Monday, September 26, 2016

Esther Chapter Two

What are some of the characteristics of king Xerxes that we saw last week?

Queen Vashti was caught between a rock and a hard place and her decision caused her to be excommunicated from the king. 

So now, when did the king remember Vashti and the situation with her? vs1  

Persian laws could not be reversed once they were legally implemented.  Do you remember how long he had Queen Vashti sent out of his presence for?  (chapter 1:19)

He is probably having remorse about his actions because what do his attendants propose? Vs2 

How would this be done? Vs3 

Then what would happen? Vs4 

How did the king feel about this proposal? 

Who is there, in the Citadel of Susa and what do we learn about him? vs5 

How did he get to this place? Vs6 

Who is Hadassah? Vs7 

What other name is she known by? 

What is she like? 

What had Mordecai done when she lost her parents?  .

What happened to Esther when the king’s order had been proclaimed? Vs8 

What took place immediately? Vs9 

What special accommodations did she get? 

What hadn’t Esther done and why? Vs10 

Remember where Mordecai was employed (vs5).  Because of this what was he able to do? vs11 

What did a woman have to complete before she went before the king? Vs12 

What could a woman take with her when she went before the king in the palace? Vs13 

When did a woman go to the king when it was her turn? Vs14 

When would she return? 

Where would she return? 

When would she return to the king? 

When Esther’s turn came to go to the palace and be with the king, what did she take with her? vs15 

Who’s favor did Esther win? 

When did Esther’s turn come? Vs16 

How did the king feel about Esther? Vs17 

What did he do because of this? 

Then what did the king do? vs18 

While all of this is going on in the palace, what is Mordecai doing? Vs19 

Esther continued to follow his instructions, which one in particular? Vs20 

One day when Mordecai was working at the king’s gate, what were two of the king’s Eunuch’s doing? Vs21 

What were their positions; how close were they to the king? 

What did Mordecai over hear? Vs22 

What did he do with the information? 

Then what happened?  .

An investigation took place and what was found? Vs23 

What happened to the 2 Eunuchs? 

Where do you see God in this chapter? 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Esther Chapter One

Welcome to a study of the Old Testament book of Esther.
In 586bc Israel was invaded by Babylon.  Jerusalem was destroyed and captives were taken to Babylon under the direction of Nebuchadnezzer.  The prophet Daniel was one of those captives taken to Babylon. 
In 539bc (approx. 50 years later) Babylon is overthrown by the Persian king, Cyrus.  Under his reign, a group of exiled Israelites return to Jerusalem. (See Book of Ezra)  After living there for so long, there were many Israelites that may have decided not to make the trip but instead stayed in the Babylonian/Persian region.  It could be that they had made a home there and decided to stay where it was comfortable instead of returning to the unknown of a country that was in ruin.  Many were aging and the young may have only remembered their current home.  Or it may be that the first ones were sent to begin the rebuilding and prepare for the others to one day return.    These Israelites lived under the Persian rule of King Cyrus.
In 486bc (100 years after Israel was taken into captivity) Xerxes became king over Persia.  He was said to be impulsive and with an ego.  He had a winter palace in Susa, the southern part of the Medo-Persian Empire; east of Babylon. It is here that the events of this book take place.  They begin approximately 480 years before Jesus was born.
What are we going to read about in the following verses? Vs1 
Where is this king ruling from?  Vs2 
What happened in the third year of his reign? Vs3 
What could this be compared to in our time? 
What did the king do for 180 days prior to this event? Vs4 
When the 180 days ended, what took place and where? Vs5 
History reveals that he was preparing to invade Greece and the 180 days was for planning battle strategies and for providing confidence that he had the wealth and strength to carry out his plans.  It was said that Persian kings loved to show off their wealth, wearing lots of gemstones and even adorning gold jewelry in battle.
How would you describe the decorations for this banquet? Vs6 
How was the wine served for this large gathering? Vs7 
How much royal wine was there? 
How mch were the guests allowed to drink for 7 days? Vs8 
What was the Queen’s name?  vs9 
What was she doing during this time? 
How was the king feeling on the 7th day of celebration? Vs10 
He is about to command something; of who is he going to command?
Eunuchs were men in the king’s service that helped out with the kings women.  They were castrated men.  this was done so there wouldn’t be any male urges as they worked so closely with the women and so they would be completely devoted to the king and no one else.  (there was nothing to get in the way  of their service to the king or their loyalty to him – no wife, no children, no urges)
What did the king command? Vs11 
Why did he want to do this? 
What did the Queen do at this command? Vs12 
How did the king feel about that? 
What was customary in these types of matters? Vs13 
So what did the king do? 
What is noted about these men? vs14 
What did the king ask? Vs15 
Who spoke up and what did he say? Vs16 
What was the big deal to them? Vs17-18 
What do the wise men suggest that the king do about his wife? vs19 
What do they say will happen when this decree is proclaimed throughout the vast realm? Vs20 
How do all the men feel about this? Vs21 
So what did the king do? 
What news did the king send out all over his kingdom? Vs22 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Thank you for completing the study of Matthew along with me. 
I hope you will come back and join me in a study of the Old Testament book of Esther. 
That study will begin on September 19. 
The Book of Esther is ten chapters in length but we will complete it in nine weeks.  God is never mentioned in the book and yet His hand print is throughout it.   Even if you have read this book before, I think you will see things in it that you may not have seen before, through this style of studying each verse in itself. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Eight

