
the Messiah is on earth and performing miracles. John is probably wondering why Jesus hasn’t
come to help him. Why not come and get
him out of prison. Jesus would have
known that John was questioning in his heart and his disciples as may have been
as well. Jesus comment tells them not to
doubt because of John not being released.
God’s plan is bigger than we can see.
John paved the way for the Messiah, but now his part was done. When we don’t get something that we want or
ask for, we shouldn’t doubt (stumble) that God is real. Like Jesus advised John’s disciples, all we
need do is look around and see the things that God has done and is doing.
John’s followers leave, what did Jesus begin to speak to the crowd about?
Vs7 John
are the three points that Jesus makes about why the people went into the
wilderness to see John? Vs7-10
1. Vs7 You did
not go to see the landscape or the plants
2. Vs8 You
did not go to see a well manicured man/speaker, you would have gone to a palace
to see that.
3. Vs9-10 you
went to see a prophet and he was more than your known prophet, he was
prophesied about by the early prophets. “I
will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.”
The people were desperate for
truth. They travelled out to the
wilderness to hear a message of hope from a man that was quite less then regal
in appearance. This man had a message
that would prepare the way for the Messiah and now they have the Messiah, that
truth that they were so desperate for.
John’s work is no longer needed, it has been accomplished.
there any human being whose work had been more important than John’s? vs11 no
will be greater than him? whoever is least in the kingdom. Whoever humbles himself to follow Jesus.
had been happening to the Kingdom of Heaven? Vs12 it had
been subjected to violence and violent people had been raiding or attacking it. A clash was taking place since John the
Baptist emerged. He went against the
status quo of the religious leaders.
until the time of John, what had led the people to the Lord? Vs13 the
prophets and the law.
The prophets prophesied until the time
of Malachi, then there were 400 years without a word from the Lord until John
the Baptist emerged preaching repentance and baptism.
was John? Vs14 the Elijah, who was to come
Malachi 4:4-6 The final prophet (before the Messiah) who like Elijah, confronted sin
head-on and warned the people to return to God (which is what repentance is –
confronting sin head-on and turning back to God)
will hear what is being said? Vs15 whoever has ears to hear.
Isaiah 6:10 & Isaiah 32:3. According
to these verses, what type of hearing and seeing is being spoken of? Spiritual. Eyes and ears open to truth and
understanding. It takes an understanding
to hear and see how this is the fulfilling of what the prophets foretold.
did Jesus compare that generation to? Vs16
to children sitting in the market
places calling out to others.
was called out? Vs17 we played the pipe for you and you did not
dance; we sang a dirge and you did not mourn)
This generation was Irrationally
changing; they found explanations for
anything that didn’t suit them. If Jesus
said dance, they say mourn, if Jesus said mourn, they say dance.
the Baptist didn’t eat unclean or drink fermented drink – he was under the
Nazarite vow and yet what was said about him? vs18 having
a demon
sat with the people and broke bread with them and drank wine with them and what
was said about Him? vs19 He was a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of
tax collectors and sinners.
is wisdom proved right? By her deeds
is the bottom line of what Jesus was teaching in this segment? They
found fault with everything Jesus did, and anyone that didn’t adhere to their
ways/rules. They assumed what they did
was right and that they had great wisdom.
But wisdom is proven by deeds.
Jesus acted out of love and people benefited from it. Pharisees and Legalists acted out of piety
and others felt judged and belittled, and no one benefited from it.
did Jesus begin to do after this speech/teaching? Vs20 denounce
the towns in which most of the miracles had been done.
Why? Because
they did not repent
Sidon and Sodom were most likely Pagan cities with reputations for great
evil. Bethsaida, Chorazin and Capernaum
were cities occupied with Israelites. What
did Jesus say about these cities? Vs21-24 Woe to
Israelite cities, the others would have mournfully repented if they saw the
miracles that the Israelite ones were seeing with Jesus there.
do you think that Tyre, Sidon and Sodom would have been spared if they had seen
these miracles and yet the Jewish cities mentioned, had not repented?
The wicked make no excuses for
themselves, they leave God out and do what they do. Often when they see the truth of God they
repent. But the pious Jews were
rejecting Jesus, thinking that they were better. They liked their religious system and
rejected the truth of Jesus for religiosity and status. The Pharisees preferred their position of
authority and ability to fleece the people.
