Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Eight

Wow, we have reached the final chapter of Matthew.   Time to finish strong. 

What day does this chapter open with? Vs1   

Who went to look at Jesus tomb?   

Why do you think they went to look at the tomb?  (see Mark 16:1-3)   

What happened there? Vs2   

What was the angel’s appearance like? Vs3   

How does this compare to John’s vision in Revelation 1:16?   

Also, don’t forget Matthew’s description of the transfigured Jesus in Matthew 17:2. 

Who could this angel have been?     

What does this scripture tell us about the guards?  Vs4   

What did the angel say to the women? Vs5   

What else did the angel say? Vs6     

What message were the women to bring to the disciples? Vs7   

What did the women do? Vs8   

How do they feel?   

Why do you think they would feel this way?   

Who met them on their way? Vs9   

What did the women do?   

What message did He give them? Vs10   

Let’s explore these events further by looking at the other gospels. 

Mark 16:1-8.   Where did the women meet, or find, the angel?   

Read Luke 24:1-12.  How many angels does Luke say there were?   

Read John 20:1-18.

Write what you think are the Main points of this scripture. 

Now check to see if they vary or are the same in all 4 gospels. 

While the women run to tell the disciples, what else was taking place? Vs11   

What did the chief priests do? Vs12   

What did the chief priests instruct the soldiers? Vs13     

What if this report gets to the Governor? Vs14   

What did the soldiers do? Vs15   

How far did this lie get?    

From this point Matthew skips to Jesus ascension.  But there were other events that took place for 40 days before Jesus left earth.  To see the other events, read Luke 24:13-49, John 20:19-31 and John 21:1-25. 

John 20:19.  Where were the disciples that night?   

What were they afraid of?   

Here is an interesting thing that I don’t want us to miss… Look at Luke 24:44-45.  Jesus reminded the disciples of what He had said previously, then what did he open and for what purpose?   

What does this tell us that we need to do before we read or study the Bible?   

Back to Matthew 28. 

Where did the disciples go and why? Vs16   

How many disciples went?   

What did they see there? Vs17   

What did they do?   

Did everyone believe it was Him?   

What did Jesus say to them? Vs18   

How much power had been put in Jesus hands?   

Because of this, what did he instruct the disciples to do? Vs19   

What else were they instructed to do? Vs20   

What final encouragement did He give them?   

Read Luke 24:46-49.

What additional information does this gospel give us?   

Read Luke 24:50-51. 

What happened after His final words?   

Read Revelation 1:1, 1:12-18, & 5:1-6.

Where is Jesus now?   

Congratulations for staying with this Bible study and persevering to the end. 

I hope that you have learned more about God and have drawn closer to Him through it. 

I bless and encourage you to continue your journey through the scriptures and to grow deeper in your faith.

In order to be well-rounded believers, we must understand the whole counsel of God.  Therefore after spending a long time in the New Testament through Matthew’s Gospel, I am going further back and beginning a study of the Old Testament Book of Esther. 

I hope you will join me once again.  This new study will begin on September 19. 

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