Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Four - Part Two

Part 2

What did Jesus say not to believe? Vs26   

Why not believe it? Vs27   

Where do vultures gather? Vs28     

 Luke 17, Jesus is speaking of the same period in time.  In Luke 17:37 What question did the disciples ask that Jesus answered?   

What was Jesus answer to the question?   

What did Jesus tell them would take place immediately after the distress? Vs29   

Read Isaiah 13:9-13.  Does this sound like the same day that Jesus spoke of?   

How many people survive this time?   

Has history seen a day like this yet?

Read Revelation 6:12-13.  Does this sound like the same day that Jesus spoke of?   

Would you say that God is serious about this taking place? 

How do you see a just, wrathful God in these verses?   

How do you see a loving, merciful God in these verses?   

Once the distress has taken place and the heavenly bodies shaken, what sign will appear? Vs30   

What will ALL peoples of the earth do?   

What will they see?   

What will He send His angels to do with a loud trumpet call? Vs31   

Who gets gathered?   

From where?   

Is He gathering only the people left on earth?   

Who do you think Jesus’ elect will be?   

As of today, has any of this taken place yet?   

What does Jesus tell us to learn from about the timing? Vs32   

What about it?   

What will we know when we see all these things? Vs33   

What did Jesus say about this generation? Vs34   

Eventually, what will pass away? Vs35   

But what never will pass away?   

In regards to the day that Jesus is seen coming on the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory and an angelic trumpet call; when will be the day and hour?  Vs36   

Does Jesus know what the date will be?   

What will the days be like when Jesus returns? Vs37   

How are these two “times” compared? Vs38   

Besides Noah, did anyone know or act like or prepare like something was coming? Vs39   

When did they find out?   

That is what it will be like when the Son comes back in glory.

Two men will be together in the field; what will happen to them? Vs40   

Just so we know this isn’t gender related, what will happen to the two women grinding? Vs41   

What is the warning to them/us? Vs42   

If the owner of a house knows what time a thief will come, what would he do? vs43   

Therefore, what did Jesus say we should be, and why? Vs44   

Jesus return will be unexpected.  How fast will the sorting of those that know and love Him and those that don’t, take place?  (Back to Vs41)   

What do you think it means to “keep watch” - to watch the sky day and night?   The next verse is a rhetorical question.  It answers what it asks; the faithful and wise servant is the one the master put in charge of the servants in His household to give them their food at the proper time.

What would it be good for the Master to find when He returns? Vs46   

What will this servant be put in charge of? Vs47   

What is the servant called if he feels he can put off his work because the master is away for a long time? Vs48   

What does he do instead of feeding the others? Vs49   

What will happen to this type of servant in charge? Vs50   

What will the master do? vs51   

Monday, July 18, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Four - Part 1

This chapter will be a two part chapter.  Below are verses 1 - 25 for this week. 
Part 1

Where was Jesus? Vs1   

What did His disciples do?   

Read Luke 21:5.  What were they saying?   

What did Jesus tell them? Matthew 24:2   

As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him alone.  What did they want to know? Vs3   

What was the first thing that He told them? Vs4   

What is going to happen? Vs5   

What else will happen? Vs6   

How are they to react to this?   


 What else will happen? Vs7A   

What else?  Vs7B   

What does Jesus call these instances or events? Vs8   

What will happen next? Vs9   

What will happen in the midst of this? Vs10   

What else? Vs11   

What is a prophet?   

So what would a false prophet do?   

What will increase? Vs12   

Because of this, what will happen to people’s hearts?   

What happens to those that stand firm in truth to the end? Vs13   

What will take place with the gospel of the kingdom (the good news)? Vs14   

Then what will happen?   

What did Jesus say was a defining moment? Vs15   

Who spoke of this in the past?   

Read Daniel 9:26-27, 11:31.

The Abomination of Desolation took place with Antiochus Epiphanes (IV).  However, for Jesus to refer to it as something to come, it shows us that it will take place again, by another person or perhaps in an even more devastating way (if possible).  It could be why He specifically says, “let the reader understand”. 

The Old Testament taught the Jews that they weren’t to eat pig, it was unclean.  The abomination was that Antiochus Epiphanes slaughtered a pig on the temple altar and then jammed the mean down the throats of the priests – choking them to death.

When they see the Abomination caused by desolation happen, what should those in Judea do? vs16   

What else did Jesus say about those in Judea? Vs17   

What else? Vs18   

What do these three verses provoke you to feel about that day?   

Who will it be especially difficult for in those days? Vs19   

What should they hope/pray for? Vs20   

Read Mark 13:12.  What additional information does this gospel give?   

Back to Matthew.  What will there be at this time? Vs21   

This time in history will be so bad that if the days weren’t cut short, what would take place? Vs22   

For whose sake are the days shortened?   

Read Mark 13:20.  What do you learn about the elect?   

When this time comes, what did Jesus warn against believing? Vs23   

Why, what will appear? Vs24   

What will they have the power to do?   

 This verse addresses the disciples original question in verse 3.  What did Jesus say? Vs25   

Sequence of events:  go back over the verses listed below and write the “sign” so you can see the sequence

Verse 5   

Verse 6   

Verse 7a   

Verse 7b   

This is just the beginning

Verse 9   

Verse 10    

Verse 11  

Verse 12   

Verse 14   

Verse 15   

Monday, July 11, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Three

As you go through this chapter, in order to stay in context it will be important to keep in mind who Jesus is speaking to - the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law.  In other words, the Spiritual leaders of Israel. 