Wow, we have reached the final chapter of Matthew.   Time to finish strong. 

What day does this chapter open with? Vs1   

Who went to look at Jesus tomb?   

Why do you think they went to look at the tomb?  (see Mark 16:1-3)   

What happened there? Vs2   

What was the angel’s appearance like? Vs3   

How does this compare to John’s vision in Revelation 1:16?   

Also, don’t forget Matthew’s description of the transfigured Jesus in Matthew 17:2. 

Who could this angel have been?     

What does this scripture tell us about the guards?  Vs4   

What did the angel say to the women? Vs5   

What else did the angel say? Vs6     

What message were the women to bring to the disciples? Vs7   

What did the women do? Vs8   

How do they feel?   

Why do you think they would feel this way?   

Who met them on their way? Vs9   

What did the women do?   

What message did He give them? Vs10   

Let’s explore these events further by looking at the other gospels. 

Mark 16:1-8.   Where did the women meet, or find, the angel?   

Read Luke 24:1-12.  How many angels does Luke say there were?   

Read John 20:1-18.

Write what you think are the Main points of this scripture. 

Now check to see if they vary or are the same in all 4 gospels. 

While the women run to tell the disciples, what else was taking place? Vs11   

What did the chief priests do? Vs12   

What did the chief priests instruct the soldiers? Vs13     

What if this report gets to the Governor? Vs14   

What did the soldiers do? Vs15   

How far did this lie get?    

From this point Matthew skips to Jesus ascension.  But there were other events that took place for 40 days before Jesus left earth.  To see the other events, read Luke 24:13-49, John 20:19-31 and John 21:1-25. 

John 20:19.  Where were the disciples that night?   

What were they afraid of?   

Here is an interesting thing that I don’t want us to miss… Look at Luke 24:44-45.  Jesus reminded the disciples of what He had said previously, then what did he open and for what purpose?   

What does this tell us that we need to do before we read or study the Bible?   

Back to Matthew 28. 

Where did the disciples go and why? Vs16   

How many disciples went?   

What did they see there? Vs17   

What did they do?   

Did everyone believe it was Him?   

What did Jesus say to them? Vs18   

How much power had been put in Jesus hands?   

Because of this, what did he instruct the disciples to do? Vs19   

What else were they instructed to do? Vs20   

What final encouragement did He give them?   

Read Luke 24:46-49.

What additional information does this gospel give us?   

Read Luke 24:50-51. 

What happened after His final words?   

Read Revelation 1:1, 1:12-18, & 5:1-6.

Where is Jesus now?   

Congratulations for staying with this Bible study and persevering to the end. 

I hope that you have learned more about God and have drawn closer to Him through it. 

I bless and encourage you to continue your journey through the scriptures and to grow deeper in your faith.

In order to be well-rounded believers, we must understand the whole counsel of God.  Therefore after spending a long time in the New Testament through Matthew’s Gospel, I am going further back and beginning a study of the Old Testament Book of Esther. 

I hope you will join me once again.  This new study will begin on September 19. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty Seven

Isn't it amazing that we are very close to finishing this book of the Bible.  It has been a long process.
Two more weeks....stay with it, let's finish strong!

At the end of chapter twenty-six, Jesus was arrested.

What took place in the morning? Vs1   

What did they come up with? Vs2   

What was Pilate’s title or position?   

Judas (who betrayed Jesus) must have stayed to watch what would happen to Jesus.  What did he see and what did he do? Vs3   

What did he admit to the chief priests? Vs4   

He tried to right his wrong.  What do the highest, most “religious” people say to him?   

What did Judas do with the money? Vs5   

Then what did he do?   

The chief priests picked up the coins and what did they say about them? Vs6   

What did they do with the money? Vs7   

Does doing something right cancel out a wrong?   

What was the bought field named? Vs8   

Prophecy was fulfilled by this.  What did the prophecy say? Vs9-10   

Jeremiah 19:1-11 & 32:69 tells the history of the potter’s field that the chief priests bought with the blood money.   