They had the miracles before them but couldn’t accept them because they
refused to give up the system that they had created, fooling themselves to
believe that they already had God.
stopped to praise the Father. What did
He give praise for? Vs25-26 for making wisdom and truth understandable
to little children (or unschooled). And
for hiding it from the scholars or those that consider themselves wise. You can’t be a know it all with God. You have to come with an open heart,
available to learn and accept.
has been committed to Jesus? Vs27 all things
By whom? The
can know the Father? Those to whom the Son chooses to reveal
do you think that would be? Those
that come into relationship with Jesus.
did Jesus say to those that are weary and burdened? Vs28 come to
Him and He will give rest.
did Jesus say He would give rest to the tired? Vs29 by
taking on His yoke and learning
do you think that would work since a yoke is something designed for work or
control? Submit ourselves to Him. He does the leading and we follow in
step. A yoke keeps the oxen in place and
makes their work easier; instead of fighting against each other by heading in
different directions they work together easing the load for each other.
did Jesus say that He is as a master? Gentle and humble in heart.
specifically will we find rest for in His leadership? Vs29b our
does He say about His yoke? (think of the yoke as His leadership or authority)
Vs30 it
is easy and His burden is light
Matthew Chapter Ten - Part Two
the beginning of this chapter Jesus is preparing His disciples for the work
that He has for them to do, as well as the response that they will get in doing
that work.
they are persecuted in one place, what are they to do? vs23 flee to
another place.
will not happen before the Son of Man comes? They would not finish going through the towns
of Israel.
It sounds to me like Jesus was giving
them their mission in this chapter. I
don’t think that they actually went out at that point, leaving Jesus, and began
their ministry. It sounds more like this
was going to be their mission once their time with Jesus was over.
Those 12 disciples would not get through
all the towns of Israel before they were persecuted and killed.
did Jesus say about the student and the servant? Vs24 the
student is not above the teacher nor the servant above the master. The student will not be treated better than
the teacher nor the servant better than the master. If the master experiences hardship, how can
the servant expect not to.
does verse 25 tell us? If Jesus has been called Beelzebul when He
drove demons out of the possessed, (Matt 9:34) then how can the disciples not
expect to be called it as well? Yes by
being His disciples there will be trouble, they will come against the same evil
that He had come up against.
shouldn’t they be afraid? Vs26 there is
nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made
known. In the end it will be made known
that they were faithful and of God, not Beelzebul.
will hear Jesus voice in the quiet (in the dark and whispered). How are they to respond to what they hear?
Vs27 They
are to speak it. If they hear it in the
night, tell it in the daylight and proclaim it from the rooftops. Again, don’t
be afraid to be His followers.
shouldn’t they be afraid of those that kill the body? Vs28 they cannot kill the soul.
should they fear? The only one that kill both the body and the soul in hell. (God)
aren’t worth much, they could buy two for a mere penny. Yet how does God look after them? Vs29 not one
will fall to the ground, outside the Lord’s will, unless He allows it to
well does God know us and care for us? Vs30
He even knows the number of hairs
on our heads.
we worth more than sparrows? Vs31 yes, we are worth more than many sparrows
don’t have to be afraid of anyone or anything because God loves us and will
care for us however He decides.
Therefore, what does Jesus tell us? Vs32
whoever acknowledges me before
others, I will acknowledge them before my Father in Heaven.
will Jesus do to those that disown Him before others? Vs33 He will
disown them before His Father in Heaven.
Why do
you think that Jesus would do this? Because we lack faith
we believe that we are more precious than sparrows and we acknowledge Jesus
before others, what does that say about our faith? We
have real faith and believe what God tells us.
didn’t come to bring peace to the world.
He didn’t come to make worldly peace, (tolerance) or to unite everyone
together under the status quo. What did
He come for? Vs34-36 to bring a sword. To turn families and people against each
this mean that Jesus’ purpose was to bring discord? No,
He came to bring a new way of thinking, to revive genuine faith, and that in
itself will bring trouble.
you choose Jesus, who will be your enemies? Vs36 members
of your own household – those that don’t want Jesus and His ways
we to align ourselves with anyone over Jesus? Vs37 no, and
it may mean losing family. (Even church
family.) If our church is stuck in the
old way of traditions and rituals, when we try to introduce a relationship with
Jesus instead, it can bring hostility.
did Jesus say about following Him in this verse? Vs38 whoever
doesn’t take up their cross is not worthy of Him.
