Sunday, June 19, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty

Jesus told a parable that related to the kingdom of Heaven; what did He relate the kingdom to? Vs1   

What did the landowner agree to pay the workers for a day in the vineyard starting early in the morning? Vs2   

Mid-morning (9am) What did the landowner find? Vs3   

What did the landowner tell the people? Vs4   

What did they do? vs5   

At noon and at 3pm, what did the landowner do again?   

What did he do at 5 in the afternoon? Vs6   

What was the answer? Vs7   

What did he tell them to do (at 5 in the afternoon)?   

What did the landowner do when evening came? Vs8   

Who was first to be paid and who was last?   

How much did the late comers get paid? Vs8   

What were the mid-day workers paid? Vs9   

What were the early hired men expecting? Vs10   

What did they get paid?   

How did they feel about their payment? Vs11   

What was the complaint? Vs12   

What did the landowner tell them? Vs13 -14   

What did the landowner ask the early workers? Vs15   

How did Jesus sum the parable up? Vs16   

What does this mean to you?  What do you make of it?   

Where was Jesus headed next? Vs17   

What did He do with the 12 disciples?   

What did He tell them about His sentencing by the Jewish leaders? Vs18-19   

What will be done to Jesus?    

What will happen on the third day? Vs19b   

Who came to Jesus at that point? Vs20   

What did this person want? Vs20-21   

What did Jesus tell her? vs22   

Then what did Jesus tell them? Vs23   

How do the other 10 feel about the woman’s request? Vs24   

Jesus called them all together to listen; what did He tell them?vs25   

This is not how things work in Jesus kingdom.  Status and titles aren’t important, what is? Vs26-27   

What example did Jesus give? Vs28   

In what ways did Jesus serve on earth?   

When Jesus and His disciples were leaving Jericho, who followed them? Vs29   

Who sat by the roadside? Vs30    

What happened when they heard Jesus was passing by?   

What did the large crowd that followed Jesus out of Jericho do? vs31   

What did the two men do?   

This got Jesus attention.  He stopped, and what did He ask? Vs32   

What did the men say? Vs33   

What happened? Vs34   

Jesus has compassion for us.  If He is asking you "what do you want me to do for you?"  What is your reply to Him?

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