Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Matthew Chapter Eighteen

On a personal note....I'm sorry I am late getting this post up but I have been sick and fell behind.  I hope that this won't make me behind next week too, but that may be the case.  Thanks for being patient and understanding.  :) 
Now let's get to it!

Three of the disciples witnessed the miraculous transfiguration of Jesus and soon after they all see a demon driven out of a boy.  Jesus speaks to them about having faith and then provides another miracle through the mouth of a fish.  Jesus indicates that they are children of a king (He is the king) and therefore they shouldn’t have to pay taxes according to the ways of the world.  So the disciples have a concern.

What did the disciples ask Jesus? Vs1   

Who did Jesus call and put among them? Vs2   

What did He say in answer to their question? Vs3   

Who is greatest? Vs4   

Think of ways that a child is lowly and write them down:

What did Jesus add to His answer for the disciples? Vs5   

Jesus defines in this verse, what a “child” is; what did He say? Vs6   

What will it be like for anyone who causes one to stumble?   

Who will face “woe” for causing people to stumble? Vs7   

What did Jesus say about our own hand or foot? Vs8a   

Why? Vs8b   

What about if our eye causes us to stumble (sin)? Vs9   


What point is being made here?  Does Jesus want us to physically hurt ourselves?   

Why did Jesus say to them, not to despise or think low of another little one? Vs10   

There isn’t a verse 11 because some manuscripts include Luke 9:10 as verse 11 and others do not.

How would Luke 9:10 fit with this teaching?   

Jesus now puts this teaching into context.  What does He say about a man owning one hundred sheep? Vs12   

Why would He be happier about the one than the ninety-nine? Vs13   

What does God the Father not want to have happen? Vs14   

 What are we to point out to a brother or sister? Vs15  

How are we to do this?   

How will you know if they are being restored?   

What do you do if they don’t listen? Vs16   

Why do this?     

How does this compare with Deuteronomy 19:15?   

In these verses, what do you think is the definition of a brother or sister….a sibling?   

What if the one you are trying to correct still refuses to listen? Vs17   

Read these references and write a conclusion of what they tell you: Romans 16:17, 1 Corinthians 5:1-2, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14, 2 Corinthians 13:7-9,

1 Corinthians 6:1-6   

Keeping in mind the three verses prior; what do you think Jesus is talking about in this verse, what will be bound or loosed? Vs18   

If two or more are witnesses together, asking God for something, what will happen? Vs19   

Why? Vs20   

 You have probably heard this verse quoted before.  How does the meaning change for you after seeing it in this context?   

Because Jesus tells them to forgive and accept a brother back that has repented or listened to their correction; what is Peter’s question in response? Vs21   

What did Jesus say? Vs22   

Be honest with yourself….is this hard for you to accept?

Jesus then tells a parable to help them understand this point.  What is the kingdom of heaven like? Vs23   

How does the settlement start? Vs24   

What did the king order for the man’s settlement? Vs25   

What did the man do? vs26   

What did the king/master do? vs27   

What did the servant/man do in response? Vs28   

What did the fellow servant/man do? vs29   

How did the man respond to this servant?  (Keep in mind this is the same man that the king had pity on and cancelled his large debt)  Vs30   

when others saw this, how did they feel and what did they do? vs31   

What did the king do? vs32   

What did he ask the man in light of this? Vs33   

What did the angered king do? vs34   

What did Jesus tell the disciples about this story and forgiveness? Vs35   

In this parable, who is the king?   

Who is the first servant? 

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