Monday, August 15, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Six - Part One

I have my computer back!  
That means that chapter twenty six can be posted this week, sorry for the delay last week.  Chapter 26 is an extremely long chapter, I have decided to break it into 2 parts.

Actually, my computer hardware issues is only one of many things that I have been dealing with.  This has been an interesting summer with plenty of challenges. 
As we have learned through the study of Matthew, and will find in the final chapters, being a Christian doesn't mean an easy life or trouble-free life.  Actually it can mean the opposite when you add persecution or suffering for Christ in with all the normal troubles that come in life.  We also can't discount the activity of the spiritual enemy of Christians:
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Jesus urges us to hold fast or be an overcomer so when difficulties come, He is who I cling to. 
Like me, I hope that whatever may be taking place in your life right now, you will count it all joy and continue to seek Him and His knowledge. 
2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Let's get to it...

Matthew Chapter Twenty - Six, Part One
Jesus finished saying “all these things”.  What were they?

What did Jesus remind the disciples is two days away? Vs2   

What will happen on that day?   

Meanwhile, who was gathering? Vs3   

Where did they assemble?   

For what purpose did they assemble? Vs4   

Think about this….was it a deliberate intention to have Jesus murdered?   

When did the gathered people decide it would NOT be a good time for this? Vs5   


Where was Jesus at this time? Vs6   

What took place there? Vs7   

What was the disciples problem with this? Vs8-9    

Read John 12:4-6.

Which disciple do you think was the one to start this discussion and why?   

What did Jesus say the woman had done? Vs10   

How did Jesus justify what she did? Vs11   

What did He say the perfume was for? Vs12   

This event was so special; what did Jesus say would always happen because of it? Vs13   

Jesus had 12 men, called disciples, that He was sharing His life and teaching with intimately.  Which one is mentioned in this verse? Vs14   

Why is he mentioned, what did he do? vs14    

What did he say? Vs15   

What was the offer?   

What did he watch for from that time on? Vs16   


This is one of the best things to ask God every day:

Psalm 139:23-24

Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.

 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.


What did the disciples ask Jesus? Vs17   

Which day during the festival did they ask?   

What instructions did Jesus give? Vs18   

What did the disciples do?  Vs19   

Where was Jesus when evening came? Vs20   

What were they doing? Vs21   

While there, what did Jesus say?   

How did they feel about what He said? Vs22   

What did one after another say to Him?   

How did Jesus answer them? Vs23   

Then what did Jesus tell them? Vs24     

Who spoke? Vs25   

What does the text tell us about him?   

What did he say to Jesus?   

How did Jesus answer him?   

During the meal, what did Jesus do and say? Vs26   

What did Jesus do and say next?  Vs27-28   

Why was Jesus blood poured out? Vs28   

What did Jesus tell the disciples next? Vs29   


Every time a covenant was made or renewed, death occurred.  

Read Leviticus 17:10-14 and Deuteronomy 12:23-25. 

What is the life of every living creature?   

What does this scripture say not to do?   

Read John 6:53-58.
What does this tell us about the blood of the Son of Man?   

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