We don’t have to drag a wooden cross
around with us daily. But we have to
carry whatever persecution and rejection comes from following Him. If we deny Him or reject Him because of
difficulty, we aren’t worthy of Him.
At this point in Jesus ministry, the
disciples had no idea that He would be crucified on a cross, it wouldn’t be
until after His death that this verse would have a real meaning to them.
happens to the one that finds their life? Vs 39
they will lose it
happens to the one that loses their life for Jesus sake? They
will find it
to what we just read in the previous verses, what do you think “finding your life”
means? Preserving it. To deny Him in order to save yourself from
do you think that “losing your life for my sake” means? Choosing
to be true to Jesus when persecution comes.
True life will come through Him. He is all that we need to be concerned
about. Physical death is not to be
feared when we know Jesus.
that welcomes them (us) when they bring the message of Jesus, is actually
welcoming whom? Vs40 Jesus
anyone that welcomes Jesus is actually welcoming whom? God the
is reward in welcoming a person of societal standing. When they welcome them as such, they get what
they have earned. What will happen to
the one that is open to one of Jesus disciples? Vs41-42 They
will not lose their reward, or they will receive their reward.
I see this as when one treats a prophet
as a prophet they are rewarded by a prophet.
(rewarded accordingly) When one treats a righteous man as a righteous
man, they are rewarded by a righteous man.
(rewarded accordingly) Their
motivation comes with the idea of it is good for them to do so.
But when one treats one of Jesus
disciples kindly, it doesn’t have the same motivation, because there is no
worldly gain for it, they will be rewarded accordingly by God.
My thoughts on Matthew Chapter Ten - Part
did Jesus call to Himself? Vs1 His disciples
what purpose did He gather them? To give them authority to drive out impure
spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
are the names of those that Jesus gathered to Himself? Vs2-4
1. Simon (Peter) 2. His brother, Andrew 3. James, son of Zebedee 4. James brother, John 5. Philip
6. Bartholomew 7. Thomas 8. Matthew, the tax collector 9. James, son of Alphaeus 10. Thaddaeus 11. Simon the Zealot 12. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him.
did Jesus send them out to? Vs 5-6 the lost sheep of Israel.
were they to stay away from? Gentiles and Samaritans
do you think they were to go to that certain group and stay away from the
(These verses may help: Acts 13:14, Ephesians
1:2, Mark 7:24-30)
God chose the Jews to be the ones that
He revealed Himself through. Unfortunately
they missed the mark. God is consistent
and therefore would present the new covenant to them first.
were they sent to say? Vs7 proclaim “the kingdom of Heaven has come
were they to do? vs8 heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those
who have leprosy, drive out demons, freely they received the power and freely
they were to give restoration.
at the events of this chapter so far.
How specific was Jesus about who He gave His authority to?
Very, His 12 disciples, they were even named by name and description.
specific was He about who they were to evangelize and minister to? Very -
only the Jews.
you think that everyone gets the ability to heal and drive out demons today?
did Jesus tell them not to take with them? Vs9-10 gold,
silver or copper (money), or bag of provisions, extra clothes.
do you think the statement “the worker is worth his keep” means? A
good worker is worth being put up and provided for. They are going to work for their keep. Either, they will be paid for ministering to
the people in the towns or they will be provided for by God because of their
doing His work.
will they stay? Vs11 they will look for a
worthy person to stay with at each place they enter and stay with them until
they leave that town.
do they do when they enter a home? Vs12 give it a greeting
they evaluate the home, what are they to do? vs13 let
their peace rest on it if is deserving.
