Monday, May 2, 2016

Matthew Chapter Thirteen

I warned you last week that this is a looooooong chapter; 58 verses!
If you don't get through it all, let me know and I will let it ride for another week and wait to post chapter fourteen. 
We are in the "meat" of Jesus teachings now and have almost reached the middle of the book of Matthew.  I hope that you are seeing God in new ways as He blesses you for seeking to understand His Word better.  Let's pray and begin...

Matthew Chapter Thirteen

Jesus was in a house during His last teaching (12:46 His mother and brothers stood outside).  Where did He go? Vs1   

What did He get into and why? Vs2     

What did He tell the people? Vs3   

What did He start with?   

In this parable, what happened as the farmer scattered seed? Vs4   

Where did some also fall? Vs5   

What happened to this seed?   

Because of this, what happened to the plants? Vs6   

Where else did seed fall? Vs7   

What happened to these plants?   

Where else did seed fall? Vs8   

What happened?   

What does good soil do?   

Who does Jesus want to hear what He is saying? Vs9   

What do the disciples ask Jesus? Vs10   

His reply? Vs11   

Who will be given more? Vs12     

More what?   

How much will these people have?   

What about the ones who do not have this?   

What was it that Jesus is talking about again? (Vs11)   

Why do you think that the Disciples had this but others did not? 

(hint: Matthew 4:19-20)   

Further exploration: 1 Corinthians 2:10-14, 1 Corinthians 1:18

Read Matthew 13:13-15.

Jesus explains why He speaks in Parables.  Do you understand what He is saying?  Write it in your own words:

Jesus calls the disciples, blessed, why? Vs16   

Who longed to see and hear what the disciples have been able to see and hear? Vs17   

Read Hebrews 11:1-13.

What were the faithful people listed in Hebrews 11:1-12 living by when they died?   

What did they not get to see or hear?   

So now, what are the disciples seeing and hearing that the other righteous ones didn’t?   

What will Jesus explain to them? Vs18   

This is wonderful; we don’t have to guess, Jesus Himself gives the explanation:

What is the seed that is sown along the path?  Vs19   

What happens when someone hears the message but doesn’t understand it?   

Go back to verse 4; if the seed represents the message or the word of God, what represents the evil one?   

Who does the seed on rocky ground (vs5-6) represent? Vs20   

When do they fall away? Vs21   

Who does the seed among the thorns (vs 7) represent and what keeps it from growing? Vs22   

What does the seed in good soil (vs 8) represent? Vs23   

What does this seed produce?   

According to this, do they all produce the same crop?   

Are they all fruitful?   

What do you think is required for one to hear the word and understand it?   

After the explanation of the parable, what did Jesus go into telling them? Vs24  

What is the kingdom of Heaven like?   

What is the seed?   

What happened while everyone slept? Vs25   

Who is the enemy and what do weeds represent?   

What are the deliberately sowed weeds designed to do? (vs22)   

The wheat sprouted and formed heads, but what also came up? Vs26   

What did the servants ask the owner? Vs27   

What did the owner tell them? Vs28   

What did the servants ask next?   

Does the owner want this? Vs29   

Why or why not?   

What is to be done? Vs30   

Let’s look at a few things here:

Who do you think that the owner represents?   

Who do you think that the servants represent?   

What do you think that the bundles to be burned represent? 

(Revelation 20:11-15)   

What does the barn represent?        

(Revelation 21:1-3)   

Put it all together here; write what you think this parable is telling us:  

Also, why would pulling the weeds be a risk to the good plants?

What did Jesus do next? Vs31   

What is the kingdom of Heaven like?   

How is it like that? Vs32   

What do you think this is telling us?     

Jesus tells another parable; what is the kingdom of Heaven like in this one? Vs33   

What is the only way that Jesus spoke to these crowds? Vs34   

What prophecy was fulfilled? Vs35   

Read Psalm 78:1-8. Ultimately, what is to be accomplished with the parables and the telling of things from the past (things of old)?   

Jesus left the crowds and went inside.  His disciples followed.  What did they ask? Vs36   

What is the answer for the one who sowed good seed? Vs37   

What is the field?   

What is the good seed?   

What are the weeds? Vs38   

Who is the enemy who sowed the weeds? Vs39   

What is the harvest?   

Who are the harvesters?   

What will it be when the weeds are pulled up and thrown in the fire? Vs40   

What will the sower of good seed (Son of Man) do? vs41   

What will happen to the weeds? Vs42   

Then what will happen to the righteous? Vs43   

Who should hear this?   

What is the kingdom of Heaven like and how? Vs44   

What is the kingdom of Heaven like?  Vs45   

How is it like that? Vs46   

Should we sell everything to buy the kingdom of Heaven?

What is the kingdom of Heaven like? Vs47   

How is it like this? Vs48   

What does this mean?   

When will it be like this? Vs49-50   


What did Jesus ask His disciples? Vs51   

What is their reply?   

I ask you the same; do you understand all these things? 

Why do you think that Jesus said the same thing over and over but in different ways?   

What is a teacher of the law who becomes a disciple in the kingdom of Heaven compared to? Vs52   

What does this mean??   

When did Jesus move on? Vs53   

Where did He go next and what did He do there? Vs54   

What were the people’s thoughts about Jesus?   

What did they ask, or recognize? Vs55   

What do these two verses reveal to you about Jesus family? Vs56   

Knowing who He was and what family He came from, were they excited about His knowledge and teaching? Vs57   

What did Jesus say about this?   

Why do you think this is?   

What did the people of that town lose out on because of their lack of faith? Vs58   

Wow!!  That was a full chapter!

There were really only a few teachings in this chapter but Jesus said them over and over again in different ways for emphasis.

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