Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Five

Jesus says “At that time”.  What time is Jesus speaking of? (see previous chapter) Vs1  

What will the kingdom of heaven be like?   

How many virgins were foolish? Vs2   

How many virgins were wise?   

What did the foolish ones do? vs3   

What did the wise ones do? vs4   

The bridegroom was a long time in coming so what happened to the virgins? Vs5   

What happened at midnight? Vs6   

Which virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps? Vs7   

What did the foolish ones say to the wise ones? Vs8   

How did the wise respond? Vs9   

The foolish virgins went to buy oil, what happened while they were gone? Vs10   

The others arrived late, what did they say? Vs11   

What did the groom say? Vs12   

Because we don’t know the day or hour of Jesus return, what should we do? vs13   

How do we know that Jesus is still making the same point about His return? Vs14   

What will His return be like?   

What did the man give his servants? Vs15   

How was it decided by the man how much each would be in charge of?   

What did the servant with 5 bags do and how did it turn out? vs16   

What about the servant with 2 bags? Vs17   

What about the servant with 1 bag?  Vs18   

When did the master return? Vs19   

When he returned, what did he do?  

The servant with 5 bags showed the master his return on his investment; what did the master say? Vs20-21   

When the servant with 2 bags showed the master his return, what did the master say? Vs22-23   

What did the servant with 1 bag tell the master? Vs24-25   

What did the master call him? vs26   

Why? Vs26-27   

What was the servant with one bag told to do? vs28   


What happens to those who don’t have?   

What happens to the lazy servant? Vs30  

When the Son of Man comes in glory, who will be with Him? vs31   

Where will He sit?   

Who will be gathered before Him? vs32   

What will He separate?   

What will the separating be like?   

Where will each go? Vs33   

What will the king say to those on the right? Vs34   

What is the inheritance?   

Why will they inherit this? Vs35-36   

How will the righteous answer this? Vs37-39   

How will the king answer the righteous? Vs40   

What will He say to those on His left (goats)? Vs41     

In verse 31, who will come with Jesus when He returns?   

According to verse 41, are all angels devoted to God?   

According to verse 32-33, are all humans devoted to God?   

What are two things that the people on the left of Jesus called?   

Why will these people depart for the fire? Vs42-43   

What will they ask? Vs44   

What will Jesus tell them? Vs45   

When the separating, or explanation, is finished, what will happen? Vs46   

What are you final thoughts on these judgments?   

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