Monday, March 28, 2016

Matthew Chapter Ten - Part One

I'm making this week's study time shorter than previous weeks.  I have cut chapter ten in half to give a little breathing room and allow you to catch up if you have fallen behind.  Therefore, this week and next will be shorter weeks.
Matthew Chapter Ten

Who did Jesus call to Himself? Vs1   
For what purpose did He gather them?     

What are the names of those that Jesus gathered to Himself? Vs2-4 
1.            2.         3.         4.         5.         6.        7.        8.        9.       10.       11.       12.  

Who did Jesus send them out to? Vs 5-6   
Who were they to stay away from?   
Why do you think they were to go to that certain group and stay away from the others?
(These verses may help: Acts 13:14, Ephesians 1:2, Mark 7:24-30)

What were they sent to say? Vs7   

What were they to do? vs8   

Look at the events of this chapter so far.  How specific was Jesus about who He gave His authority to?   

How specific was He about who they were to evangelize and minister to?   

Do you think that everyone gets the ability to heal and drive out demons today? back up or explain your answer.

What did Jesus tell them not to take with them? Vs9-10   

What do you think the statement “the worker is worth his keep” means?   

Where will they stay? Vs11  

What do they do when they enter a home? Vs12   

After they evaluate the home, what are they to do? vs13   

If anyone doesn’t welcome them or listen to their words (ministry – gospel), what should they do? vs14   

How will that place be treated on the day of judgement? Vs15   

What will the disciples be like out in the world? Vs16   

Think about that, what kind of complications or implications would this mean?   

What will they need to be like in this environment? Vs16   
What does this mean?   

Jesus tells them to be on guard.  What is going to happen to them? Vs17  

But what will they be when brought before Governors and Kings? Vs18   

Why shouldn’t they worry about this ahead of time? Vs19   

Who will be speaking through them? Vs20   

When we look at the disciples as sheep among wolves; who are the “wolves” in this verse? Vs21   
What will those “wolves” do?   

Why will the disciples be hated? Vs22   
What happens to the one who stands firm to the end?   

Does this contradict Ephesians 2:8-9?       Explain your answer: 

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