If it isn’t then let their peace return to them.
anyone doesn’t welcome them or listen to their words (ministry – gospel), what
should they do? vs14 leave the town and shake the dust off their
will that place be treated on the day of judgement? Vs15 worse
than Sodom and Gomorrah (because they were Jews, not Gentiles; and they witnessed
the Messiah in person and still rejected truth).
will the disciples be like out in the world? Vs16 sheep
among wolves
about that, what kind of complications or implications would this mean? A lot
of opposition, vulnerable, open to danger
will they need to be like in this environment? Vs16 shrewd
as snakes but innocent as doves.
does this mean? To be on their guard watching all around them, yet not become reactive
or hardened.
tells them to be on guard. What is going
to happen to them? Vs17 they will be
handed over to local governments and flogged in Synagogues. The Govt won’t like what they are teaching,
nor will the religious groups.
what will they be when brought before Governors and Kings? Vs18 witnesses
to them and to the Gentiles.
shouldn’t they worry about this ahead of time? Vs19 when
this happens, they will be given what to say.
will be speaking through them? Vs20 the Spirit of their Father God.
we look at the disciples as sheep among wolves; who are the “wolves” in this
verse? Vs21 brothers, fathers, children
will those “wolves” do? betray each other and even have each other
put to death.
will the disciples be hated? Vs22 because of Jesus
happens to the one who stands firm to the end? They will be saved
this contradict Ephesians 2:8-9? How or
how not?
Ephesians is clear about how we are
saved – by God’s grace, through our faith.
Therefore it seems that this verse in
Matthew is a reminder. If I can put it
in my words I would say “stand firm because you have salvation, you will be in
eternity. Or, if could mean that your salvation will be proven (evidenced).”
Let me add as a reminder that these are my answers and thoughts. I don't claim to be an authority so they are not "set in stone". If you found something different during your study time, that's okay. Just make sure that it lines up with the "whole of scripture". Here is what I came up with for Matthew Chapter Nine:
Jesus healed a demon possessed man and
then the people of that region pleaded with Him to leave. What did He do? vs1 He got
into a boat and crossed the lake to His own town.
What happened when He got there?
Vs2 some
men brought Him a paralyzed man lying on a mat (Luke 5:17)
What did Jesus see in the men? their
What did He say to the paralyzed
man? Take
heart, your sins are forgiven
What is the first thing that the
teachers of the law that were there, think to themselves? Vs3 this
fellow is blaspheming
What did Jesus know? Vs4 their
What did He say to them? Why do
you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?
What did He ask? Vs5 what is
easier to say; “your sins are forgiven” or “get up and walk”?
what is easier to do, forgive sins or heal limbs (if He had the power to heal,
He had the power to forgive)
Jesus said He wanted them to know
something; what does the Son of Man have authority to do on earth? Vs6 forgive
What did He tell the paralyzed man to
do next? Get up, take your mat and go home.
What did the paralyzed man do?
vs7 Got
up and went home
What did this do to the crowd? Vs8 filled them with awe and they praised God.
Why did the crowd praise God? Because
He had given such authority to a man
already owned the authority, they just didn’t realize it yet.
Why do you think that Jesus started
the paralyzed man’s healing with forgiveness of sins?
I think that it was because Sin
and affliction were seen as connected back then. They believed that someone with issues like
that had sinned or their parents had sinned.
I believe that He also wanted to make a point in front of the Pharisees
to get them thinking. Their hearts were
hard and they were skeptically watching Jesus’ moves.
Who did Jesus come across as he went
on from there? Vs9 Matthew
What was this person doing? Sitting
at a tax collectors booth
What did Jesus say to him? follow
What did the person do? followed
you surprised by this information? Mathew
has been relaying this information up to this point as an outsider, an
observer. Now he can give this
information as an insider, as a disciple.
It was well into Jesus ministry before Matthew joined the ministry.
Where did Jesus end up? Vs10 at
Matthews house having dinner.
Who came to eat with Jesus and His
disciples? Many tax collectors and sinners
joins Jesus ministry. He has Him over for dinner (because he probably was a man
of means, tax collecting was good income) and he invites his friends and fellow
workers over to meet and hear Jesus.
What if we did the same thing; we come to know Jesus and then invite our
friends and coworkers over to our house for dinner and introduce them to Jesus.
Who asked the disciples about this
when they saw what was happening? Vs11 the Pharisees
When Jesus heard the question, what
explanation did He give? Vs12 it isn’t the healthy that a need a doctor,
but the sick.
What did He tell the Pharisees to do?
vs13 go
and learn what it means; I desire mercy not sacrifice, for I have not come to
call the righteous, but the sinners.
