Monday, April 4, 2016

Matthew Chapter Ten - Part Two

This week we will complete the second part of Matthew Chapter Ten.  The content isn't long but there are more "thought/opinion questions" that you may have to really think and pray about.  I challenge you to do just that; don't hurry through them like they are homework to get done, instead, think about what Jesus has said in the chapter to get some context and then really contemplate your response.  Here we go....

Part Two

In the beginning of this chapter Jesus is preparing His disciples for the work that He has for them to do, as well as the response that they will get in doing that work. 

When they are persecuted in one place, what are they to do? vs23   

What will not happen before the Son of Man comes?   

What did Jesus say about the student and the servant? Vs24   

What does verse 25 tell us?   

Why shouldn’t they be afraid? Vs26  

They will hear Jesus voice in the quiet (in the dark and whispered).  How are they to respond to what they hear? Vs27   

Why shouldn’t they be afraid of those that kill the body? Vs28  

Who should they fear?   

Sparrows aren’t worth much, they could buy two for a mere penny.  Yet how does God look after them? Vs29   

How well does God know us and care for us? Vs30   

Are we worth more than sparrows? Vs31   

We don’t have to be afraid of anyone or anything because God loves us and will care for us however He decides.  Therefore, what does Jesus tell us? Vs32   

What will Jesus do to those that disown Him before others? Vs33   

Why do you think that Jesus would do this?   

If we believe that we are more precious than sparrows and we acknowledge Jesus before others, what does that say about our faith?   

Jesus didn’t come to bring peace to the world.  He didn’t come to make worldly peace, (tolerance) or to unite everyone together under the status quo.  What did He come for? Vs34-36   

Does this mean that Jesus’ purpose was to bring discord?   

When you choose Jesus, who will be your enemies? Vs36   

Are we to align ourselves with anyone over Jesus? Vs37   

What did Jesus say about following Him in this verse? Vs38   

What happens to the one that finds their life? Vs 39   

What happens to the one that loses their life for Jesus sake?   

According to what we just read in the previous verses, what do you think “finding your life” means?   

What do you think that “losing your life for my sake” means?   

Anyone that welcomes them (us) when they bring the message of Jesus, is actually welcoming whom? Vs40  

And anyone that welcomes Jesus is actually welcoming whom?   

There is reward in welcoming a person of societal standing.  When they welcome them as such, they get what they have earned.  What will happen to the one that is open to one of Jesus disciples? Vs41-42   

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