Where was Jesus? Vs11   

What was Jesus asked?   

What was His answer?   

At that, who spoke up with accusations? Vs12   

What did Jesus say to these accusations?   

Because of this, what did Pilate, the Governor, ask Him? Vs13   

How much did Jesus reply to all of this? Vs14   

Who was amazed by this?   

What was the Governor’s custom during the Jews Festival? Vs15   

At the time there was a well known prisoner, what was his name? vs16   

When the crowd gathered, what did Pilate ask them? Vs17   

He asked this because, what did Pilate know?   

While Pilate sat on the judges seat, what happened? Vs19   

What were the Chief Priests and Elders doing to the crowd? Vs20   

When the Governor asked which they wanted released, what did the crowd say? Vs21   

Then what did Pilate ask them? Vs22   

Their answer?   

What then did Pilate ask? Vs23   

What did the crowd say?  

What did Pilate see was happening? Vs24   

What action did he take and say?   

How did the people smugly answer Pilate? Vs25   

What did Pilate do? Vs26   

Go back to Matthew 26:1-2.  What prediction did Jesus make?   

Why have Jesus flogged if He was going to the cross to die anyway? 

Look at the events in the Gospel of Luke. 

Luke 23:4-5 – Look at what Pilate told the crowd.  What did they accuse Jesus of?   

What was said about how far He was doing this?   

Luke 23:6-7 – what did Pilate do when he heard this information?   

Luke 23:8-12 – Herod must have seen Jesus as a magician of some sort.  Why was he excited to see Him?   

Who was standing by, vehemently accusing Jesus to Herod?   

What did Herod and his soldiers do to Jesus?   

In verse 12, what took place that day?   

Read through Luke 23:13-25 to see how Luke recalls the events.


Back to Matthew.

What happened to Jesus after Pilate handed Him over? Vs27   

Then what?  Vs28   

Then what? Vs29   

Then what did the soldiers do? Vs30     

When they were done mocking, what happened? Vs31   

Who did they meet as they started the walk to the place of crucifixion? Vs32   

What did they force him to do?  

How do we know that this wasn’t Simon Peter?   

By looking at the verses in Matthew, would we know that Jesus started out carrying His own cross?   

What place did they come to, and what does it mean? Vs33   

What did the soldiers offer Jesus? Vs34   

Did He take it?   

Once they put Him on the cross, what did the soldiers do? Vs35   

What did the soldiers do? Vs36   

What was above Jesus head on the cross? Vs37 

Who was crucified there along with Jesus? Vs38   

How were they placed?   

What did the passerby’s do? Vs39   

What specific thing was said to Jesus? Vs40 

Who else mocked Him in a similar way? Vs41   

When did they say they would believe in Him? Vs42   

In what other way did they mock? Vs43   

Who also heaped insults on Him? Vs44   

Read Luke 23:39-43.

What do you learn in Luke’s version?   

What happened at an unusual hour? Vs45   

At what time did this happen?   

What happened at 3:00? Vs46   

What did some of them there think he was doing? Vs47   

What did one person do? Vs48   

What did the others say about this?  Vs49   

What happened next? Vs50   

Read John 19:30.  What were those last words Jesus cried out in a loud voice?

Read Psalm 22 and note the parallels of what we have seen in Matthew.

What happened at the moment Jesus gave up His Spirit? Vs51 





When the curtain tore in 2, was it torn from earth to heaven or from heaven to earth?   

 What does this indicate?  

What did the people of verse 51 do to solidify the miracle, or miraculous event? Vs53   

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.  When will this take place again?   

When the Centurion and the other guards of Jesus saw all these things, what was their reaction? Vs54   

Who was there watching from a distance? Vs55   

Why were they there?   

Who was among them? Vs56   

As evening approached, who went to Pilate? Vs57   

What had this person become?   

What did he ask Pilate? Vs58   

What did Pilate order?   

What did the man, Joseph, do? Vs59-60   

Who was sitting opposite the tomb? Vs61     

There are a few additional pieces of information in the other gospels to see.

Read John 19:38-42.  What else do you learn from John?   

Read Luke 23:50-54.  What day was it?   

What was about to begin?   

Back to Matthew.

The next day, after preparation day, would be the Sabbath.  What did the Pharisees do on that day? Vs62     

What did they say? Vs63-64   

What were Pilate’s instructions? Vs65   

How did they do this? Vs66   

Go back to Matthew 12:9-14. 

What did the Pharisees ask Jesus while looking for a reason to bring charges?   

What is it that the Pharisees are doing on the Passover Sabbath day? Vs62-66   

This was a long and difficult chapter with many events.  Reading about all that Jesus suffered and went through and then finally His death never gets easy for me.  But I’m always grateful for the chapter that follows….

