Sunday, March 6, 2016

Matthew Chapter Seven

Matthew Chapter Seven

What did Jesus say not to do? vs1   
What will happen if we do this?   

What will be the means of measuring? Vs2   

How fairly do we judge or criticize? Do we see our own faults as clearly as we see others faults? 

How does Jesus word this? Vs3-4  

What has to happen first before we judge another? Vs5 

Read 1 Corinthians 5:11-13
How do you think this fits with what Jesus taught in Matthew?  Is it a contradiction? 

The next verse in Matthew ties these two thoughts together:
What did Jesus say about sacred or valuable things? Vs6   
What do you think this means?  

What did Jesus say next? Vs7   

How many people who ask will receive? Vs8   
Who will find?   
Who will have the door opened to him/her?   
How does a good parent respond to the request of their child’s need? Vs9-10   

If we who are fallen and corrupted lovingly respond to the needs of our children, what does Jesus show us about the Father in Heaven, in this verse? Vs11 
Because of all this, in turn, what should we do? vs12   
What does Jesus say this “sums up”?   
I really like the way one commentary that I read, put it:  Usually this is called the Golden rule and is put in the negative “don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you”.   But Jesus stated it positively making it more significant.  It is not very hard to refrain from harming others; it is much more difficult to take the initiative in doing something good for them, and especially when they don’t seem worthy.  

What road (gate) does Jesus say to take? Vs13   
What is the other one like?   
Where does this other one lead?   
How do we know this one is the easier route?   

Which one leads to life? Vs14   
How many people take this road?   

The narrow passage is what opens the heart wide.  The Larger passage shrivels the heart.  The narrow one is harder to take, the wider one is easy to walk through.  Like the commentary that I mentioned earlier, the harder one is to do good to others instead of not doing bad to others.

What did Jesus say to look out for? Vs15   
How do they appear?   
What are they really?   

How can we know who they really are? Vs16   

Where do you find good fruit? Vs16-17   
What doesn’t produce good fruit?   

If a tree is good, what can’t it do? vs18   
If a tree is bad, what can’t it do?   

What will eventually happen to bad trees? Vs19   

How will we recognize good and false prophets? Vs20   
How long do you think it might take to recognize?   

Those that truly love God will produce good fruit.  Even though some will profess Jesus name and call Him Lord, what will not happen for them?  Vs21   
In accordance with producing fruit, who will enter Heaven?   

When the day comes, what will some think makes them worthy of Heaven? Vs22   

But what will Jesus say to them at that time? Vs23   

What can we understand/discern about prophesy, exorcism and other miracles from these verses?

Think about this: Isn’t it strange that this teaching comes at the same place as not judging?  Why would Jesus say not to judge and then tell us we will know others by their fruit? Doesn’t it take a judgment to look at fruit?

What is everyone like who hears Jesus words and puts them into practice? Vs24   

What happens, when the rains come and the streams rise? Vs25   

What is everyone like who hears Jesus words and does not put them into practice? Vs26   

What happens when the rains come? Vs27   

When Jesus had finished speaking, how did the crowds react to His teachings? Vs28  

Why? Vs29   

Was there something significant about this chapter that really stood out to you?

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