Sunday, May 8, 2016

Matthew Chapter Fourteen

Matthew Chapter Fourteen

During the time of Jesus’ teaching and miracles, who had been hearing things about Him? vs1   

What did he tell his servants? Vs2   

How did Herod know John? Vs3-4   

How did Herod want John dealt with, and why hadn’t he done it? Vs5   

What happened on Herod’s birthday? Vs6   

What did Herod promise because he was so pleased? Vs7  

What did the girl ask for and why? Vs8   

How did the king feel about her request and what did he do? vs9   

What happened? Vs10-11   

What did John’s disciples do? vs12   

In a society where brutality has become common place, people aren’t affected by it unless it touches them personally.  People become hardened by it.  The same is true today.  What types of stories on the news does it take to shock us now?   

When Jesus heard this had happened, what did He do? vs13   

When the people heard about this, did they leave Him alone and allow Him to have some quiet?    

Jesus finally came back and landed, He saw the large amount of people that had gathered.  How did He feel about them and what did He do? vs14   

As evening approached, what was the disciples concern? Vs15   

What did Jesus tell the disciples to do? vs16   

What was their dilemma? Vs17   

What did Jesus then tell them to do? vs18   

Where did the fish and loaves come from?  (the only place you will find it is in John 6:9)

What did Jesus do? vs19   

The disciples distributed the food amongst the crowd of people.  Did each person get a crumb? Vs20   

What was left over?    

How large was the crowd that ate from the loaves and fish? Vs21   

What happened next and how soon? Vs22   

What did Jesus do? vs23   

Later that night where was He and with whom?   

Where was the boat? Vs24   

What was happening to it?   

When did Jesus leave to meet the disciples? Vs25   

How did Jesus get to them?   

When the disciples saw Him, were they relieved and happy? Vs26   

Jesus must have seen their reaction, what did He tell them? Vs27   

What did Peter say to Jesus, to test and see if it was Him? vs28   

Jesus response? Vs29   

What did Peter do? vs29   

Once he did this, what did he see? vs30   

And what happened when he saw it?   

What did Jesus do immediately? Vs31   

What did Jesus say to Peter?   

What happens when we take our eyes off of Jesus and look at the environment around us or our circumstances?   

What does James  tell us? James 1:5-7   

What happened when they climbed into the boat? Vs32   

Why do you think that happened at that time and not earlier?  

How did the ones that were in the boat watching, react? Vs33   

They finally reach the other side of the lake, what did the men of that area do when they recognized Jesus? Vs34-35  

What did the people do? vs35-36  

What happened to all those that touched Him?   

Was there magic in the garments that Jesus wore?   

Remember what He said to the woman in Matthew 9:22?   

Read Ephesians 2:8.  What happens to us when we put our faith in Jesus?   

What thoughts or new insights have you taken away from this chapter?

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