Monday, September 26, 2016

Esther Chapter Two

What are some of the characteristics of king Xerxes that we saw last week?

Queen Vashti was caught between a rock and a hard place and her decision caused her to be excommunicated from the king. 

So now, when did the king remember Vashti and the situation with her? vs1  

Persian laws could not be reversed once they were legally implemented.  Do you remember how long he had Queen Vashti sent out of his presence for?  (chapter 1:19)

He is probably having remorse about his actions because what do his attendants propose? Vs2 

How would this be done? Vs3 

Then what would happen? Vs4 

How did the king feel about this proposal? 

Who is there, in the Citadel of Susa and what do we learn about him? vs5 

How did he get to this place? Vs6 

Who is Hadassah? Vs7 

What other name is she known by? 

What is she like? 

What had Mordecai done when she lost her parents?  .

What happened to Esther when the king’s order had been proclaimed? Vs8 

What took place immediately? Vs9 

What special accommodations did she get? 

What hadn’t Esther done and why? Vs10 

Remember where Mordecai was employed (vs5).  Because of this what was he able to do? vs11 

What did a woman have to complete before she went before the king? Vs12 

What could a woman take with her when she went before the king in the palace? Vs13 

When did a woman go to the king when it was her turn? Vs14 

When would she return? 

Where would she return? 

When would she return to the king? 

When Esther’s turn came to go to the palace and be with the king, what did she take with her? vs15 

Who’s favor did Esther win? 

When did Esther’s turn come? Vs16 

How did the king feel about Esther? Vs17 

What did he do because of this? 

Then what did the king do? vs18 

While all of this is going on in the palace, what is Mordecai doing? Vs19 

Esther continued to follow his instructions, which one in particular? Vs20 

One day when Mordecai was working at the king’s gate, what were two of the king’s Eunuch’s doing? Vs21 

What were their positions; how close were they to the king? 

What did Mordecai over hear? Vs22 

What did he do with the information? 

Then what happened?  .

An investigation took place and what was found? Vs23 

What happened to the 2 Eunuchs? 

Where do you see God in this chapter? 

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