Monday, May 16, 2016

Matthew Chapter Fifteen

Matthew Chapter Fifteen

In the past few chapters we have seen that Jesus’ miracles are reaching far and wide.  People are scrambling to come see and hear Him in person.  They bring their sick, lame, and demon possessed and all are being healed. 

Who comes to Jesus with a concern? Vs1   

What was the concern?   

What did Jesus ask in response? Vs3   

What command does Jesus refer to? Vs4   

How is this explained; how have they broken the command? Vs5   

What were they doing to the word of God in this practice? Vs6  

What did Jesus call them because of it? Vs7  

Who did Jesus say had prophesied about them?   

What did the prophet say about them? Vs8   

Put into your own words, what this means.

Read Matthew 7:21-23.  What does this say about lip service?

What did Jesus say about their worship? Vs9   

What does that mean?   

Jesus calls the people to Himself.  What did He tell them to do? vs10   

Now He answers the Pharisees questions from verse 2.  What do they need to understand? Vs11   

What did the disciples come to tell Jesus? Vs12  

Does Jesus panic, or feel bad? Vs13   

How does He answer?   

What did that mean? Vs14   

Explain this in your words:

What did Peter want Jesus to do? vs15   

What did Jesus tell Peter?   

At the beginning of the chapter, what was the Pharisees concern? Vs2   

What did Jesus say about what enters the mouth? Vs17   

What about what exits the mouth? Vs18   

What comes out of the human heart? Vs19   

Jesus sums up the teaching; explain here: vs20   

What did Jesus do after He finished this teaching? Vs21 

Who came to Him? vs22   

What did she cry out?   .

Even though she was a Canaanite, not an Israelite, who did she know Jesus was? 

What did Jesus do for her? vs23 

What did the disciples want Him to do and why? 

What did Jesus tell the disciples? Vs24   

How do you feel about what He said?

What did the woman do? vs25 

What did Jesus tell the woman? Vs26 

Did she get offended and storm off? Vs27 

Have you ever felt ignored or discarded by God?  How did you respond?

What did Jesus say to her? vs28   

What happened at that moment? 

Jesus left the region of Tyre and Sidon to go where? Vs29   

Where did He stop?   

Who came to Him and what did they bring? Vs30   

What did he do? 

What amazed the people there? Vs31 

What did the people do as a result? 

What did Jesus call His disciples together for? Vs32 

How long had the people been with Jesus? 

What do the disciples ask Jesus? Vs33 

Jesus answers with a question; what is the question? Vs34   

How many is there? 

What did Jesus instruct the crowd to do? vs35   

Then what did He do? vs36 

What did the disciples do? 

How far did the small amount of food go? Vs37   

What was left after everyone ate? 

How many were fed that day? Vs38 

What did Jesus do after that? Vs39


If you have time, check out these other times when God provided:

1Kings 17:12-16

2 Kings 4:42-44

Exodus 16:14-26

Did any of these instances leave them set for life, or did they still have to have faith that God would provide the next day?

Why do you think that is?

Read Luke 12:22-24.

What does God want us to do every day? 

Is this the way that you live?

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