Sunday, February 28, 2016

Matthew Chapter Six

Matthew Chapter Six

In chapter Five, Jesus showed us that belief and all sin begins with the heart, and not with outward appearance. 
Murder begins with anger, adultery starts with lust; instead of seeking revenge even when it is just, love your enemies and pray for those who do you harm. 
As He continues with this line of teaching, what did He say about practicing righteousness in front of others to be seen by them? Vs1   

What example did He give? Vs2   
When we give, what attitude or heart issue do you think we need to examine?   

When we give, how are we to do it? Vs3-4  

How do you think those who are receiving the gift for their needs would feel if it were announced and everyone knew of their need, or the giver made a big deal of themselves out of their need? 

I urge you to try this, at some point this week.  Find a need to fulfill or an act of kindness/encouragement and perform it without anyone else knowing that it was you.  And then, never tell anyone that it was you.  Let it be between you and God alone. 
Have you ever done this before?

Jesus talked about prayer.  What did He say not to be like? Vs5   
What do they do?   
What reward do they get for this type of prayer?   

How did Jesus say we should approach prayer? Vs6   
What does God reward for?   

Next, what did Jesus say not to do? vs7   
Who does this?   

Why is it that more words or longer prayers do not impress God? Vs8  

Read Luke 22:39-46.  Does this conflict with the Matthew teaching, why or why not?   

What is your prayer life like?

Jesus teaches how to pray, let’s break it down;
Who do we call out to in prayer? Vs9   
What do we recognize about Him?   

What do we ask for on earth, that also takes place in Heaven? Vs10   

What need do we ask to have filled? Vs11    

What measure of forgiveness do we ask for? Vs12   
If we are going to ask this, what had we better do for others?   

What are we to ask forgiveness for? 

What do you think that “our debts” means? 

What do we ask to be led away from? (or, in other words, strengthened against?) Vs13   

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13.  What does this verse tell us?    

Who do we want to be delivered from?   
According to the first part of this verse, what is something that he does to us?   

When will we be forgiven by our heavenly Father? Vs14   

When are we not forgiven by our heavenly Father? Vs15   

Does Jesus soften words here or is He rather black and white with this subject?   

Look at verses 14 & 15 in context with the other text it is with.  Does what Jesus said about forgiveness, apply to a certain situation?   

What did Jesus speak about next? Vs16   
What do the hypocrites do in this situation?   
What have they received when they act this way?   

How did Jesus say fasting should be done? Vs17   

Why? Vs18   

What do you think is the difference between the reward we produce ourselves in public, and the reward the Father gives in secret?   

This portion of scripture reveals what many of our so called “good deeds” are really done for, what is it?   

What did Jesus say about treasures on earth? Vs19   

What kinds of treasures might these be?   

What did Jesus say about treasures in Heaven? Vs20  store these up, they can’t be destroyed or stolen.
What types of treasures could these be?  Love, compassion, empathy, help, service (acts, not things)

What do our hearts follow? Vs21   

What is the eye? Vs22   
What happens when the eye is healthy?   

What happens when the eye is unhealthy? Vs23   

What light is Jesus speaking of?   

Remember the context of where we are in scripture, we are looking at treasure.  Therefore, if we say we are God’s people and yet we don’t value others over stuff or money, what does Jesus say about our darkness? Vs23   

How many masters can we serve? Vs24   
What two masters was Jesus speaking of?   
Can they both be equally important?   

How important are the two to you?  Which comes out as master in your daily life?

What would be good questions to ask yourself for determining who you serve?

We can’t serve both God and money, so Jesus wants us to serve God and not ______________________.  Vs25

What types of things do we worry about if we think about not serving money?   
Jesus says that life is about more than these things.  Who can we learn from? Vs26   
How do they live?   

Who feeds the birds?   
Who is much more valuable to God than the birds?   

If God provides daily for them, will He not provide daily for us?    Do you trust Him to?

If you truly surrendered your life to Him, do you think that He would provide for you?   

Why do you think it is so hard for us to keep that concept in our minds daily?   