Jesus just finished answering the Pharisees question and left them feeling a little humiliated.  Then what did Jesus say to the crowds and the disciples? Vs1-2  

Because of this, what do the people have to be careful to do? vs3   

What should they NOT do and why?   

What did Jesus say about their laws/rules? Vs4   

What did Jesus reveal about the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law? Vs5-7 

Verse 5   

Verse 6  

Verse 7   

What did Jesus say about that term? Vs8   

Jesus is talking to spiritual leaders.  What did He tell them they aren’t to do? vs9   


Since He is speaking to spiritual leaders about spiritual matters, what do you think He means by this?  Are we not to call our birth fathers, father?

What else should they not be call themselves and why? Vs10   

Who is greatest amongst them? Vs11   

What is the explanation for all this? Vs12   

Jesus begins a list of condemnations for the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law.  What did He accuse them of doing? Vs13   

Some manuscripts use include the same words as Luke 20:47 here.  Read that verse.

What else did it say about the Pharisees and Teachers?   

What did Jesus say “woe” to them for in this verse? Vs15   

What did Jesus call them? Vs16   

Why are they doomed (woe’d)?   

They have it backwards; what did Jesus ask that reveals this? Vs17   

What else did they get backwards? Vs18   

Again, what did Jesus ask that reveals their ignorance? Vs19   

How did Jesus straighten this out? Vs20-21   

He goes further, what else did He say? Vs22   

Jesus continued His teaching to the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law.  Why did He say they are doomed (woe’d) now? Vs23   

Is Jesus saying that they shouldn’t tithe?   

What is Jesus showing them with this verse? Vs24       

Why are the Pharisees and Teachers doomed next? What does Jesus have against them?  Vs25   

What instructions did He give them? Vs26   

Now what did Jesus say they were woeful for? Vs27   

how did He explain this? Vs28   

How would a prideful heart respond?   

How would a humble heart respond?  

What else do these leaders do, that Jesus points out? Vs29-30   

When they say these things, what are they doing? Vs31   

What did Jesus tell them they will do? vs32  

What did He call them? Vs33   

What did He ask?   

What did He tell them He will send and that they would do? vs34        

What will they become responsible for? Vs 35   

Who will this come down on? Vs36   

Why do you think it will come down on them?   

Jesus lamented.  What was He saying? Vs37   

How were they left? Vs38   

When would they see Him again? Vs39   

What had been said when He came to Jerusalem this time?  Matthew 21:9    

Any additional thoughts on this chapter:

Monday, July 4, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Two

Jesus continues speaking.  He begins telling another parable.  What did He say the kingdom of Heaven is like? Vs1-2   

Who did the king send his servants to? Vs3   

What happened?   

What did the king do? vs4   

How did those invited respond? Vs5   

What did some do? vs6   

How did the king feel about it? Vs7   

What did he do?   

What did the king tell his servants? Vs8   

What did he instruct the servants to do? vs9   

What did the servants do? vs10   

When the king came into the guests, what did he notice? Vs11   

What did he ask? Vs12   

What was the man’s response?    

What did the king tell his attendants to do? vs13   

Why? Vs14   

Who is the king?   

Who is the son?   

Who were the servants?   

Who are the guests that wouldn’t come?   

Who are the guests that the wedding was opened up to?   

Why did the man without wedding clothes get thrown out?


Read Revelation 19:6-9 and Revelation 21:9-10

What wedding is the parable referring to?   

According to the parable, who would the bride be?   

Who are the uninvited guests that the wedding is opened up to?   

Who would the man be that didn’t wear the proper clothes?   

Read Isaiah 61:10, Revelation 22:14 and Revelation 3:4.

What are the proper clothes?   

Read Revelation 22:14-15.  What do you understand about the man from this verse?    

After hearing this, the Pharisees left and made some plans.  What were the plans for? Vs15   

What did the Pharisees do? vs16   

These people address Jesus with flattery.  What did they say they knew about Him? vs16   

When someone begins a question or comment with flattery or trying to butter you up, what can you usually expect?   

Then their question came which reveals why they brought the political Herodians with them.  What is their question? Vs17   

What had Jesus figured out about these people? Vs18   

How did He answer them?   

What did He ask to be shown? Vs19   

They brought Him a denarius.  What did He ask then? Vs19-20   

The answer? Vs21   

What did Jesus tell them?   

How were they affected by this answer? Vs22   

Explain what you think Jesus’ answer means:

The Pharisees left, but “that same day” who showed up? Vs23   

What does scripture tell us was significant about them?   

What did they go to Jesus with?   

What part of Mosaic law did they bring up? Vs24   

What example do they tell Jesus? Vs25-26   

What is their question? Vs27-28   

What did Jesus tell them? Vs29   

Remember what verse 23 told us about the Sadducees; they didn’t believe in the resurrection.  Jesus is addressing that.

What did He say would happen to people at the time of resurrection? Vs30 

 Jesus speaks of the resurrection of the dead by quoting scripture.  What did He tell them? Vs31-32   

 How did the crowd feel about His teaching? Vs33   

Who heard that Jesus silenced the Sadducees and what did they do because of it? Vs34   

An expert in the law had a question for Jesus.  What was his intent for this question? Vs35   

What did he ask? Vs36   

Jesus didn’t hesitate to answer.  What did He say? Vs37   

Which commandment was this? Vs38   

What is the second greatest commandment? Vs39   

What did Jesus say about these two commandments? Vs40   

What do you think that means? 

Jesus saw an opportunity.  What was the opportunity and what did He do? vs41   

What did Jesus ask? Vs42   

What is the reply?   

Now Jesus gives them a question to think about, what did He ask? Vs43-45     

How did they reply? Vs46   

What did the question cause them to do?