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Matthew Chapter Twenty-Six, Part Two

Jesus and His disciples share their last meal together.  Even though Jesus had revealed all along what would one day take place, the disciples weren't prepared for what the rest of the night would bring...
What two things did they do after eating? Vs30   

At the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus tell His disciples? Vs31   

Jesus goes on to quote prophecy; Zechariah 13:7.  What did the prophecy say? Vs31   

Jesus told them that He would go ahead of them to Galilee after what? Vs32   

Who speaks up and what did he say? Vs33   

What sobering information did Jesus give back? Vs34   

How did Peter respond to Jesus? Vs35   

The group went to the Mount of Olives.  What garden did they stop at there? Vs36   

For what purpose was Jesus going off by himself?   

Who did he take with Him? Vs37   

How was His mood when He got them to Himself?   

What did Jesus tell them? Vs38   

He went a little farther away from them and what did He do? Vs39   

Go back to verse 27-28.  What was in the cup?   

When Jesus asked the Father that the cup be taken from Him, what was He asking?   

Knowing that this was the Father’s will, to bring redemption to humankind, what did He submit to?   

He went back to the disciples and what did He find? Vs40   

What did he ask?   

Why did He want them to keep watch? Vs41   

What did He say was willing?   

What did He say was weak?   

In verse 21 what did Jesus say was going to happen?   

In verse 28 what do we understand is going to happen?   

In verse 34 what did He say Peter would do?   

In the context of these segments of scripture, what do you think verse 41 means?   

What does this mean for us?   

Stop and think for a moment; what is your usual or normal response to temptation?  Have you ever actually prayed when you felt extremely tempted about something?

What did Jesus do a second time? Vs42   

What did Jesus pray?   

Look at the wording in the 2 similar prayers of verses 39 & 42.  What new insight did Jesus seem to learn?   

When Jesus went back to the disciples, what did He find? Vs43   

What did he do? Vs44   

Then what? Vs45   

What hour had come?   

Finally, He tells them to get up, we are leaving.  Who did he say was coming? Vs46   

While Jesus was still speaking to the disciples, who arrived and what did he bring with him? Vs47   

Who sent them?   

What had the betrayer arranged ahead of time? Vs48   

What did Judas do? Vs49   

What did Jesus say to him? Vs50     

Judas had travelled closely with Jesus.  He was part of His close knit inner circle and he did the unthinkable, he betrayed Jesus.  And yet, what did Jesus still call him?   

What did the officials do? Vs50   

What happened next? Vs51   

Read John 18:10 to see who drew the sword.  Who was it?   

Now read Luke 22:49-51.  What additional piece of information does Luke, the doctor, give us?   

What did Jesus say about this? Vs52   

What did Jesus say that He could do if He wanted to be rescued, and what would happen? Vs53   

Why didn’t Jesus do this? Vs54   

What did Jesus ask them all? Vs55   

Then, what did He point out?  

Why is this taking place this way? Vs56   

What did the disciples do?   

Where was Jesus taken and who was there? Vs57   

Who followed? Vs58   

What did he do and why?   

What were the gathering of Jewish leaders looking for? Vs59   


If it was “false” evidence that they were looking for, what does that tell you about the charges against Him?   

Did they find anything? Vs60   

Who had come forward?   

What did 2 declare? Vs60-61   

What did Caiaphas ask Jesus? Vs62   

What did Jesus say?  Vs63   

What did Caiaphas demand Jesus to tell him under oath of the living God?   

How did Jesus answer? Vs64   

What did Caiaphas call Jesus words? Vs65   

What did he say they didn’t need any ore of?   

Then what did he ask the group? Vs66   

How did they answer?   

Have you ever served as a juror?  How seriously did you, or would you, take that position?

Does it seem that this group had their minds made up ahead of time?

Why do you think, they never considered that He was the Messiah?

Once they decided what His sentence should be, what did they do to Him? Vs67 

What did they tell Him to do? Vs68   

Where do your views about God come from; passed down from parents, preaching by pastors, reading other’s thoughts or from scripture?   

What if our earlier training is wrong and so we are wrong, just as the chief priests, elders and Sanhedrin of Israel were?  

Where was Peter sitting? Vs69   

Who approached him?   

What was said to him?   

How did Peter respond? Vs70   

What did Peter do? Vs71   

What happened there?   

What did Peter say? Vs72   

After a little while what happened to Peter? Vs73   

How did Peter respond? Vs74   

What happened as soon as he finished speaking?   

What did Peter remember? Vs75   

What did this memory cause Peter to do?   


Have you ever suddenly realized that you denied Jesus?  If so, did it change you in any way?
Write your thoughts on this chapter: