Monday, March 14, 2016

Matthew Chapter Eight

Here we are on chapter eight; we are in the thick of things now.  Jesus is heavy into His teaching and miracles.  The Gospel of John tells us that "Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.  But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."  John 20:30-31
Therefore the ones that have been recorded we need to really look at and take notice of.  
Let's pray and get started:

Matthew Chapter Eight

When Jesus came down from the mountainside, after His teaching, who followed? Vs1   
Who came up to Jesus and what did he say? Vs2   
Look at the way the man asked Jesus for help.  Did he question if Jesus was able to help Him?  explain:   

What did Jesus say & do to the man? Vs3   

And then what instructions did He give the man? Vs4   

Read Leviticus 13:45-46.  How was a leper to live?   

When Jesus entered Capernaum, who came to Him? vs5   

What did he go to Jesus for? Vs6  

What did Jesus do? vs7   

What was the officer’s reply? Vs8    

How did the officer know this to be true? Vs9   

How did Jesus feel about the man’s response and say about his faith? Vs10   

Jesus used this as a teachable moment.  What did He say about the great feast (in the end times)? Vs11-12   
(Be sure to read my notes next week)

What did Jesus tell the Centurion? Vs13   
What was happening right at that moment?   

Whose home did Jesus go to? Vs14     
What did he see there?   

What happened? Vs15   

What happened at evening? Vs16     

What does verse 17 tell us about these actions of Jesus? Vs17   

Read Isaiah 53:4-6. 
Jesus took on the pain of others and suffered for Israel’s salvation.  But what did they think His suffering meant? Vs4   

Why did He really suffer and die? Vs5   

What are we all like? Vs6   
What has the Lord done (God the Father) to right our wrongs?   

Back to Matthew
Where did Jesus want to go when He saw the large crowd around Him? vs18   

What did a teacher of the law say to Him when he heard that Jesus wanted to leave? Vs19   

What was Jesus response? Vs20  
What do you think that He meant?   

What did another follower say to Jesus? Vs21  

What did Jesus tell him? vs22  

What did Jesus do next? Vs23   
What did the disciples do?  

What happened while they crossed the lake? Vs24   
How quickly did this happen?   
What was happening to the boat?    
How did Jesus react to this?   

What did the disciples do? vs25   

Did Jesus wake up and panic? Vs26     
How did He handle the storm?  

What did His own followers ask about Him? vs27   

Where did Jesus land or come ashore? Vs28   

Gad was one of the tribes that stayed East of the Jordan when Joshua took the people into the promised land.  Since then, it had been infiltrated and intermingled with Gentiles (against the Lord’s instructions to the Israelites).  I would guess that is the region of the Gadarenes that is mentioned here.
Who came toward Jesus and met Him at the shore? Vs28  
Where were they coming from?   
What were they noted for, which caused people to not use that road?   

What did they say (shout at) to Jesus? Vs29   

What do their 2 questions reveal about what they knew? 
1     1.  
2    2.

Do you think that Jesus’ boat landed there by chance? 

What was feeding in the distance? Vs30   

What did the demons beg Jesus for? Vs31  

Jesus hadn’t said a word to them yet, what did He finally say? Vs32   
(Mark 5:12-13 and Luke 8:32  give a good understanding of how the demons waited for Jesus permission.)
What happened when the demons left the man? Vs32  

If we have Jesus living within us, do we need to be afraid of the demon possessed?   

Those poor people who were in charge of caring for the pigs got a shock.  What did they do after watching what happened? Vs33   
Read Mark 5:18-20 and Luke 8:38-39. 
What happened to the ex-demon possessed man?  
How do Jesus instructions for this man differ from what Jesus told the Jewish leper? 

What happened after this story spread by the pig’s care-takers? Vs34   
What did they plead for Jesus to do? 

What??  He just performed a miracle and gave people that path back to use, why do you think this was the response? 

In today’s cultural climate, would  this be the response to this type of miracle?   

This chapter was full of miracles and a variety of responses to those miracles.  Go back through the chapter and write the miracles below, and any responses to the miracles.

Please note: I will include many extra notes next week with my answers.  Some clarification and some insights from the scripture.  

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