Let’s explore this statement a little
more. See Hosea 6:6, 1Samuel 15:22 &
Isaiah 1:17-18.
What does God desire more than rituals
and traditions? Mercy, obedience, humble hearts
truly righteous don’t need a call, they are already His. The sinners, those outside the sheepfold need
the call and teaching of Jesus.
Do you feel that you understand what
it means that God desires mercy over sacrifice?
He wants our hearts connected to
His. Sacrifices and offerings are things
that should come from a heart of love, not as a replacement for love and
relationship with God. People often try
to do things to be right with God,
when what He wants is us to be with Him.
Sacrifices and offerings are meaningless if they are done out obligation
alone, they should be done out of the outpouring of our hearts. That is why mercy is better, it reveals the
heart of God in us.
Who came and asked Jesus a question?
Vs14 John
the Baptist’s disciples
What is the question? We and
the Pharisees are on the same page for fasting, why don’t your disciples fast?
What did Jesus compare Himself to?
Vs15 a
What is His explanation? Who
mourns while the groom is with them? The
time will come when the groom is gone then they can fast. (in other words; fasting is not done during
celebration.) Now is the time to eat,
enjoy and celebrate. The day will come
when I will be gone, then mourning and fasting can take place.
What did Jesus use for an example
next? Vs16-17 you don’t sew unshrunk cloth on to new cloth or pour new wine into old
Why don’t you do this? Because
the new doesn’t work with the old. An
old wineskin would burst if you put new wine in it that hadn’t yet
fermented. Because as it fermented it
would expand and pull the wineskin seems apart.
ways of doing things don’t go with the New Covenant. They exist next to each other but they aren’t
used together. Jesus brought something
new. He didn’t come to pour His life
into the old way, he came with a new way.
As Jesus was giving the explanation,
who came to Him? Vs18 a synagogue leader
What did he ask? He
knelt before Jesus and said “my daughter has just died. But if you come and put your hand on her she
will live.”
Think about this; who were the ones
that really disagreed with what Jesus was doing and teaching? The
religious leaders. Yet a synagogue
leader came to Jesus when in dire need.
What did Jesus do? vs19 He went with the man
Who went with Him? His
What happened on His way to see the
dead girl? Vs20 a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came up behind Him and
touched the edge of His cloak. (an unclean woman)
What did she say to herself? Vs21 If I
can just touch His cloak, I will be healed.
Jesus turned to look at her, what did
He say to her? vs22 take heart daughter your faith has healed you.
What happened to her immediately? She
stopped bleeding
Read this event in Luke 8:41-48. What additional information do you find in
Luke? The man’s name was Jairus. It
was his daughter, she was 12 years old.
Jesus left with him the crowd was so large it almost crushed Him. The woman had come up behind Him and when she
touched His garment she immediately stopped bleeding. Jesus called out and asked who touched Him.
tried to explain that there were many crushing up against Him. But Jesus knew someone specific touched Him
because “He knew that power had gone out from Him.” The woman came trembling and confessed. She confessed and gave testimony to the
entire crowd there that she stopped bleeding.
This woman most likely trembled because she was not to touch or be
touched while she was unclean. Here she
was touching a Rabbi; it was a desperate act and it could have gotten her into
terrible trouble. But this was Jesus, he
knew her pain and he loved her.
Have you ever felt the power of the
Holy Spirit go out from you? Or into
Have you ever given testimony about
how Jesus has healed you? I have
been healed from a very troubling past.
I have given testimony to it but because I am so completely healed I
don’t feel the need to talk about it so much anymore. Reading this reminds me that my healing should
still be a testimony for others, that I can bring hope to others. Like this woman, I am completely healed.
if people just reached out like this woman did, and received healing. But many don’t, instead they keep their hard
exterior or they try everything else, except reaching out to the One who can
help. (I am talking about
spiritually. How many people try every
other kind of religion except simply coming to Jesus)
Jesus got to the leaders house and who
was inside? Vs23 a noisy crowd and people playing pipes (a funeral or mourning
What did Jesus tell these people?
Vs24 go
away, the girl is not dead, she’s sleeping.
What did the people do when they were
told this? They laughed at Jesus
They put the crowd outside and then what
did Jesus do? vs25 he went and took the girl by the hand.
