Sunday, April 10, 2016

Matthew Chapter Eleven

Matthew Chapter Eleven

Okay, this is one of those chapters where you will have to look at each verse to understand what Jesus is saying.  Context is so important.  Each verse connects to the next, without that, we get a lot of fragmented thoughts. 

Also, I like to think of scripture as round – it explains itself in other areas of the Bible; the more scripture you to come to know, the more you will be able to understand as you study other areas.  So don’t get upset if something doesn’t make sense right away.   Trust the Spirit to teach you what you need to know for now.

There may be parts of this chapter that seem a bit confusing, don’t get discouraged, do your best to answer the questions – pray, pray, pray – the Spirit will give understanding, pray on each verse if necessary, and be sure to check back next week to see if I came up with the same thoughts that you did.  (Fortunately it is not a very long chapter

When Jesus finished His instructions to His twelve disciples, what did He do? vs1  

Who was in prison and heard about what Jesus had been doing?  Vs2   

What did he do? vs2-3   

Look ahead to verses 7-10; who is this person?   

How did Jesus answer the question that was brought? Vs4   

What types of things were taking place? Vs5   

What did Jesus say next? Vs6   

What?  Why would Jesus say this?   

As John’s followers leave, what did Jesus begin to speak to the crowd about? Vs7   

What are the three points that Jesus makes about why the people went into the wilderness to see John? Vs7-10

1.    Vs7   

2.    Vs8   

3.    Vs9-10  

Was there any human being whose work had been more important than John’s? vs11   

Who will be greater than him?   

What had been happening to the Kingdom of Heaven? Vs12   

Up until the time of John, what had led the people to the Lord? Vs13   

Who was John? Vs14   

See Malachi 4:4-6   

Who will hear what is being said? Vs15   

Read Isaiah 6:10 & Isaiah 32:3.  According to these verses, what type of hearing and seeing is being spoken of?   

What did Jesus compare that generation to? Vs16   

What was called out? Vs17   

John the Baptist didn’t eat unclean or drink fermented drink – he was under the Nazarite vow and yet what was said about him? vs18   

Jesus sat with the people and broke bread with them and drank wine with them and what was said about Him? vs19   

How is wisdom proved right?   

What is the bottom line of what Jesus was teaching in this segment?   

What did Jesus begin to do after this speech/teaching? Vs20   


Tyre, Sidon and Sodom were most likely Pagan cities with reputations for great evil.  Bethsaida, Chorazin and Capernaum were cities occupied with Israelites.   What did Jesus say about these cities?  Vs21-24   

Why do you think that Tyre, Sidon and Sodom would have been spared if they had seen these miracles and yet the Jewish cities mentioned, had not repented?

Jesus stopped to praise the Father.  What did He give praise for? Vs25-26   

What has been committed to Jesus? Vs27   

By whom?   

Who can know the Father?    

Who do you think that would be?   

What did Jesus say to those that are weary and burdened? Vs28   

How did Jesus say He would give rest to the tired? Vs29   

How do you think that would work since a yoke is something designed for work or control?   

What did Jesus say that He is as a master?   

What specifically will we find rest for in His leadership? Vs29b   

What does He say about His yoke? (think of the yoke as His leadership or authority) Vs30   

It took everything in me not to put a whole bunch of my thoughts and notes in here.  I wanted to give so much extra information but then I remembered….this is for you to seek and find for yourself, not for me to teach, so I deleted them all!   You can see them all next week when I post my answers.  J

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