Monday, July 4, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Two

Jesus continues speaking.  He begins telling another parable.  What did He say the kingdom of Heaven is like? Vs1-2   

Who did the king send his servants to? Vs3   

What happened?   

What did the king do? vs4   

How did those invited respond? Vs5   

What did some do? vs6   

How did the king feel about it? Vs7   

What did he do?   

What did the king tell his servants? Vs8   

What did he instruct the servants to do? vs9   

What did the servants do? vs10   

When the king came into the guests, what did he notice? Vs11   

What did he ask? Vs12   

What was the man’s response?    

What did the king tell his attendants to do? vs13   

Why? Vs14   

Who is the king?   

Who is the son?   

Who were the servants?   

Who are the guests that wouldn’t come?   

Who are the guests that the wedding was opened up to?   

Why did the man without wedding clothes get thrown out?


Read Revelation 19:6-9 and Revelation 21:9-10

What wedding is the parable referring to?   

According to the parable, who would the bride be?   

Who are the uninvited guests that the wedding is opened up to?   

Who would the man be that didn’t wear the proper clothes?   

Read Isaiah 61:10, Revelation 22:14 and Revelation 3:4.

What are the proper clothes?   

Read Revelation 22:14-15.  What do you understand about the man from this verse?    

After hearing this, the Pharisees left and made some plans.  What were the plans for? Vs15   

What did the Pharisees do? vs16   

These people address Jesus with flattery.  What did they say they knew about Him? vs16   

When someone begins a question or comment with flattery or trying to butter you up, what can you usually expect?   

Then their question came which reveals why they brought the political Herodians with them.  What is their question? Vs17   

What had Jesus figured out about these people? Vs18   

How did He answer them?   

What did He ask to be shown? Vs19   

They brought Him a denarius.  What did He ask then? Vs19-20   

The answer? Vs21   

What did Jesus tell them?   

How were they affected by this answer? Vs22   

Explain what you think Jesus’ answer means:

The Pharisees left, but “that same day” who showed up? Vs23   

What does scripture tell us was significant about them?   

What did they go to Jesus with?   

What part of Mosaic law did they bring up? Vs24   

What example do they tell Jesus? Vs25-26   

What is their question? Vs27-28   

What did Jesus tell them? Vs29   

Remember what verse 23 told us about the Sadducees; they didn’t believe in the resurrection.  Jesus is addressing that.

What did He say would happen to people at the time of resurrection? Vs30 

 Jesus speaks of the resurrection of the dead by quoting scripture.  What did He tell them? Vs31-32   

 How did the crowd feel about His teaching? Vs33   

Who heard that Jesus silenced the Sadducees and what did they do because of it? Vs34   

An expert in the law had a question for Jesus.  What was his intent for this question? Vs35   

What did he ask? Vs36   

Jesus didn’t hesitate to answer.  What did He say? Vs37   

Which commandment was this? Vs38   

What is the second greatest commandment? Vs39   

What did Jesus say about these two commandments? Vs40   

What do you think that means? 

Jesus saw an opportunity.  What was the opportunity and what did He do? vs41   

What did Jesus ask? Vs42   

What is the reply?   

Now Jesus gives them a question to think about, what did He ask? Vs43-45     

How did they reply? Vs46   

What did the question cause them to do?   

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