Sunday, September 18, 2016

Esther Chapter One

Welcome to a study of the Old Testament book of Esther.
In 586bc Israel was invaded by Babylon.  Jerusalem was destroyed and captives were taken to Babylon under the direction of Nebuchadnezzer.  The prophet Daniel was one of those captives taken to Babylon. 
In 539bc (approx. 50 years later) Babylon is overthrown by the Persian king, Cyrus.  Under his reign, a group of exiled Israelites return to Jerusalem. (See Book of Ezra)  After living there for so long, there were many Israelites that may have decided not to make the trip but instead stayed in the Babylonian/Persian region.  It could be that they had made a home there and decided to stay where it was comfortable instead of returning to the unknown of a country that was in ruin.  Many were aging and the young may have only remembered their current home.  Or it may be that the first ones were sent to begin the rebuilding and prepare for the others to one day return.    These Israelites lived under the Persian rule of King Cyrus.
In 486bc (100 years after Israel was taken into captivity) Xerxes became king over Persia.  He was said to be impulsive and with an ego.  He had a winter palace in Susa, the southern part of the Medo-Persian Empire; east of Babylon. It is here that the events of this book take place.  They begin approximately 480 years before Jesus was born.
What are we going to read about in the following verses? Vs1 
Where is this king ruling from?  Vs2 
What happened in the third year of his reign? Vs3 
What could this be compared to in our time? 
What did the king do for 180 days prior to this event? Vs4 
When the 180 days ended, what took place and where? Vs5 
History reveals that he was preparing to invade Greece and the 180 days was for planning battle strategies and for providing confidence that he had the wealth and strength to carry out his plans.  It was said that Persian kings loved to show off their wealth, wearing lots of gemstones and even adorning gold jewelry in battle.
How would you describe the decorations for this banquet? Vs6 
How was the wine served for this large gathering? Vs7 
How much royal wine was there? 
How mch were the guests allowed to drink for 7 days? Vs8 
What was the Queen’s name?  vs9 
What was she doing during this time? 
How was the king feeling on the 7th day of celebration? Vs10 
He is about to command something; of who is he going to command?
Eunuchs were men in the king’s service that helped out with the kings women.  They were castrated men.  this was done so there wouldn’t be any male urges as they worked so closely with the women and so they would be completely devoted to the king and no one else.  (there was nothing to get in the way  of their service to the king or their loyalty to him – no wife, no children, no urges)
What did the king command? Vs11 
Why did he want to do this? 
What did the Queen do at this command? Vs12 
How did the king feel about that? 
What was customary in these types of matters? Vs13 
So what did the king do? 
What is noted about these men? vs14 
What did the king ask? Vs15 
Who spoke up and what did he say? Vs16 
What was the big deal to them? Vs17-18 
What do the wise men suggest that the king do about his wife? vs19 
What do they say will happen when this decree is proclaimed throughout the vast realm? Vs20 
How do all the men feel about this? Vs21 
So what did the king do? 
What news did the king send out all over his kingdom? Vs22 


Unknown said...

I love your studies! Thank you for them! 😊

Tracy said...

Thanks Sheryl, I'm glad that they are useful. :)