Read Exodus16:14-18.  When Israel was in the desert after being released from Egyptian bondage, how did God provide for them?   
Did anyone not have enough?   

Read Exodus 16:35.  How long was Israel in the desert, eating only what the Lord provided?   
While in the desert, did the food ever run out?   

Why do you think that we get nervous and feel that we won’t always be provided for?   

What did Jesus ask? Vs27   

Who did Jesus say was dressed better than Solomon (the richest man ever) even though they don’t labor, toil & spin? Vs28-29   

How long does a single flowers bloom last?    

Does it seem like Jesus is tying together serving the god of money and worry?  In other words, do you think worry is one of the reasons that we serve money instead of trusting God?   

Read Genesis 1:26-27. 
Who did God create in His image?   
For what purpose did He create them?   
Were any of the birds, fish, livestock, wild things, etc. made in His image?   
Were any of those things created to rule over mankind or anything else?   

Back to Matthew 6:28-29. 
If God does all that He does for a flower bloom, how much would He care for us, who were made in His likeness?

If we are of the most value to God and yet we don’t realize and acknowledge that He would care for us at least as much as a bird or a flower, what does Jesus call us? Vs30   

What did He tell us about the things that we need? Vs31-32  

What should be our first priority? Vs33   
If we seek this first, what will we receive?   

What is Jesus admonishment? Vs34   

What are your fears?

Do you understand the love that God has for you? 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Book of Matthew Chapter Five

This chapter will take us through what has become known as the "Beatitudes" and into the Sermon on the Mount.  Try not to assume that you know what this part of scripture says or means, instead open your mind to possibly see it anew.    
Pray for understanding and dig in!

Chapter Five

Jesus had done a significant amount of healings.  People were bringing their sick, diseased, paralyzed, possessed, mentally ill and pain filled to Him and He was healing them all! 
Therefore large crowds came from all over to follow Him.  (chapter 4:25)

What did He do when He looked out and saw the crowds? Vs1 
Who came to Him? 

What did He do when they came? Vs2 

In most of the beatitudes, if we look at the reward, we can see what the first part is referring too.

What did Jesus say about the “poor in spirit”?  vs3 
Based on what is theirs, what do you think “poor in spirit” means? 

What did Jesus say about those who mourn? Vs4 
Based on this, what do you think that mourn means?    

What did Jesus say about the meek? Vs5     
What do you think meek means?   

What did Jesus say about those who hunger and thirst for righteousness? Vs6   
Based on how they will be blessed, what do you think it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness?  

What did Jesus say about the merciful? Vs7   
What does it mean to be merciful?   

What did Jesus say about those that are “pure in heart”? vs8   
What does Jesus mean by “to be pure in heart”? 
(See what David prayed in Psalm 51:10-11.)

What did Jesus say about the peacemakers? Vs9  
Based on the reward, what would being a peacemaker be?   

What did Jesus say about those persecuted because of righteousness? Vs10   
What do you think it is to be persecuted for righteousness sake?    
What would this look like in today’s world?   

The beatitudes are actually attributes of a faith filled life.  They go together to show what a child of God looks like.  Much like the “fruit of the Spirit.”

In the past verses Jesus referred to the blessed as “those”.  Who does He refer to being blessed now? Vs11   
When are these people blessed?  

What should they do when this happens? Vs12   
Who else had been persecuted this way?   

For argument sake…let’s look at the beatitudes as titles for the sermon that Jesus preached right after.  See if you find any correlation between the “title” and the teaching.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit” (the humble & submissive)

What are those that follow Jesus? Vs13   
What does He say about it losing its flavor?   

What are those that follow Jesus? Vs14   
What does Jesus say about a town on a hill?   
How do you think that relates to Jesus followers?   

What does He say about where to put a lit lamp and how it is effective? Vs15   

How do these analogies relate to us? Vs16   
Who is to get glorified by our deeds?   

“Blessed are those who mourn” (those who hurt)

Did Jesus say that He came to abolish, get rid of, the law & prophets? Vs17   
What did He come for?   

When will the law be abolished? Vs18   
How much of the law will remain until then?   