What happened to the girl? She got
Why do you think that Jesus told the
mourners that she was sleeping instead of telling them that He was going to
bring her back to life? Maybe He was still trying to keep a low
profile – didn’t want to appear showy?
The crowd of mourners must have heard
what had taken place because what happened throughout the region? Vs26 news of
this spread
Jesus moved on. Who followed Him? vs27 2 blind
What were they calling out? Have
mercy on us son of David.
He went indoors and these people
approached Him. What did Jesus ask
them? Do you believe that I am able to do this? (heal you)
How did they answer? Yes we
What did Jesus do and say next? Vs29 He
touched their eyes and said “according to your faith, let it be done to you.”
What happened to them? Vs30 their
sight was restored.
What stern warning did Jesus
give? See to it that no one knows about this.
Again, why do you think Jesus said this? He had just brought a girl back to life and
had been performing miracles to the event that crowds were coming to Him. So why wouldn’t He want the blind men telling
about Jesus statement in verse 29. If
the men had lied or doubted they may or may not have been healed because it was
according to their faith.
Jesus may also have made this statement to show others that faith is
part of the interaction with Him. After
all, he didn’t come to bring physical healing, His main reason for coming was
to bring spiritual healing. The physical
was partly His compassion and partly to reveal the spiritual need. If we look back at the healings we will see
faith as a part of each of them. Let’s
not marvel and get so caught up in the miraculous physical part that we miss
the fact that Jesus really came to miraculously reconcile.
Did they do what Jesus instructed?
Vs31 no,
they went out and spread the news
As they went out the door, who was
brought to Jesus next? Vs32 a man who was demon possessed and couldn’t
talk. (remember the last demon possessed
man? He was a screamer and violent. Demon possession manifests different in each
What happened to this man? Vs33 the
demon was driven out and the mute man spoke.
How did the on-looking crowd
react? They were amazed and said “nothing like this has ever been seen in
What were the Pharisees thought on
this? Vs34 that Jesus was driving out demons by the power of the prince of demons. They had an answer for everything.
What does verse 35 tell us? Jesus
went through all the towns and villages, teaching in synagogues, proclaiming
the good news (gospel) and healing every disease and sickness.
When He saw the crowds coming to Him,
why did He have compassion? Vs36 they were harassed and helpless, like sheep
without a shepherd. (what is a sheep
like alone without a shepherd? In big
trouble, vulnerable)
Then what did He tell His disciples?
Vs37 the
harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Explain what you think this means.
many people were spiritually broken and confused. The religious leaders had turned religion
into a hardship and the people were oppressed.
They were physically oppressed by the Romans and spiritually oppressed
by their own leaders. They were without a shepherd, or a leader that had their
best interest at hand.
What did Jesus tell His disciples to
do? vs38 ask the Lord (pray) to send out workers into this harvest field. (pray for help)
Write your interpretation of what this
provides the harvest, so ask Him to provide the workers for it. If He creates a plentiful crop, He can
certainly equip enough workers to harvest the crops – spiritually speaking.
Write additional thoughts or
this segment of scripture, I was overcome by the reminder that Jesus came to
heal in the spiritual, but had so much compassion that He couldn’t help but
heal in the physical as well.
the end of the chapter He brings it all together by telling us that the people
were like a sheep without a shepherd, helpless and vulnerable and they should
pray for help. Our closeness to God is
what really matters.
Yes, this is a completely FREE Bible study. But there are a few conditions on Copyright: You may use this study for your own use, you may use it in a group form, you may copy and print it out, you may tell others about it. However, you may not sell any part of it, or use any part of it in literature that is for sale, and you may not claim it as your own. Reasonable right?
Question about polygamy....I understand and am familiar with the reasoning of taking in widows but what is the background behind having concubines as well?
In answer to Beth:
From what I understand, Although legally attached to one man, concubines did not have the same privileges of a wife. Neither they nor their children would receive any inheritances because they weren't deemed "legal" wives. Pretty much their purpose was to give the man pleasure, additional children as well as to help with the household duties. Remember, more children meant a higher social status and indicated wealth. Concubines were most likely of another nationality, perhaps a part of plunder or prisoner, but not entirely, there were times when a concubine was an Israelite, perhaps due to low family social standing.
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