What will happen to anyone who sets the law aside and teaches others to? Vs19   

What will happen to anyone that practices and teaches the commands?   

How righteous (in Jesus teaching) did they have to be to enter Heaven? Vs20   
What do you think that this means?  (This would be a good place to stop and pray for God’s wisdom to understand.)

Judging by everything else that He taught previously, verses 3-16, what would “a righteous one” look like?   

“Blessed are the meek, (strength under control) for they will inherit the earth.”

What sin and law did Jesus bring up? Vs21  

What did He say about that sin? Vs22
According to this verse, what comes before that sin?  

Read Romans 3:23.  What does this tell us?   

According to Jesus example, how important is it to address your wrongs when you realize them? Vs23-24   

What can happen if you don’t settle matters quickly? Vs25   

When Jesus talked about being thrown in prison, how long would one be there? Vs26   
Was Jesus concerned about money?  Why else would He say this?  

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled, satisfied.”

What sin did Jesus bring up next? Vs27   

How did He redefine it? Vs28   
Where did this sin originate?   
Do you see a pattern here? 
Can you fill in the word in this sentence?  Outward sin is the result of ___________  sin.

What would be better than to allow ourselves to willingly sin? Vs29-30   
Could we still sin without an eye or a hand?   
What do you think Jesus point is with this teaching?    

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

What was the next subject that Jesus brought up? Vs31   

What did Jesus say about this? Vs32   

Jesus had been getting to the “heart” of the issue in this entire segment; He spoke to our attitudes and motives.  How do you think that verse 32 lines up with being a “heart” issue?   

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

What subject did Jesus bring up next? Vs33   

What did He say about making them? Vs34-35   

What else does Jesus say not to “swear by”? vs36   

This verse gets to His point.  What does He say about “swearing to God”? vs37  
Explain what you think this means:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

What has the law said? Vs38     

What does Jesus say about this law? Vs39-40   

What else did He say? Vs41-42   
(See explanation of the second mile below)

These verses relate to” the heart”; explain how:   

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”

What did Jesus say was the law regarding neighbors and enemies? Vs43   

How did He change that?  How should we respond? Vs44   

Why? Vs45   
How does God treat the evil and the good?   
When God provides the sun to warm the earth, help the crops to grow, and give light, does He leave anyone out?   
When He sends rain to water the earth and crops, does He leave anyone out?   

What did Jesus ask? Vs46   
How did He answer the question?   

He makes the same point again.  What did He ask this time? Vs47   

What do you think His point is in all this?   

What types of people do you think of as unlovable?   
Now let’s get personal, think about your life…who do you think of in your life that you find unlovable or difficult to love?

How did Jesus tell them to be? Vs48     
What??  What do you think that means?
Remember, the underlying message in this teaching is from verses 17-20.  

Do you feel like you learned something after studying this chapter more closely?

What stood out to you the most in this chapter?

Excerpt taken from The Biblical Second Mile Christian by Charles Shong
During those days, a Roman official could require any subject of the Roman Empire to bear a burden or carry a load for one mile. Some claim that several hundred years before Christ came, the Roman Empire enacted a law that forces every male Jews, young and old, to carry any Roman soldier’s burden when ordered anytime, anywhere.  No doubt such a law is true, as a man called Simon was compelled to carry the cross for the Lord Jesus Christ to Calvary for the crucifixion. Roman soldiers had no qualms in compelling anyone to do anything whenever they saw fit. They are the masters and others are their slaves. It was a privilege to be Romans during those days and they had special privileges and treatment above the people they ruled over. If you were a male Jew, living under the Roman Empire during that time, what would you have done if you were compelled to walk a mile
carrying the burden of a soldier? That soldier who approached you to compel you might be very rude and crude. Soldiers were not known to be polite anyway and being soldiers, they are prone to violence.  The burden he threw on the ground, which you were supposed to pick up, could be very heavy and even very dirty and smelly. You could probably smell his sweat on the dirt and sweat stained backpack he threw on the ground. You might be very busy having commitment to fulfill that day.  However, this soldier came along to mess up your day by compelling you to take a detour for a mile walk with his dirty heavy backpack. 
link to full article